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Unique Companion

Jojo, one of my best friends, is an anime fanatic and a devotee of fiction. This kind of

people, such as him, are called Otaku which is a Japanese slang word roughly meaning

someone who is obsessed with manga, anime, or other forms of Japanese popular

culture. Every time I remember him, the features of his face, his mild demeanor or

impression come to my mind naturally. He used to be overweight or even could be

obese in a way. Specifically, he was not tall, but he looked like a small-size brown bear

no matter how he is standing or sitting. Surprisingly, he has lost a lot of weight and is

getting healthier, so it is more easily balanced when we did the SUP playing together,

which impressed me and made me enjoyable. His face, with its wide forehead, flattened

nose, a huge pair of eyes and thin-lipped mouth, resembles a rectangle. He is extremely

introverted and sometimes, he plays a passive role in the relationship in his daily life.

One reason he makes me eminently comfortable is that he is always tolerant and

considerate of me when we are unhappy, or I was quarrelling with him. On the other

hand, he is truly a friend who can support me in anyway when I encounter something

very unpleasant. He is open-eared and an extraordinary listener as well. He has ability to

endure a long wait calmly to listen to what I am telling him and share significative feedback.

President Barack Obama is charismatic not only in his public speaking, but also in his ability to

inspire and connect with people from diverse backgrounds. As the first Black president of the

United States, Obama made history in many ways, and his impact extends far beyond his race.

During his two terms in office, Obama implemented some policies, such as climate change or
economic recovery, that aimed to address some of the most pressing issues facing the country.

His leadership have made him a respected leader and inspire people around the world. Barack

Obama's presidency was an important moment in American history and a shining example of

leadership because of his policy achievements and the impact on American society.

There was a transformative period in American history and that was the Obama era. During his

two terms in office, President Obama introduced several policies, including those on climate

change and economic recovery, which were designed to tackle some of the most urgent

challenges confronting the nation. Importantly, his impact was not limited to his policy

achievements. By becoming the first Black president of the United States, Obama bbroke a

racial barrier that was widely considered unbreakable. Obama also earned widespread respect

and admiration both within the United States and beyond its borders by his vision for a more

just and inclusive America. The presidency of Barack Obama represented a milestone in

American history, showcasing exceptional leadership ability and policy achievements that

brought a significant change to American society.

As Johann von Geothe said, “Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.” Obama's

behavior, characterized by his charismatic personality, won him widespread admiration and

respect. Obama's presidency was significant in many ways, especially as the first African

American president of the United States, and his influence surpasses the boundaries of his

ethnicity. Throughout his two consecutive terms in office, in addition, he enforced some
measures, such as the reduction of climate change or the enhancement of economic recovery,

in an attempt to confront some of the most critical challenges faced by the nation. Obama's

presidency constituted a significant moment in the history of America, he is charismatic

leadership becasue his policy accomplishments and the effects on the American society.

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