U4 Test PR GR A

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Unit 4 Poziom rozszerzony Test A

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 18 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat mobilności zawodowej. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 1–5 tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego
tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Speaker’s Name: (1) __________; ELZBETH eldalziel
Took her Bachelor’s degree in 1998
Studied English because it (2) was her passion not for career reasons
Did not pursue a Master’s degree because she wanted to start earning a living
in an advertising company
Her first job was (3) ___________ as an office assistant
Was eventually promoted to script writer in the company
working as an volunteer
Began (4) __________ for homeless young people
While working there, she realised that the organisation was poorly managed
With a career change in mind, she took some (5) __________ online management courses
She offered to reorganise the group and streamline their fundraising
She is now the manager of a non-profit organisation
___ / 5

2 Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery części (A–D), oraz pytania go dotyczące (1–5).
Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Uwaga: w jednej części tekstu znajdują się
odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.
In which paragraph does the author
1 mention people being trained and promoted by the same company? ___
2 describe a difference between past and present conditions? ___
3 talk about both the negative and positive aspects of a situation? ___
4 give some details of what first jobs might involve? ___
5 describe a conflict between short-term practical solutions and the job market reality? ___
Finding that first job after getting your degree is becoming more and more challenging. When your parents
were starting out, they could rely on the fact that companies were looking for educated young people
with little or no work experience to do menial or low-skill tasks. These so-called ‘entry-level’ jobs might involve
answering the phone, making travel arrangements, and helping to put together presentations. Young people
were willing to take on these low-level jobs on the understanding that, with hard work, they could be
promoted to positions that made better use of their skills and education.
Nowadays, however, it is harder and harder to find job listings which do not demand two to three years
of relevant work experience, even for entry-level positions. This puts university graduates in a difficult position,
since focusing on their education has made it difficult to take on paid work. If they do work part-time, it is
usually in service-industry jobs such as waiting tables, serving in shops, or doing manual labour, none of which
are relevant to their future careers. This leaves a lot of young people wondering how they can even get a foot
in the door when they seemingly have no chance of gaining the necessary experience.
One answer seems to be internships. As one expert on labour issues has said, ‘Internships are now the entry
level.’ University students who land an internship related to their field of study have a definite advantage
when it comes to finding their first real job. Although internships are normally unpaid, which may be
a challenge for less affluent students, they do offer the chance to gain the ‘relevant experience’ which is
so desirable in today’s job market. They also give potential employers a chance to gauge young people’s work
ethic, flexibility and ability to learn, which means that the best interns may end up actually becoming
the future employees of those companies.

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A major flaw in the system, however, is that internships are now considered so essential that the competition
for them is extremely fierce. This means that being offered one is not easy, so young people have to prove they
are worthy even to get a foot in the door at this level. One advantage to this, though, is that potential interns
are learning early on how to cope in an increasingly competitive job market. In other words, simply by getting
a good internship they are proving to themselves and to others that they can survive the challenges that
the working world throws at them.
___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 on strike.
The management refused to increase the wages, so the workers went _____
2 over from him.
Tom is leaving our company next week, and I have been asked to take _____
3 in my notice.
I realised I’d had enough of my job and decided to hand _____
4 out the company before going for my job interview.
I read their website to check _____
5 out some new rules for workplace behaviour.
The management are planning to set _____
___ / 5

4 Complete the text with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
As a child, my friend Ellen was always a born (1) l________, organising games and putting on impromptu plays,
during which she was always telling everyone what to do, so it was no surprise when she got a (2) h________-
p________ job in an important tech firm. It seemed too good to be true, but then she realised that the chief
(3) e________ she worked under wasn’t good at (4) d________ tasks to his workers and, as a result, he lost
control of the situation, which meant the company was in danger of going (5) b________. In typical Ellen style,
she went directly to the CEO and told him exactly what needed to be done to turn things around. Her advice
was accepted, and the company is highly successful once again, and Ellen is in line to become the next CEO.
___ / 5

5 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 The factory has had to decrease …
2 She had used up all her holiday, so she decided to take unpaid …
3 It is normal for electricians and plumbers to serve …
4 Celia is so ambitious that I’m sure she will climb …
5 At the age of fifty, Sam had saved up so much money that he decided to take …

A an apprenticeship before becoming fully qualified.

B the career ladder quickly and become a manager in no time.
C productivity because of the current labour shortage.
D early retirement and travel around the world.
E leave – because she didn’t want to miss her friend’s wedding.
___ / 5

6 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.
1 My employer doesn’t always _____________ (pokrywa moje wydatki) when I travel for work, which seems
2 Many professionals _____________ (podążają ścieżką kariery) which leads directly from university to a job
related to their studies.
3 At the end of the month, Carol _____________ (będzie pracowała) here for ten years.
4 Although he’s not the head of the company, he seems to _____________ (decydować) when it comes
to any big financial decisions.
5 If you _____________ (nie zamierzasz zgłaszać się) for that job, I think I’ll give it a try.
___ / 5

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7 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy
zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy,
tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery
wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
will have been studying
1 By the time he gets his doctorate, Pavel _____________ (study) at university for nearly ten years.
will propably take (probably / take) early retirement in order to
2 Although she is only fifty, Candace _____________
concentrate on her artistic endeavours.
will you have finished
3 _____________ (you / finish) the report by the end of the week, or do we need to extend the deadline?
is having meeting (have / meeting) tomorrow morning at 9.00 to discuss the current cash flow
4 The Board _____________
not going to accept
5 I’m _____________ (not / accept) if it means I have to move to another city!
___ / 5

8 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Going freelance after a lifetime of being an (1) ___ of the same company can be a daunting prospect, but that’s
exactly what my father is going to do. At the end of this year, he (2) ___ for the same firm of architects
for twenty years. Although it has been a reliable job, he has got tired of the office politics and poor
management, so he believes he will be able to work better on his own. One thing that is worrying him,
however, is that he is not sure he will find enough clients to support his business. He obviously (3) ___ clients
from his current employer, but they have told him that he can use his contributions to their projects
as examples of his work, so at least he will have some evidence of his experience and expertise. He realises that
he will be giving up a regular salary and (4) ___ leave in return for his independence, but he is ready to (5) ___
for his future, so he thinks it will be worth it. Actually, he has already been approached by one possible client,
who is planning to build a large, modern house, so it seems that he may actually make a success of his solo

A employer B attachment C applicant D employee
A will work B will have worked C will be working D has worked
A doesn’t steal B isn’t going to steal C will steal D isn’t going steal
A provided B earned C paid D made
A take responsibility B give credit C earn a living D meet deadlines
___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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