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Payroll eS aceon of accountir volved in the See aes cmployees for eee ‘ ; ess of actually calculating and distribu vices rel by them, Payroll refers to the process 0” n tibuty = ctl users (5 set up and implement salary structures, ranging from simple jg Teen depending on organization's requirements. An efficent payroll system provides an ene fre. vsccurate and timely employee payment while ensuring that the employment is well within the valid work permit, . ; 4 Shs, Sean area a ae seen Bh aaa cae we HE area Fee TAT sea | cere 1 ater area Heth te aah a or ie Frey eT HT ai cea @1 Te Seal a area St HARTA} AIR, AT Satz ae at aot Sar Sera et eT HE AR array wad aan aa eI cam ae Wire fen aaa, eae sie HH arta APTA WaPF aa, at ae Bfifian wan & Fr tore de aed aga Sofi aw tures of Payroll in Tally ‘The Major features of the Payroll functionality in Tally.ERP 9 are as follows: > tis fully connected with accounts to give you the advantages of simplified Payroll ng transactions im wage processing and accounting. It has user defined classifications and sub-classifications for comprehensive reporting. > This may be related to the employees, employee groups, pay components, departments etc, It provides the facility to create user-defined earnings and ‘deductions Pay Heads. Tt allows flexible and User-definable criteria for simple or complex calculations. It allows unlimited grouping of Payroll Masters. x user-defined production units i.e., attendance/ production/ time based revenue units. on eee It provides a flexible VVVV ides ayroll processing time period: It, provides comprehensiv st Centre as employee-wise costing reports. z abcovices an ee e timel y Salary Processing, Employee Statutory Deductions & Be B y e ry Contributions with the help of predefined processes. It provides auto- ill facility to expedite the Attendance; Payroll & Employer Contributions processes. Vvv : [75] ESI, EPF, Professional Tax, Gratuity t provides an accurate computation and deduction of goat supports in the generation of Statutory Forms, Jtallows drill-down to voucher level for any kind of alteration iefacilitates computation of due amount pertaining o prior tn ——— re supports in tracking employee loan details, cela ag TGR AHA ter MAHA sh Sreprafen oT BA F fore ye ea YS Be a atl ore, Rehan & fry aver font aie she aaa & ne ate, tad agg, Aor Bea, foam sae a efits a waa ae sera feos ara ate ach Sar eS aA af eT eT EI ae HE ier TOT F fore aten ate Serenata ara Arist at arqata Bar B ae tte Free Fara aR at erga aE : ae wet afte sere area aA Tg Be &, ai Toa seme rae TI wail > Fee wate We were ana safe we AT EI > Fem ae Fg F ra Ft arena aa fess We UAT FI Payroll Configuration “Activation of Payroll requires a one-time simple setup in Tally. ERP 9. Create a new company in Tally ERP 9 and follow the steps given below to enable Payroll Rita a1 atieaet A Set ERP 9 Hee Bee Beata a rae ert Se eH aE aH ATG aie tae aa HES fare fey Te ae a TTT EL Step 1: Company Setup (Go to Gateway of Tally > Company Info, > Create Company) Step 2:Enable Payroll (Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11: Company Features > press Fl: Accounting Features) Step 3: Enable Payroll Statutory Features (Go to, Gateway of Tally > press F11: Company / Features > press F3: Statutory & Taxation) Step 4: Press Enter to Accept the screen and go back to Fl1: Statutory & Taxation Features screent Step 5: Press Ctrl+A to Accept the screen, puaeels y 7 i y ” vvvv * Payroll Configuration k ‘Show Statutory Details 2 Yes Show Passport & Visa Details 7 Yes _ Show Contract Details ? Yes Information in Payment Advice, ra a above account is Pe enone? Payroll Configaration Screen ae is 1 Mh, _Areate Pay Heads _ “To Create Basie Wages Pay Head Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Pay Heads > Create fer eg ars ar a fe ts ele I > Rater STH > A HE click Pay Head Creation-Basic Wages Veh "Press Enter to Accept," i) la * Similarly, create Overtime Pay Head with On Production as the Attendance Type, Fl yan, softata var & oF sre wT steer YE aa wa SI _pEimployee Groups Businesses with various departments, divisions or functions may create the required employee groups and classify individual employees under a specified group i.e., Production, Sales, Marketing Stores, Support or a particular group of employees such as managers, supervisors, sub-staff and so on. fei fei, fesort an oral ana oreera onereams arora agg ae aaa & ah we fife we 3 Wea ema aoterd aga aR aaa FSR, see, fas, fy, we, amie aaa Sw ferara aye Sa waa, Tea, s-anked ai ante * To create Sales as an Employee Group: Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Employee Groups > Create + _ In the Employee Group Creation screen 1. Select Primary Cost Category as the Category (You cap also create ‘a separate cost cles0"Y : st based on respective categories) , 2. Type Sales as the Name of the Employee Group 3. Select the group as Primary (Tally.ERP9 allows an unlimited grouping of Employee Groups (77) Category Name Sales (alas) Primary Cost Category Under 4 Primary accept? Define Salary Details Yes Yes or No Employee Group Creation Seren 4. Press Enter to Accept the Employee Group Creation soreen similarly, create the other gmployee Groups such as Administration and R&D. , , Employee Groups (Multiple) ‘To create multiple Employees’ group, ag aoterd oe > fore, Go to Gateway of Tally> Payroll Info.> Employees > Create (under Multiple Employees) «Select the Employee Group under which all the employees should be created in the Under Employee Group field. If an independent employee is to be created, select AUl Items in this field «Under the Category field, select the Employee Category under which the group is to be created, By default, Primary Cost Category is selected in this field © Mention the employee name under the Employee Name field “s_Inthe Under field, select the Employee Group under which the recently created employee is to be categorized + Enter the joining date in the Date of Joining field ting units ‘A unit of measurement based on which pay heads are calculated is termed as payroll unit. prod units can be divided into two types viz., Siniple Payroll Units ‘and Compound Payroll Units. Se ek Pe ne eR or a fo Hs Fe BS red art fase fara on eT &, 38 ee es eat aire ares VILA i (781° in © Simple Payroll Units: Individual units such as Hours, Day, week ete. are referred as simply payroll units, © Compound Payroll Units: Those units which called Compound payroll Uni For example- month of 26 dat ae gareen eh VA ee ee eens Bare E sere fore 26 Fe Ae, 60 fire a Ua _ Wai, Bi compound Ver SHEA He SH El ; , For example, an employee is paid a regular salary and an hourly rate for the overtime hours. In this case, the two likely units are Calendar Month and Hours. In Tally.ERP9, we can }\ create simple as well as compound units, By default, Tally.ERP 9 contains four preset Calculation "Ty Periods - Days, Fortnights, and Months& Weeks. However, we can also create new Payroll Units * based on our business needs. am arfant ah frafina dar ait staceren wai oh fore sft Her at eX aT TAA Foe Sie G1 gy ane 4, 2 donfer geet Hater eT Bik vB Set ERP 9, Her ae SR Airs Se aa aH $1 fewtee a 4, Tally ERP9 9 aK yea a et Be GAT Se: fe, 1/2 HET SN Tes Ga F1 ais, Bae Saar St sec S sr wae ae seal ht aT Tea SI -Simple Payroll Units Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Units (Work) > Create , L > In the Unit Creation screen a. It is defaulted as the Type of Unit b. Specify Hrs as the Symbol ¢. Type Hours as the Formal Name 4 e are combination of two simple units are an Hour of 60 minutes, are termed as compound payroy, units., . Specify 2 as the Number of Decimal Places Press Enter to Accept Ne. Similarly, create Minutes as another Simple Unit. | Unit Creation H Type : Simple Symbol: Hrs i Formal name: Hours Number of decimal places: simple payroll creation units a 79] URE “Compound payroll units Create Hrs. of 60 minutes as a Compound Unit. > In the Unit Creation screen: ; a. Press Backspace and select Compound as the Type of Unit b. Specify Hrs. as the First Unit c. Enter 60 as the Conversion d. Specify minutes as the Second Unit e. Press Enter to Accept the Unit Creation screen. nes wn mutter Faetors Tes Agta Ft Conwin Sk hes 60 t Compound Payroll Creation Screen lonoo Attendance /Production Types Attendance/Production Type masters are used to record the nature of attendance/ production ie., time and work rate. In Tally.ERP 9, you can create Attendance types based on time such as Present and absent or based on work based production units such as Piece productions, Sales performance and so on. ‘sofaf/Sered THR ASN, Sofeatea/sraes at saheataata st wate feats wea S fore, sea fraser 8, 38 fe ara otk ard ce Set ERP 9A, oa RA aA S ree eR Safeafa wa aT THAT Fa soften stteraieca a am sents SIF FHT FA piece Trea, feral weRTA sie aA | nm Present Attendance Type Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Attendance / Production Types > Create In the Attendance Type Creation screen. 1.” Type ‘Present’ as the Name of the Attendance type . Mention the group as Primary in the field ‘Under’. By default primary is selected. Select Attendance/ Leave with Pay as the Attendance Type and the Period Type appear as Days, by default. 4. Press Enter to Accept the Attendance Type Creation screen. Similarly, create another Attendance Type as Absent. Enter Leave without Pay in the field Attendance Type. Attendance/ Production Type Creation Screen [80] I. Absent Attendance Type The completed Attendance Type Creation scl ‘Attendance/ Production Type Creation seen is displayed as shown: afta waar eURrT GHIA FH WIE FTA zl | | Name Present | (enas) | | | | Under {Primary anenaancetype «Attendance /Leave | Period type Days ‘Accept? “Yes oo} Attendance/ Production Type Creation Press Enter to Accept the Attendance Type Creation screen. _AIL Overtime Production Type Creation screen is displayed as shown below: Vv “24 Primary : Praduction : Hrs of 60 Mins Attendance/ Production Type Creati reation Eres Enter to Accept the Production Type Creation scréen. a! ar BH aR BAB fore Enter zane _Ateating Salary Details Those Busin i ‘Seon Arenlor rach havea common Pay structure for a particular department or eniployees under the specified eae, details for each employee group and classify individual roup to inherit the parent ‘ i pay values. The Salary Details maser consi of dit on Eps Groin ple vay tat Tall TERE also all gs and deductions pay components for the Specific period. ‘ally. so allows you to set up individual employee salai ne. applicable for Employee groups ; yee salary details with all parameters eg 0 Be, covert a fe, fail as ere fen on auttenfl oye a fee, er et Aa AT rt B, ae caotterd) ares oh fea, aa FevateN aa aft nftag ae raid 1 Bef RPO arpa attend anit & farm, a aan rede Bt eaPATTA saatendh era Pree zone ae AY aT ah tan 1 : ‘To define Salary Detatls for employees, Go, to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Salary petalls > Create, pany => Salary Details Creation Scteen _Ssfeet Vijay Kumar from the List of Employers and press Enter in the Salary Details screen, «Select House Rent Allowance as the second Pay Head and press Enter © Select Conveyance as the next Pay Head ° © Specify, 800 as Rate and press Enter Select Overtime Pay as the Pay Head © Specify 55 as the Rate and press Enter Select Variable Pay as the Pay Head and press Enter Select Professional Tax against the Pay Head and press Enter Contribution @ 12%, Employee's ESI Contribution @ 1.75% as Select Employee's Head and ptess Entet, *¢ Select the Gratuity Expetises (Provisional) ledger and press Enter (In gase of Employees ible for Gratuity, the Gratuity Expenses fedger should be included in the Salary details of the tive Employve for provisional assessitient of Gratuity) tonto joins pra paseo para icine sete i a Pet Mr. Vijay Kumar is displayed as Show te tion screen for The completed ils Creal ay homer) [nerve Vier is 6 # satay iets st Taicatniion Type Computed Op lute Fay Tost TP _ 1 i } arEmployees [On Attendance | Basic Pay jonor stoves eserves As computed Vat Basie Pay |noowe Rem Earn jor Employees Fiat Rate Mame Rem tewance eel aor eremneres | sn Yio Earnings for Employers IAS Computed Vatue| On Current Earnings Tory Computed Vat| Basie Pay earnest oer Dahon As Envir 2700 sa Compared Val ‘Connibution Emrloyece’ Sti ans feos winters 5% ‘ Jetty Expenses revisions Geawiy Vijay Kumar Salary Details Screen Poy ant tag ny, her Types RP 9 Payroll provides us with three kinds of vouchers: Tally. ERp 9 tia €4 Ga aR SH ASAT FEM UA: - Payroll Vouchers \ttendance Vouchers © Payment Vouchers. . We can define a template called Voucher Class in order to automate and control usage of ledger accounts and calculated values to be posted. It is a powerful and configurable option that enables us to define the rules of voucher entry for a particular voucher type. It also helps in speeding up the process and minimizes data entry for posting a voucher. Although, creating a Voucher Class is not mandatory, See ae eae aR mT ae ate aT at aed TS auton faUAN were Rae Sep hha x ee Seve at aia eevee i a at, USER Uke BY & fore Sar fate a ape are BI eels, We can see existing vouchers in Tall : ly.ERP 9 i GH eet gored 9 F ge area wt Fin a eae ar Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info, > Vy ' ere ¢ Voucher ‘Iypes > Alter [83] __ The List of the Voucher Types is displayed, we can chose the required Voucher Type and E the same to create the Voucher Class as per our need, i oR war a ait veils at ott 8, Tarra sere we fhe oreo 9 are CR RR ee et i

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