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Effects of Short Cars on Bridges and Track

Anna M. Rakoczy, Ph.D. Duane Otter, Ph.D., P.E.

Transportation Technology Center, Inc. Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
55500 DOT Rd 55500 DOT Rd
Pueblo, CO 81001 Pueblo, CO 81001
Telephone: 719-584-0782 Telephone: 719-584-0594

Colin Basye
Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
55500 DOT Rd
Pueblo, CO 81001
Telephone: 719-584-0767

Number of Words

Transportation Technology Center, Inc. is investigating the effects of minimum length interchange cars on
infrastructure. Data from the railroad industry equipment database shows the number of cars shorter than
48 feet have increased during the last 5 years, and the majority are approximately 42-foot-long cars. The
areas of particular focus are those that might be different as compared to standard 53-foot cars.
Preliminary studies identified bridges and embankments as areas of research.

Analysis of various bridge span lengths was performed to select the spans with maximum difference in
deflections and stresses due to short cars. The findings of the comparative analysis shows that shorter
cars will cause larger maximum moment on bridge spans of 60 feet and longer.

Finite element models were developed for four steel spans at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
(FAST) — measuring 24 feet, 4 inches; 31 feet, 10 inches; 55 feet, 6 inches; and 64 feet, 8 inches and
three longer revenue service bridge spans. The three longer spans show 20-35 percent higher stresses
due to short cars when compared to stresses due to longer cars. The four spans at FAST show similar
effects under both short and standard length cars. As expected, only a slightly difference was observed
on the longest span.

In 2015, four steel spans at FAST were tested under train operations with two different car lengths. The
data confirmed the analytical calculation. The three longer spans will be tested in 2016 to verify the
predictions of higher stresses under shorter cars.

The increase in shipments in short railcars may increase the loading on some bridges. The short 42-foot
cars are about a 25 percent increase in load per unit length compared to standard length (53-foot) rotary
dump coal cars. For example, five 42-foot cars can fit on a 210-foot span, instead of only four 53-foot
cars. Increased weight per foot of length can also affect track embankments and bridge approaches.
Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) has conducted research on the effects of short cars on
bridges and track (1, 2). This paper focuses on: (1) identifying the most common type of short cars, (2)
determining span lengths most likely to be affected by shorter cars, (3) calculating peak stresses for
various span lengths of bridges that were tested or will be tested in the near future, (4) comparing the
bridge performance under short 42-foot-long cars and standard 53-foot-long cars, (5) providing fatigue
stress ranges for considered span lengths, and (6) presenting the effects of short and standard length
cars on track subgrade.

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For the purpose of this study, heavy axle load (HAL) cars are considered to be cars with a gross rail load of
286,000 pounds or more. Since 2010, the overall number of railcars recorded in the UMLER® database
increased about 5 percent, and the number of all HAL cars increased 19 percent. The biggest increase
was seen in short HAL cars — the number of cars shorter than 42 feet doubled indicating that the vast
majority of the increase in HAL cars is short cars. Figure 1 shows the increase in the portion of short cars
(< 48 feet) as a percentage of the entire car fleet. Figure 2 shows the number of HAL cars in the
UMLER® database from 2010 to 2015 that are less than 48 feet in length compared to the number of
HAL cars less than 42 feet in length.

Car statistic base on the length and weight, %

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Other than HAL cars Longer HAL cars Short HAL cars < 48 ft.

FIGURE 1. Car Statistics from 2010 to 2015

Quantity of rail cars based on the Umler data
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Short HAL cars < 48 ft. Short HAL cars < 42 ft.

FIGURE 2. Quantity of Short Cars from 2010 to 2015

The covered hopper is the most common of all short HAL cars. UMLER shows 85+ percent in 2010 and
90 percent in 2015 of all HAL cars shorter than 42 feet are covered hoppers. HAL cars shorter than 48
feet are primarily covered hoppers — about 62 percent in 2010 and 70 percent in 2015. Figure 3 presents
statistics of various car types shorter than 48 feet, and Figure 4 presents statistics of short covered
hoppers of various lengths.
Car type statistic with length < 48 ft. and HAL





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Covered Hopper Equipped Gondola Equipped Hopper
Gondola Tank Car Unequipped Hopper

FIGURE 3. Statistics of Various Type Short Cars, 2010 to 2015

© AREMA 2016® 837

Statistic of Short Covered Hopper with HAL





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

length 36 - 40 length 41 - 42 length 43 - 45 length 46 - 48

FIGURE 4. Statistics of Short Covered Hoppers, Various Lengths, 2010 to 2015

The equivalent Cooper loading is based on the design loading recommended by the American Railway
Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA) (3). The new railroad bridges are designed
for Cooper E80 loads. However, a large portion of the current steel bridge inventory was designed for
Cooper E60 and less. The equivalent Cooper loading due to short cars exceeds E60 for spans longer
than 225 feet and this can be a problem for older bridges with Cooper ratings of E60 and less.
In this study, the equivalent Cooper loading was calculated for bridge spans from 5 to 400 feet long. The
Association of American Railroads (AAR) allows three types of short cars: AAR 41 feet, 10.5 inches (with
truck centers of 27 feet, 4 inches), AAR 41 feet, 11 inches (with truck centers of 28 feet, 4.5 inches), AAR
41 feet, 11.5 inches (with truck centers of 29 feet, 5 inches). Figure 5 shows the effect on spans less than
60 feet is lower for a 41-foot, 10.5-inch car with a truck center of 27 feet, 4 inches than for a 53-foot coal
car. Also shown in Figure 5, short cars have greater equivalent Cooper loads compared to standard
length 53-foot cars on spans 60 feet and longer. A typical six-axle locomotive governs for spans from 55
to 80 feet long.

Equivalent Cooper Loading (E)

Above current inventory
6-Axle Loco
AAR 41'11"
53'0" Coal Car
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Span length (ft)
FIGURE 5. Equivalent Cooper Loadings on Spans up to 400 feet


Four steel spans at FAST — measuring 24 feet 4 inches; 31 feet 10 inches; 55 feet 6 inches; and 64 feet 8
inches — were modeled using LUSAS Software and analyzed under train operations with two different car
lengths. The two shortest spans are located on a 5-degree curve with 4 inches of superelevation, and the
two longer spans are on a tangent alignment. These four spans were instrumented to measure strain gages
and deflection and tested to validate the FE models. In addition, three more spans were modeled: a 115-foot

838 © AREMA 2016®

deck plate girder (DPG) span, a 110-foot truss, and a 200-foot truss. The three longer spans will be tested in
Details of the bridge spans at FAST can be found in a previously published Technology Digest (4). The
three-dimensional analysis provides results for the entire structure. The FE models include all members
and the track structure (rail and ties).
Displacement and stresses were calculated under various loads for each entire span. Typical 53-foot cars
and AAR 41-foot, 11.5-inch (with 29-foot, 5-inch truck centers) short cars were considered in the analysis.
To validate the models, the same test train configuration as the planned test was used and the peak
stresses were further analyzed and compared to the test data. Figures 6 and 7 present vertical
displacements on the 64-foot, 8-inch DPG and 200-foot truss due to a train made up of short cars.

FIGURE 6. Vertical Displacement of 64-foot, 8-inch Span

FIGURE 7. Vertical Displacement of 200-foot, Truss Span

The peak stresses due to the two car types were compared and are presented in Figures 8 and 9. An
increase in the loading effects for the short cars (~42 feet long) was evident on longer spans. All FAST
spans were showing similar stresses due to short and standard length cars. Slightly larger maximum
stresses were noticed for shorter cars on the 64-foot, 8-inch span. More significant differences between

© AREMA 2016® 839

maximum stresses of shorter cars and standard length 53-foot cars were observed on the 115-foot DPG
span, and two trusses (110 feet and 200 feet in length).
The 115-foot DPG had 28 percent higher stresses at mid-span due to short cars when compared to the
standard length cars. In the truss members, the difference between the two car lengths depends on the
location of the member. In the 110-foot-long truss, diagonals and bottom chords have about 15 percent
higher stresses due to short cars when compared to the standard length cars and a 26 percent difference
is evident in the upper chords. The stresses in the 200-foot-long truss due to short cars are 20-35 percent
higher than for standard length cars.

[ksi] Peak Stress at Mid-Span of DPG

42 ft car 53 ft car




24ft-4in 31ft-10in 55ft-6in 64ft-8in 115ft

FIGURE 8. Calculated Maximum Peak Stress at Mid-span

[ksi] Peak Stress in Trusses

42 ft car 53 ft car



Bottom Upper Diagonal Bottom Upper Diagonal
chord Chord chord Chord
110 ft 110 ft 110 ft 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft
FIGURE 9. Calculated Maximum Peak Stress in 110 feet and 200 feet Trusses


A member railroad provided 12 short cars for testing at FAST to determine the differences in bridge
response in comparison to standard length cars (e.g., 53-foot coal gondola or open top hopper). The test
train included one locomotive; one instrumentation car (passenger car); twelve covered hoppers

840 © AREMA 2016®

(approximately 42 feet long representing AAR 41-foot, 11-inch (28-foot, 4.5-inch truck centers), weighing
286 kips); six coal gondola or open top hoppers (53 feet long, weighing 286 kips); and six coal gondola or
open top hoppers (53 feet long, weighing 315 kips).
Test runs were made at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 45 mph to evaluate the effects of the different car types at
various speeds. Variation in speed provides information about potential dynamic impact. The good
conditions of the bridge approaches at FAST and the maximum allowable speed of 45 mph did not
indicate any difference in the dynamic effect between the short and standard length cars. For each
speed, two to three train passes were made in each direction (clockwise and counterclockwise). In
addition, runs were made over all bridges at 2 mph, which is considered a static speed.
The test included many components: collection of wayside data using the FAST Truck Performance
Detector system (to evaluate vertical and lateral forces), stresses and deflection measurements of all
three bridges at FAST, instrumented wheelsets, and geotechnical transducers in a low track modulus
Strains and displacements were recorded for all four steel bridge spans. The strain gages were placed at
mid-span and quarter point locations, while the displacements were measured only at mid-span. The train
ran in clockwise and counterclockwise directions over the bridges at various speeds. Figure 10 presents
typical stress histories for all four spans recorded during the test. Peaks in the blue box are due to short
cars weighing 286,000 pounds, those in the red and green boxes are due to standard length cars
weighing 286,000 pounds and 315,000 pounds, respectively. It should be noted that each pressure pulse
shown includes four wheels under two adjacent trucks from adjacent cars, and each valley corresponds
to the distance between two trucks under a single car.

© AREMA 2016® 841

FIGURE 10. Test Train Stress Histories for FAST Steel Spans
Peaks were analyzed and average peak stresses were calculated for each data set. As predicted, the
difference in magnitude of peak stresses measured under train operations with two different car lengths
was not significant for the short bridge spans at FAST. In some cases, maximum stresses due to short
cars were a bit lower than due to the standard length cars. The reason for that is to the resulting increase
in spacing between adjacent trucks of coupled cars. The short cars used in the test were 42-foot cars with
a truck center spacing of 28 feet, 4.5 inches. The only noticeable difference in stress magnitude is for the
standard length 315,000-pound car, which was expected. The effect of direction (clockwise or
counterclockwise) was very minimal and may be considered to be within the tolerance of the
measurement. The influence of different speeds on bridge spans located on tangent track was also

842 © AREMA 2016®

minimal. The variation of stresses due to train speed is noticeable on the spans located on the curve. This
variation, however, is correlated to account for the superelevation and it is consistent through both spans
and for all four measurement locations within the span.
To validate previous developed FE models, the stresses from the models were compared to the test data
collected at FAST. Figure 11 presents a comparison between the test data from the north and south
girders and the FE models. In the test data, the stresses on the north and south girders are slightly
different; while in the models, both girders are the same since the models are created to be symmetrical.

Peak Stress on 64' 8" Span

North South FEA
Stress, ksi

286k 42ft 286k 53ft 315k 53ft 286k 42ft 286k 53ft 315k 53ft
Mid-span Mid-span Mid-span Quarter Quarter Quarter
FIGURE 11. Comparison of the Test Data and FE Model

The simple analytical calcuation indicated that the longest span at FAST (64 feet 8 inches) had slightly
higher moment (about 5 percent) due to short cars as compared to standard length cars. FE modeling of
the 64-foot, 8-inch span shows a negligible difference at the center of the span, but visible effects at
quarter span locations (about 7 percent higher). The test data confirmed that the quarter span location of
the 64-foot, 8-inch span has slightly higher stresses due to short cars when compared to stresses due to
the standard length car (about 4 percent). However, the measurements also show a small variation
between north and south girders.


Equivalent moments were also calculated based on moment histories developed for each span length
and due to the short and standard length cars. The stress range comparison is presented in Figure 12
and 13.
In terms of fatigue stress ranges, detrimental effects of shorter cars were not observed. For all DPG
spans, 53-foot standard length cars caused larger equivalent moments due to larger intermediate cycles,
as expected. On shorter spans, longer truck spacing in 53-foot cars caused intermediate cycles to be full
range cycles, from 0 to peak stress. While, stress histories for longer spans show that the intermediate
cycles are higher due to the 53-foot cars — the example of stress histories is shown on Figure 12 for 55-
foot, 6-inch DPG. Longer truck spacing in 53-foot cars produced greater unloading, resulting in larger
intermediate cycles. Comparison of stress ranges due to short and standard length cars at mid-span
locations is presented in Figure 13.

© AREMA 2016® 843

Stress Histories

Stress, ksi

0 MidSpan_42ftcars
0 200 400 600 800
MidSpan_53ftcars Time, s

FIGURE 12. Stress Histories on 55 feet 6 inches long DPG

Equivalent Stress Range at Mid-Span of DPG
42 ft car 53 ft car




24ft-4in 31ft-10in 55ft-6in 64ft-8in 115ft
FIGURE 13. Stress Ranges at Mid-span of DPG Spans

In the truss members, the difference in stress ranges between short and standard length cars depends on
the location of the member. Most of the members showed higher stress ranges due to short cars when
compared to standard length cars. However, the stress ranges are very small – less than 1.5 ksi, as
shown in Figure 14. In this case, the effect is negligible, because stress ranges that small do not produce
fatigue damage.

844 © AREMA 2016®

[ksi] Equivalent Stress Range in Trusses
42 ft car 53 ft car



Bottom Upper Diagonal Bottom Upper Diagonal
chord Chord chord Chord
110 ft 110 ft 110 ft 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft
FIGURE 14. Stress Ranges in 110-foot and 200-foot Trusses
The effects on subgrade were evaluated in the low modulus track section at FAST, comparing subgrade
pressure transducer readings for short and standard length cars. The soil in the FAST low modulus track
section is high plasticity clay with a current moisture content of approximately 26 to 28 percent, compared
to the original 33 percent (5), and it is surrounded by a 30 millimeter liner on three sides to retain
moisture. Competent native silty sand surrounds the clay on three sides. The track modulus is
approximately 2,000 lb/in/in. Removable transducers were installed in this section to record lateral and
vertical pressure at different locations to evaluate geotechnical track performance.
The shallow and deep lateral earth pressure transducers were located 18 and 30 inches, respectively,
below the top of the clay with the vertically oriented sensors parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rail.
Similarly, the shallow and deep vertical pressure transducers were also located 18 and 30 inches below
the top of the clay, but they were positioned so that the sensors were parallel to the long axis of the rail
and looking upwards towards the rail (Figure 15).

FIGURE 15. Location of the Transducers

Lateral and vertical soil pressures were recorded for clockwise and counterclockwise train movement at
various speeds. Overall, there was no significant difference in magnitude of peak subgrade stresses
measured under train operations with two different car lengths. The effect of the speed and direction was
very minimal, and it may be considered indiscernible with respect to the measurement accuracy.
It can be noted that the short cars exerted approximately the same peak pressure values as the standard
length cars of the same weight, but the relaxation interval; i.e., the valleys between the pressure pulses,
are closer together. Thus, the soil pressure is influenced by the interaction of both the overlying wheelsets

© AREMA 2016® 845

and adjacent wheelsets. The closer truck wheel spacing of the 42-foot cars resulted in this “retained”
energy at all speeds observed (Figure 16), which results in residual stress in the soil.

FIGURE 16. Example of Residual Retained in Soil

The undissipated soil stress is immediately manifest between pressure pulses, and depending on soil
properties, may build, decrease, or remain constant. Figure 16 shows a slightly decreasing trend in the
state of the stress in the soil, but the residual stress is a relatively small component of the total induced
pressure. Additional work is planned in 2016 to understand the mechanisms of the residual stress and
how it may affect subgrade performance under other conditions.


Exploration of UMLER® data shows that the most common short HAL car is the 42-foot covered hopper.
The analysis of various span lengths, using simple supported beam assumptions, shows that short cars
have greater equivalent Cooper loads compared to standard length 53-foot cars for bridge spans 60 feet
and longer. The difference is more prominent on bridge spans 80 feet and longer, where they provide
higher moments than typical six-axle locomotives.
The peak stresses due to short and standard length cars were calculated using three-dimensional FE
models for seven bridge span lengths. An increase in the loading effects for short cars (42 feet) was
visible on longer spans only. All spans at FAST showed similar stresses due to short and standard length
cars. The significant differences between maximum stresses of 42-foot cars and 53-foot cars were
observed on 115-foot DPG spans and 110-foot and 200-foot trusses. The 115-foot DPG has 28 percent
higher stresses at mid-span due to short cars when compared to standard length cars. In the truss
members, the difference in stresses between the short and standard length cars depends on the location
of the member and range from 15 to 35 percent.
The test performed at FAST confirmed the calculation using structural software. The difference in
magnitude of peak stresses measured under train operations with two different car lengths was not
significant. The only noticeable difference in stress magnitude was for the 315,000-pound car, which was
expected. The effect of the direction was very minimal and it may be considered to be within the tolerance
of the measurement. The influence of speed on spans located on tangent track was also minimal. The
test data was used to validate the FE models.
In addition, stress ranges, used for fatigue evaluation, were calculated. It was observed that the stress
ranges are higher due to short 42-foot cars for longer spans only. For shorter spans, 53-foot cars create
larger effective moment ranges and have smaller predicted fatigue lives. However, the stress ranges
were very small and are considered negligible, because they likely will not produce fatigue damage.
The effect in magnitude of subgrade stresses measured under train operations with two different car lengths
was not significant. Also, soil pressure values did not appear to be influenced by train speeds of 10 to 45

846 © AREMA 2016®

mph. However, temporary residual stress was observed in the subgrade that was apparent due to train
operations of short cars, but it was not observed under train operations of standard length cars.

It is recommended that future testing be done on longer bridge spans under unit train traffic with different
length cars.

The authors acknowledge Union Pacific Railroad for providing 12 short HAL cars for testing at FAST and
allowing TTCI to prepare tests in revenue service.

1. Rakoczy, A.M., D. Otter, and S.M. Dick. “Short Heavy Axle Load Cars – Bridge Test at FAST.”
Technology Digest TD-16-013. AAR/TTCI, Pueblo, Colorado, April 2016.
2. Rakoczy, A., D. Otter, and S.M. Dick. “Short Heavy Axle Load Cars – Analysis.” Technology Digest
TD-16-014. AAR/TTCI, Pueblo, Colorado, April 2016.
3. American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA). Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapter 15, Washington, D.C., 2015.
4. Otter, D., A.M. Rakoczy, and S.M. Dick. “Steel Bridge Life Extension for Riveted Steel Girder Spans
at FAST.” Technology Digest TD-15-024, AAR/TTCI, Pueblo, Colorado, August 2015.
5. Li, D., D. Read, and S. Chrismer. “Effects of Heavy Axle Loads on Soft Subgrade Performance.”
Technology Digest TD-97-020, AAR/TTCI, Pueblo, Colorado, July 1997.

© AREMA 2016® 847

Effects of Short Cars on Bridges
and Track
Anna M. Rakoczy, PhD
Duane Otter, PhD, PE
Colin Basye, PE

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

© AREMA 2016®
Slide Title
Outline Slide
1. Background
Slide Text
1. Background TheText
¾Slide increase in shipments in short cars increases
the loading on bridges.
2. Statistics of the short cars ¾ This may lead to weight restrictions on bridges –
3. Equivalent Cooper Loading longer spans, multiple short cars
4. FE modeling and analysis ¾ Concern for embankments – increased weight per
foot of length with the assumption that both 53 foot
5. Test findings and 42 foot cars have the same weight capacity
6. Fatigue stress range
7. Effect on Track subgrade
8. Summary and Conclusions

210-foot span = four 53-foot cars 210-foot span = five 42-foot cars

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

1. Background
Title Slide Title
Slide Text addressed:
Questions Slide Text
1. Background
¾ What are the most common types of short cars? 2. Statistics of the short cars
3. Equivalent Cooper Loading
¾ What lengths of bridges will show maximum effects
due to short cars? 4. FE modeling and analysis
¾ How does the vehicle performance of short cars 5. Test findings
compare to typical 53-foot cars?
6. Fatigue stress range
¾ How will short cars influence embankments?
7. Effect on Track subgrade
8. Summary and Conclusions
End products: Guidelines to minimize effects of
short cars on track and structures

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

2. Statistics
Title of the short cars Slide
2. Statistics
Title of the short cars
¾ Statistics
Slide Text were developed based on Umler database Slide Text &DUW\SHVWDWLVWLFZLWKOHQJWKIWDQG+$/
for North American rolling stock. ¾ Of all car types, the

¾ Since 2010 the number of cars shorter than 42 ft. covered hopper is by 

doubled. far the most 

common of all short 

HAL cars.

¾ In terms of length,
 the majority of short

cars are in the range

of 41 ft. to 42 ft.

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

© AREMA 2016® 849

Slide Title
Outline Slide
3. Equivalent
Title Cooper Loading
Slide Text
1. Background Slide
¾ TheText
equivalent Cooper loading is based on the
design loading recommended by AREMA
2. Statistics of the short cars ¾ The new railroad bridges are designed for Cooper
3. Equivalent Cooper Loading E80 loads. However, a large portion of the current
steel bridge inventory was designed for Cooper
4. FE modeling and analysis E60 and less.
5. Test findings
6. Fatigue stress range
7. Effect on Track subgrade








8. Summary and Conclusions

8’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 9’ 5’ 6’ 5’
AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

3. Equivalent
Title Cooper Loading Slide Title
¾ Equivalent
Slide Text Cooper E Loading depends on car and Slide Text
1. Background
span length %HQGLQJ
 2. Statistics of the short cars

3. Equivalent Cooper Loading

4. FE modeling and analysis

 5. Test findings

6. Fatigue stress range

$$5  7. Effect on Track subgrade

 8. Summary and Conclusions
<55 ft >80 ft. 6SDQOHQJWK IW
55–80 ft.
AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

4. FE modeling
Title and analysis Slide
4. FE modeling
Title and analysis
3D finite
Slide Textelement model of 64’ 8” bridge at FAST Calculated
Slide Text maximum peak stress at Mid-span of DPG
¾ Displacement and stresses are calculated under ¾ All FAST spans were showing similar stresses due to
various loads and critical locations on the structure short and standard length cars.
¾ Typical 53-foot cars and short 42-foot cars are ¾ The 115-foot DPG has 28 % higher stresses at mid-
considered in analysis span due to short cars when compared to the
standard length cars.


AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

850 © AREMA 2016®

4. FE modeling
Title and analysis Slide
4. FE modeling
Title and analysis
D fin
Textelement model of Revenue Service Bridges Calculated
Slide Text Maximum Peak Stress in Trusses:
¾ Two trusses wwith ballasted steel decks - lengths
leng of ¾ In the 110-foot-long truss, stresses are higher 15- 26
110 feet and 200 feet % due to short cars when compared to the standard
length cars
¾ The stresses in the 200-foot-long truss due to short
cars are 20-35 % higher than for standard length cars.



AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

4. FE modeling
Title and analysis Slide Title
Slide Text for bridge measurements - strain Slide Text
1. Background
gages to evaluate axial forces will be installed on
bottom and upper chords close to the center-span and 2. Statistics of the short cars
diagonals 3. Equivalent Cooper Loading
4. FE modeling and analysis
5. Test findings
6. Fatigue stress range
7. Effect on Track subgrade
8. Summary and Conclusions

AREMA 2016 Annuall Conference

f & Exposition
ii AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

5. Test
findings Slide
5. Test
The test
Slide Texttrain at FAST included: The test
Slide Text
at FAST included many components:
¾ one locomotive ¾ Collection of wayside data using the FAST Truck
¾ one instrumentation car (passenger car) Performance Detector system
¾ twelve covered hoppers (approximately 42 feet long, ¾ Stresses and deflection measurements of all bridges
weighing 286 kips); at FAST,
¾ six coal gondola or open top hoppers (53 feet long, ¾ Instrumented wheelsets,
weighing 286 kips); ¾ and geotechnical transducers in a low track modulus
¾ and six coal gondola or open top hoppers (53 feet section.
long, weighing 315 kips).

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

© AREMA 2016® 851

5. Test
findings Slide
5. Test
¾ runs were made at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 45 mph Strains
¾ Text and displacements were recorded for all
¾ For each speed, two to three train passes were made four steel bridge spans.
in each clockwise and counterclockwise direction ¾ The strain gages were placed at mid-span and
¾ In addition, runs were made at 2 mph, which is quarter point locations, while the displacements
considered a static speed. were measured only at mid-span.

  6SDQ IWN&: IWN&: IWN&:




long cars 286k

short cars
long cars 315k
AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

5. Test
findings Slide
5. Test
¾ Comparison
Text of the Test Data and FE Model Slide Text results
from revenue
3HDN6WUHVVRQ 6SDQ service test on



AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

Slide Title
Outline Slide
6. Fatigue
Title stress range
Slide Text
1. Background Equivalent
¾ Text moments were calculated based on
moment histories developed for each span length
2. Statistics of the short cars and due to the short and standard length cars
3. Equivalent Cooper Loading
4. FE modeling and analysis 

5. Test findings 

6. Fatigue stress range 

7. Effect on Track subgrade  0LG6SDQBIWFDUV

8. Summary and Conclusions 

Stress Histories on 55 feet 6 inches long

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

852 © AREMA 2016®

6. Fatigue
Title stress range Slide Title
¾ Comparison
Slide Text of stress ranges due to short and Slide Text
1. Background
standard length cars at mid-span locations
¾ In the truss members, the stress ranges are very 2. Statistics of the short cars
small – less than 1.5 ksi 3. Equivalent Cooper Loading
4. FE modeling and analysis

 5. Test findings

6. Fatigue stress range
7. Effect on Track subgrade

8. Summary and Conclusions

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

7. Effect
on Track subgrade Slide
7. Effect
on Track subgrade
¾ Text weight per foot of length The
¾ effects on subgrade were evaluated in the low
¾ The 42-foot cars are about a 25 percent increase in modulus track section at FAST
load per unit length compared to coal cars. ¾ The soil in the FAST low modulus track section is
high plasticity clay with a current moisture content
of approximately 26 to 28 percent,
53 foot
¾ The track modulus is approximately 2,000 lb/in/in.

420 feet = eight 53-foot cars = 5.4 kip/ft line load

42 foot

420 feet = ten 42-foot cars = 6.8 kip/ft line load

AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

7. Effect
on Track subgrade Slide
7. Effect
on Track subgrade
Slide Text
on soft subgrade Pressure
Slide Texthistories due to test train
¾ No significant difference in magnitude of subgrade ¾ Temporary residual soil stresses were observed due
stresses measured under train operations with two to train operations with short cars
different car lengths

short cars
long cars 286k
long cars 315k
AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition AREMA 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

© AREMA 2016® 853

Slide Title
Outline Slide
8. Summary
Title and Conclusions
Slide Text
1. Background Slideobservations
The Text from the tests on FAST Bridges:

2. Statistics of the short cars ¾ All four bridges at FAST were tested under train
operations with two different car lengths.
3. Equivalent Cooper Loading
¾ The modeling was validated with the test on FAST
4. FE modeling and analysis
¾ As predicted, the short cars produced similar
5. Test findings stresses on all spans when compared to the
standard 53-foot cars.
6. Fatigue stress range
¾ In terms of fatigue, all four spans have smaller
7. Effect on Track subgrade fatigue stress ranges due to short cars when
8. Summary and Conclusions compared to standard 53-foot cars

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8. Summary
Title and Conclusions Slide
8. Summary
Title and Conclusions
The Text for longer spans: Slideobservations
The Text from tests on soft subgrade:
¾ The significant differences between maximum ¾ No significant difference in magnitude of subgrade
stresses of 42-foot cars and 53-foot cars were stresses measured under train operations with two
observed on longer spans different car lengths.
¾ The 115-foot DPG has 28 percent higher stresses at ¾ The effect of speed and direction on average
mid-span due to short cars when compared to maximum peak stresses was very minimal.
standard length cars.
¾ Temporary residual stress was observed in the
¾ In the truss members, the difference in stresses subgrade that was apparent due to train operations
between the short and standard length cars ranges with short cars; but not with standard length cars.
from 15 to 35 percent.
¾ The preliminary results from revenue service test
confirm the analytical prediction

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8. Summary
Title and Conclusions Slide
8. Summary
Title and Conclusions
Slide Acknowledgement:
Slide Text
¾ Future research will consider testing of longer
bridge spans under unit train traffic with different This research was conducted as part of the AAR’s
length cars. Strategic Research Initiatives Program on railroad

The authors also acknowledge the UP for their support

and assistance with providing the short cars and the
testing of the trusses.

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854 © AREMA 2016®

8. Summary
Title and Conclusions
Slide Text

TD-15-044 Vehicle Performance of Short Heavy Axle

Load Cars Thank you!
TD-16-002 Effects of Short HAL Cars on Subgrade
TD-16-013 Short Heavy Axle Load Cars: Analysis
TD-16-014 Short Heavy Axle Load Cars: Bridge Test

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© AREMA 2016® 855

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