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Grammar Test A | 04

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Choose the answer which best completes the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first.
1 They have a definite plan to hire ten new employees next month.
They ___ ten new employees next month.
A definitely hire B are definitely hiring C will definitely hiring

2 Is Kate likely to get promoted to the position of supervisor?

___ promoted to the position of supervisor?
A Will Kate get B Is Kate going get C Is Kate getting

3 The committee normally meets on Thursday, but this week, they have decided on Friday.
The committee ___ on Friday instead of Thursday this week.
A meets B will be meet C is meeting

4 Stella will be absent from today’s meeting – she has an emergency at home.
Stella ___ the meeting today – she has an emergency at home.
A doesn’t attend B not going to attend C won’t be attending

5 My flight is scheduled to leave at 5 am, so it’s easier to spend the night at an airport hotel.
My flight ___ at 5 am, so it’s easier to spend the night at an airport hotel.
A is leaving B leaves C will leave
___ / 5

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
take leave return develop work
is leaving
After working for the same company for five years, Sharon (1) _________________ next Friday to start the next
is going to return
phase of her life. She has planned the next step very carefully. First, she (2) _________________ to university
will take
to get a Master’s degree in marketing. She hopes this (3) _________________ two years, since she
is going to work
(4) _________________ will be developing
part-time at the same time. While she is studying, she (5) _________________ a plan
for her own business, which she hopes to get off the ground soon after graduating.
___ / 5

3 Complete the text with the correct words. Use just one word for each gap. EXTENDED
By the end of this year, my parents will have (1) _______ running their own home renovation company
for fifteen years, but they both swear that they are not going to continue for another fifteen. They (2) _______
probably not retire, since they are only in their early fifties, so they are busy discussing what their next steps
will be. One of their trusted employees, who will (3) _______ worked for them for ten years next month,
is probably taking over the company, and my parents have promised that they (4) _______ are going to be
meeting some new clients next week,
available to advise and support her. In the meantime, they are (5) _______
so I honestly don’t see how they are ever going to stop!
___ / 5

4 Translate the fragments in brackets to complete the sentences. You can use a maximum of five words.
will have become
1 At this rate, it seems likely that Paul _________________ (zostanie) a manager by the time he turns thirty.
isn't going to continue
2 After a lot of discussion, Kathy has decided that she ______________________ (nie zamierza kontynuować)
her education but has plans to start working instead.
will have been looking
3 By the end of the year, Sam _____________________ (będzie szukał) a job for six months.
will takeover
4 Who do you think ____________________ (przejmie) from the current CEO when she retires?
5 The committee _____________________
is not meeting (nie spotyka się) next week because several members won’t
be available.
___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 10 EXTENDED: ___ / 20

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