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Relative Clause(關係子句)Part 1/2

Class __________ Name __________

1. which 關係代名詞(代替事物)
who 關係代名詞(代替人)
that 關係代名詞(代替人或事物)

1. The wallet which/that I left on the desk was stolen.
2. Do you know the customer who/that just bought the digital camera?
1. 在使用關係代名詞時須注意所用的格為何:
先行詞為事物 先行詞為人 先行詞為人或事物
主格 which who that
受格 which whom that
2. 關係代名詞 that 之前不可用逗點或介系詞。
3. 先行詞為人與物或先行詞前有形容詞最高級、序數、the same, the only, the very 等所修飾時,
須用關係代名詞 that。

1. 你看了我留給你的訊息了嗎?
Did you read the message ________ ________ ________ for you?
2. 我們需要一位至少有兩年教學經驗的老師。
We need a teacher ________ ________ at least two years’ teaching experience.

2. when 關係副詞(表時間)
where 關係副詞(表場所)
why 關係副詞(表原因)
how 關係副詞(表方法)
1. I can’t remember (the day) when I first met him.
2. He showed us (the place) where we were going to stay for the following weeks.
3. I would like to know (the reason) why he was absent today.
4. That’s how he deals with things.
1. 關係副詞 when, where, why 前面的先行詞可以省略(如上述例句)。
2. 先行詞若為 the time, the place, the reason 則關係副詞可以省略,如:
I can’t remember the day I first met him.
He showed us the place we were going to stay for the following weeks.
I would like to know the reason he was absent today.
3. 在使用關係副詞 how 時,現在英文通常只使用 the way 或 how 其中之一,例句 4 亦可寫成:
That’s the way he deals with things.

1. 大家都想知道她是在哪裡發現寶藏的。
Everyone wants to know the place ________ she found the treasure.
2. 我們必須找到我們輸掉比賽的原因。
We Should find ________ ________ ________ we lost the game.
3. 那就是他解決問題的方法。
That is ________ ________ he solved the problem.

3. what = the thing(s) that 複合關係代名詞

1. What he did to you is really unacceptable.
2. Parents always try to give their children what they want.
3. He is not what he used to be.
1. what 可當複合關係代名詞,相當於「先行詞+關係代名詞」,what 所引導的名詞子句可作主詞
(如例句 1)、受詞(如例句 2),或主詞補語(如例句 3)。
2. what 所引導的名詞子句作主詞時,接單數動詞。

1. 你所吃的食物,決定你是哪種類型的人。
You are ________ ________ ________.
2. 我今日的成就應歸功於我的父母。
I owe ________ ________ ________ to my parents.
3. 你從教科書上所學到的東西未必是對的。
________ you learned from the textbook ________ not necessarily true.

4. …N, who/which/when/where… 非限定用法

1. Taipei 101, which was completed in 2003, has become a new tourist attraction.
2. They first met in 1941, when the Second World War broke out.
1. 當先行詞為專有名詞或獨一無二的人或事物時,關係代名詞之前需加上逗點,
2. 相對於此用法,句型 1 和 2 的例句中,先行詞和關係代名詞或關係副詞之間沒有用逗點分開,

1. 愛因斯坦以相對論廣為人所知,是二十世紀最偉大的科學家之一。
Albert Einstein, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the theory of relativity,
is one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.
2. 很多人喜歡造訪以溫泉聞名的陽明山。
Many people like to visit Yangmingshan, ________ ________ ________ ________ its hot springs.

3. 在早春時,你真的應該造訪陽明山,在那兒你可以看到百花盛開。
In early spring, you really should visit Yangmingshan, ________ ________ ________ ________
many flowers in full bloom.

5. S + V…, which…
S + V…, and that… which 關代的特殊用法
The new vacuum cleaners are easy to carry, which caters to buyers’ need.
à The new vacuum cleaners are easy to carry, and that caters to buyers’ need.
關係代名詞 which 可以用來代替前面整個子句或句中的某部分,用以說明和解釋先前所提過的
子句或片語,此時 which 之前要加上逗號。

1. 他說他只花了一千塊就得到這部新車,這件事是真的。
He said he only spent one thousand dollars getting this new car, ________ is true.
à He said he only spent one thousand dollars getting this new car, ________ ________ is true.
2. 他讓我等了兩小時,這件事使我很生氣。
He kept me waiting for two hours, ________ ________ ________ very angry.
à He kept me waiting for two hours, ________ ________ ________ ________ very angry.

6. 關係子句 (a relative clause)

à to vi + prep 關係子句改成不定詞片語
à to vt
1. Sarah borrowed a pen with which she could fill out the application form.
à Sarah borrowed a pen to fill out the application form with.
2. I need something which I can eat.
à I need something to eat.
1. 注意從關係子句轉換為不定詞片語時,不要將介系詞遺漏。
2. 若為及物動詞則不須要加介系詞(如例句 2)。

1. 她需要一個可以講話的對象。
She wanted to have someone she could talk to.
à ______________________________________________________.
2. 他們需要一個盒子來裝情書。
They need a box in which they can keep their love letters.
à ______________________________________________________.
3. 他帶了條手帕來用。
He brought a handkerchief which he could use.
à ______________________________________________________.

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