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A World of Many Languages

IV – Use of English

Name ________________________________________ No. _______ Class _________ Date ________________

1. Complete the text by choosing the most suitable option (1, 2 or 3) from the table below.

Why use blogs to learn English?

Blogs are current. Since most blogs are a._____________ every week, there are always new posts
to read. These posts could mention current events, so you can be b._____________ in the news in a
different way.
Blogs are entertaining. While some blogs exist to provide information, many blogs are a source
c._____________ entertainment. These blogs can be funny and addicting, so you will have fun
reading them.
Blogs are authentic. Newspapers and magazines need to be more d._____________ because they
are owned by e._____________ companies, and words are printed f._____________ paper. But on
the web, many blogs are run by a g._____________ person. The writer is a human just like you, so
they will often use informal language and share personal feelings.
You can join the conversation. Blogs are an h._____________ way to i._____________ your
English. Blog posts usually have comment sections where readers can write a message in
j._____________ to the post.
(abridged and adapted; accessed in August 2019)

a. 1. modern 2. updated 3. recent

b. 1. relating 2. interested 3. involved
c. 1. from 2. of 3. for
d. 1. formal 2. informal 3. neutral
e. 1. large 2. larger 3. largest
f. 1. over 2. in 3. on
g. 1. single 2. sole 3. unique
h. 1. accurate 2. dynamic 3. interactive
i. 1. learn 2. improve 3. remind
j. 1. responding 2. response 3. reacting

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2. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø.

a. Speaking ____ English will be an asset in the future.

b. English is still ____ most widely spoken language in the world.

c. I know ____ man who can answer questions in five different languages.

d. I waited for ____ hour to get the autograph of my favourite British YouTuber.

e. There are different varieties of English in ____ United Kingdom.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word
in brackets. You must use between three and five words, including the word given.

a. David Crystal wrote a book about the future of the English language. (written)
A book about the future of the English ______________________ David Crystal.
b. An old friend has taught me how to speak Dari. (been)
I ________________to speak Dari by an old friend.
c. Having good English skills is very important. You should be a proficient speaker. (ought)
Having good English skills is very important. You ________________ proficient speaker.
d. My sister is very good at languages. She is able to learn a language very quickly. (can)
My sister is good at languages. _______________ language very quickly.
e. Ed Sheeran is an outstanding performer, but his concerts are very expensive. (although)
___________________________ an outstanding performer, his concerts are very expensive.

4. Rewrite the sentences beginning them as suggested.

a. Mary is a remarkable dancer. She practises very hard.

Mary is a remarkable dancer because she keeps on _______________________

b. Improving my language skills is one of my plans for this summer.

I really want ________________________________________________________

c. Although I speak three languages, I don’t speak Spanish.

In spite of _________________________________________________________

d. Despite being a very good professional, Tom cannot find a job as his English is borderline.
Although __________________________________________________________

e. I love learning foreign languages, but I don’t speak Arabic.

I love learning foreign languages; _______________________________________

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