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Assignment 1 Guidance

1 Task 1 – Review and evaluate about IoT

1.1 Review IoT functionality, standard architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs (P1-P2)
In this part, you have to present your understanding about IoT functionality, standard
architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs.

At first you should give out some concepts about IoT :

- Definition about IoT

- How does IoT work?
- Applications of IoT
- IoT characteristics
- Some examples for real world application of IoT
Then you should Introduce almost standard architectures, frameworks, tools, hardware
and APIs that are available for using in IoT development

1.2 Evaluate a common IoT platform (M1-M2)

This part requires your discussion about the impact of a common IoT platform.
At first, you should discuss about the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs in the software development lifecycle. How do they affect to any
phase of SDLC such as requirements analysis, feasibility study, design, implement and
testing phase.
Then, you need to evaluate the impact of common IoT architecture, frameworks, tool,
hardware and API in IoT security. You should make clear the challenges in IoT security.
(Word limit: 300 – 1500 words)

2 Task 2 – Plan an appropriate IoT application

2.1 Determine a prolem and IoT solution (P3-P4)
As the requirements in scenario, you have to give out a problem that can be solved by an
IoT solution.

So, you have to investigate clearly a most common IoT platform (including frameworks,
tools, hardware and API) and then apply it to solve the problem.
You should make clear discussion about how can IoT application solve the problem.

2.2 Plan to create an IoT application (M3-M4)

In this part, you will present your plan to develop an IoT application to solve the problem in
At first, you have to Select the most appropriate IoT architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware and API techniques to include in an application to solve this problem. You
should discuss about advantage and disadvantage for your selection.
Then, you should discuss clearly about feasibility: economic, technical and organizational.
Finally, you need to give out a plan (as detail as possible) for your IoT application
development, such as human resource, budget, time schedule...
(Word limit: 300 – 1500 words)

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