Revision Worksheet LUTY 10 Unit 2

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Revision worksheet

Name ________________________________________ No. _______ Class _________ Date ________________

1. Read the following text. The three sentences below have been removed. Put them in
the correct place.

There is one more characteristic

Mandarin Chinese and Spanish are the main contenders to the position of
Now, in the 21st century, there are an estimated 500 million

English, the language of the future

a._______________________________________ people who speak English as their

second language. That’s a conservative estimate, but it is still much bigger than the number
of people who are native English speakers. In many parts of the world, the ability to
communicate in English is perceived to be equivalent to a higher social status as it is globally
considered a language of power. b._______________________________________
dominance that English now holds. Those who stand by these two argue that there are more
native speakers of Mandarin and Spanish than English. c._______________________
_____________________ of English that Mandarin and Spanish do not have. Local “versions”
of English are increasing in number. More cultures are absorbing English, giving it local
flavour, and using it in their daily lives as they move forward into the future.
(abridged and adapted; accessed in August 2019)

2. Match the words in column A with the ones they refer to in column B.

Column A Column B

a. their (line 1) 1. English

b. it (line 2) 2. more cultures
c. it (line 10) 3. a conservative estimate
d. their (line 10) 4. 500 million people

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3. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø.

a. I don’t know how to spell ____ word in English, strength.

b. Some critics say that Justin Bieber is ____ amazing performer.
c. _____best way to learn a language is to practise it.
d. Studies prove that ______ languages evolve with technology.

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning as the first one, using
the word in brackets. You must use between three and five words, including the word

a. Shakespeare wrote some of the masterpieces of English literature. (were)

Some of the masterpieces of English literature ______________________ Shakespeare.

b. Mrs Roberts has sent the parents a note. (been)

The parents _____________________ note by Mrs Roberts.

c. You should give more importance to the English lessons. (to)

You _____________________ more importance to the English lessons.

d. The English teacher doesn’t like students with bad manners. (stand)
The English teacher _____________________ with bad manners.

5. Rewrite the sentences beginning them as suggested.

a. My sister is able to learn languages very easily.

My sister ______________________________________________________________

b. Living abroad is something I want to do in the future.

In the future I expect ____________________________________________________

c. Although I admire the British culture, I prefer the American way of living.
In spite of _____________________________________________________________

d. In spite of being Italian, Mary doesn’t speak a word of Italian.

Although _____________________________________________________________
e. I enjoy travelling, but I cannot do it very often.
I enjoy travelling; _____________, __________________________________________

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Revision worksheet
Answer key

1. a. Now, in the 21st century, there are an estimated 500 million b. Mandarin Chinese
and Spanish are the main contenders to the position of c. There is one more

2. a. 4 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2

3. a. a b. an c. The d. Ø

a. were written by
b. have been sent a
c. ought to give
d. can’t stand students

a. … can learn languages very easily.
b. … to live abroad.
c. … admiring the British culture, I prefer the American way of living.
d. … Mary is Italian, she doesn’t speak a word of Italian.
e. … however, I cannot do it very often.

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