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Revamp of Slovnaft’s hydrocracking unit

A revamp to maximise middle distillate production and increase unit reliability

and safety



he KHK hydrocracking unit at done without costly modifications Slovakia, is a single-stage full-
the Slovnaft refinery in to major equipment items. conversion hydrocracker (see Figure
Slovakia has been revamped The revamp project was 1). It has been in operation since
in a joint effort by Haldor Topsøe conducted in three stages. The first 1991 and is licensed by Unocal and
and Slovnaft. The unit is a full- stage was a revamp study, where designed by Snamprogetti.
conversion hydrocracker, which has the current performance of the unit The high-pressure loop is config-
been in operation since 1991. The was analysed in detail and a range ured in a cold separator layout with
nameplate capacity is 104 t/h, of possible improvements were a cold separator pressure of 13.3
equivalent to 17 700 b/d. The identified. In the second stage, the MPag. The unit was designed with
unit is processing straight-run most desired improvements were three reactors, with three beds in the
VGO from a Russian export crude selected and the revamp design first reactor, two beds in the second
blend. package was executed. In the third reactor and three beds in the last
Topsøe and Slovnaft initiated a stage, the detailed design and actual reactor. Heat is supplied by both a
revamp project with the primary unit modifications were performed. recycle gas heater and a recycle oil
objective of maximising middle heater. The recycle oil from the frac-
distillate production. Additionally, Unit description tionation section is sent to the
unit safety and reliability were to The KHK hydrocracking unit at the second reactor inlet when the unit is
be improved. This should all be Slovnaft refinery in Bratislava, operating in recycle mode.






Figure 1 Slovnaft refinery’s KHK hydrocracking unit REVAMPS 2012 27

The fractionation section is config- operation, where the recycle gas Finally, the catalyst volume was
ured with a debutaniser first then a compressor was operating close to limiting the cycle length. The deac-
fired heater reboiler. The debutan- the surge line and the compressor tivation rate of the pretreatment
iser bottoms are sent to a main instrumentation was not sufficient catalyst was the main factor limit-
fractionation column with kerosene to determine exactly how close to ing the cycle length of the unit and,
and diesel side strippers as well as the limit the compressor was when the HDN activity of the
kerosene and diesel pumparounds. operating. pretreatment system became too
The fractionator overhead is sent to Another serious concern with low, the activity of the whole cata-
a naphtha splitter (not shown in hydrocracking units is liquid mald- lyst system was too low and EOR
Figure 1) for the separation of light istribution, which can lead to was reached.
and heavy naphtha. stagnant liquid pockets, reactor The study considered two catalyst
The original design of the unit hotspots and ultimately tempera- cycle length cases: either keeping
allowed for three modes of opera- ture runaways. The existing the existing three-year cycle length
tion: maximum diesel production, distributor trays, quench zones and or reducing the cycle length to two
maximum naphtha production and reactor temperature measurements years while increasing the middle
once-through low conversion for were not performing as well as distillate yields.
unconverted oil production (steam modern internals could. The option of co-processing some
cracker feed). Since diesel is fore- The temperature response of the LCO in the unit was also studied.
seen to be the most desired product reactor system was slow, too. This would lead to higher hydrogen
in the unit in the future, the over- Temperature excursions in the reac- consumption, higher exotherm in
riding requirement for the revamp tor systems were difficult to control, the first reactor, lower diesel prod-
was to increase the diesel yield. The and thermal feedback through uct quality (density and cetane
maximum naphtha yield could be feed/effluent and inter-reactor value) and various other detrimen-
reduced if required. exchangers worsened the risk of tal effects.
In the time leading to the revamp, temperature excursions leading to a
several maintenance and mechani- temperature runaway. Recommended changes
cal problems became evident in the Also, the high-pressure cold sepa- Based on the detailed analysis
unit. Some of the problems were rator was not large enough to allow performed in the study, a compre-
solved within the revamp project, for efficient separation of water and hensive list of recommended
while others were solved as regular hydrocarbons. This caused water changes was made. The changes
maintenance items during normal slip-through to the debutaniser were grouped into minimum
service. column. The debutaniser was expe- recommendations that were viewed
The unit has experienced one riencing several problems. The water as critical, primary recommenda-
serious temperature runaway event. slip-through from the cold separator tions that were viewed as optimal,
In March 2006, following a feed caused bad operation and corrosion and alternative recommendations
pump trip and subsequent restart in the top of the column. Continuous that were alternatives to the
assisted by a human factor, the methanol injection was required to proposed changes.
catalyst bed temperatures ran away control the formation of hydrates in
and within minutes exceeded meas- the LPG line. The H2S removal in Minimum recommendations
urable range at some catalyst bed the column was also insufficient, The minimum recommendations for
points. Fortunately, the reactor skin resulting in too high a sulphur required changes were that the two
temperatures did not reach critical content in the light naphtha. last beds of the first reactor should
values. The revamp also needs to The capacity of the wash water be combined. This increases the
address this serious operational risk pump was on the limit for protect- pretreatment catalyst volume by
to ensure adequate automatic safety ing the high-pressure piping from 18%, which is the single most
procedures are in place to prevent corrosion due to NH2SH. The maxi- important factor that limits the cycle
such an event occurring again. mum rate of wash water was just length of the unit. The expected
able to keep the concentration in temperature rise in the new
Revamp study the sour water below 6 wt%, but combined bed will be acceptable if
A simulation of the unit was estab- there was no excess capacity for, for the upstream quench system and
lished. This served as the basis for instance, treating heavier feed or distributor tray is working well. All
the following studies. A total of handling a higher throughput. distributor trays and quench zones
nine flow sheet cases were devel- Likewise, the kerosene pumpa- must be replaced, too. Most impor-
oped during the study, which round piping and heat exchanger tantly, this increases the safety of
detailed the performance of the layout was limiting the heat recov- the unit, since maldistribution in the
unit. ery in the kerosene section. Also, hydrocracking catalyst can lead
Several areas of concern were the formation of heavy polynuclear to hotspots and temperature
identified during the study. First, aromatics (HPNA) in the high- runaways. Additionally, a better
the high-pressure loop operation conversion recycle mode could limit distribution results in a better utili-
was not sufficiently stable. This was the maximum achievable overall sation of the catalyst.
most evident in recycle mode conversion. New reactor thermocouples are

28 REVAMPS 2012

taking it into operation would save
power for the feed pumps.
The unit was only equipped with
wash water addition points for the
main process pipe. To allow for
flushing of individual air cooler
TK-951 bays, additional wash water points
TK-931 Flexible for intermittent use should be
Max. MD installed at each bay to mitigate
potential salt formation.
Flexible Alternative recommendations
The primary recommendations
represent a significant investment
TK-931 cost for Slovnaft. In case this invest-
Max. MD ment could not be justified, some
Isomerisation alternative recommendations were
given as well. These were to install
two new wash water pumps to
increase the wash water rate and
washing efficiency. This would
reduce the corrosion problems in
the cold separator. The upper trays
Figure 2 Catalyst loading scheme for two hydrocracking reactors and wall of the debutaniser tower
should also be inspected and, if
also required. Monitoring of the reactor to allow for a rapid cooling significant corrosion is evident, the
catalytic bed temperatures is essen- of the reactor system. material should be upgraded to
tial both for safety and good Finally, the configuration of the appropriate stainless steel.
operation of the unit. Temperature kerosene pumparound should be The numerous recommendations
excursions need to be captured by modified. The existing layout limits presented in the revamp study were
the thermocouple system as quickly the heat transfer and, by placing evaluated by Slovnaft after discus-
as possible for a safe operation. For two exchangers in parallel instead sions with Topsøe. The result of
operation, the reactor temperatures of in series, a better heat recovery this evaluation is presented in the
are the primary control parameter will be possible in the unit. revamp engineering section below.
for setting the conversion in the
unit. Primary recommendations Catalyst considerations
Debutaniser overhead modifica- The primary recommendations that The optimal catalyst loading was
tion is a necessity, too. Water would give the best possible designed, based on the operational
condensation is causing both corro- performance of the unit after the targets of the unit. Catalyst selec-
sion and control problems in the revamp were to install a hot separa- tion is a critical parameter for the
debutaniser overhead. This water tor in the unit. This would result in success of a hydrocracking unit,
has to be removed either by modi- several benefits: the HPNA build- and the product properties and
fying the overhead vessel or by up in recycle mode would be yield structure can be optimised
allowing for water draw-off in the reduced, which allows the unit to based on the selected loading. The
top of the debutaniser. increase the total conversion and following types of catalysts were
Meanwhile, the cold low-pressure thereby reduce UCO production. selected.
separator is not able to separate The H2S leakage from the debutan- At the top of the first reactor, a
water and oil phases. The separator iser would be minimised, which comprehensive catalyst grading
should be modified to allow for reduces corrosion problems, and system was installed. The grading
adequate separation of phases. the high-pressure loop pressure catalysts are shape optimised and
Emergency temperature control is drop would be reduced. The water have a filtering effect to capture
required at the reactor inlet. In the separation in the cold separators material brought in with the feed to
case of a temperature runaway in would be improved. Installing a hot prevent pressure drop build-up.
the reactor system, the slow separator in the unit is, however, a The order of the catalysts provides
response of the reactor charge significant change in the unit and a gradual increase in activity, so
heater combined with the thermal would require some modifications very reactive components in the
feedback of the feed effluent of the high-pressure loop. feed are gradually hydrogenated
exchangers makes it difficult to stop The unit is equipped with a and reaction products such as gum
a temperature runaway. An emer- power recovery turbine on the cold or crusts are distributed down
gency quench line must be installed separator liquid stream. The turbine through the guard bed, again to
at the inlet of the pretreatment was broken, but repairing this and prevent pressure drop build-up.

30 REVAMPS 2012

• The debutaniser column was
80 modified by installing more trays
and by adding a water draw-off
60 tray to reduce the problem of water
Yields, wt% 60 carry-over from the high- and low-
50 pressure separators
40 • The high- and low-pressure sepa-
40 40 40 rators were modified to ensure a
better separation of water and oil.
27 25 Both vessels were equipped with
new internals
• The diesel and kerosene reflux
5 5 pumps were replaced with higher
Before After Before After Before After capacity units. Two heat exchangers
revamp revamp revamp revamp revamp revamp
were set in parallel instead of in
Naphthas Middle distillates Unconverted oil series to improve the heat recovery
• The wash water pumps were
Figure 3 Product profiles before and after revamp replaced with new and higher
capacity units.
The grading system is also active Below TK-951, a layer of the The following changes were
for removing any metals that are amorphous-type catalyst TK-926 included in the design to increase
present in the feed in order to was installed. This catalyst has a the overall safety:
protect the downstream catalysts high isomerisation activity and • A new quench connection was
from metal poisoning. gives excellent cold flow properties made to the inlet of the first
Below the grading system, a pret- of the diesel product. pretreatment reactor. This quench
eatment catalyst with high HDN Finally, a small layer of post- is closed in normal operation, but
activity was installed to convert the treating hydrogenation catalyst was in the case of a temperature runa-
organic nitrogen present in the feed installed to convert any mercaptans way it is possible to direct a large
to NH3. The latest and most active that are formed by the hydrocrack- amount of quench to the inlet of the
pretreatment catalyst was installed ing catalysts. Mercaptans end up in first reactor. This results in rapid
in the unit to maximise the nitrogen the naphtha fractions and result in cooling of the whole reactor system,
conversion, which provides the best too high a sulphur content if they which allows the unit to stop an
possible environment for the down- are not controlled in the reactor occurring temperature runaway.
stream cracking catalyst. section. The emergency quench is required
The two hydrocracking reactors since the inherent temperature
were loaded with a catalyst system Revamp basic engineering response of the unit is slow
that optimised yields, product prop- Based on the revamp study and • New thermocouples were
erties and unit flexibility (see Figure detailed discussions between installed in all the reactors to allow
2). It is possible to adjust the temper- Topsøe and Slovnaft, it was decided for accurate and detailed monitor-
ature of the two hydrocracking to adopt the minimum recommen- ing of the catalytic bed
reactors in the unit independently, dations and the alternative temperatures. This gives more
so the relative activity of the cata- recommendations described above. precise control and better monitor-
lysts in the two reactors can be In addition, numerous minor ing of hotspot formation
adjusted by controlling the tempera- changes were implemented. • The improved distribution of gas
ture difference between the reactors. The revamp project had three and liquid due to the new reactor
The first hydrocracking reactor goals: to increase the middle distil- internals will also help prevent
was loaded with TK-931, a highly late yield, to increase safety and to hotspot formation
selective catalyst for middle distil- increase the reliability of the unit. • All four fired heaters were
lates. This catalyst provides the best The following changes were equipped with new burners with
possible yields of jet and diesel at included in the design to increase flame detectors, a new fuel gas line
the targeted activity. the middle distillate yield: testing system and an automatic
The second hydrocracking reactor • The volume available for the cata- block-and-bleed shut-off system for
was loaded with TK-951, which is a lyst was increased in the unit by the fuel gas lines.
flexible type of catalyst for the merging two beds in the first reac- The following changes were
balanced production of middle tor. This allowed more pretreatment included in the design to increase
distillates and lighter. By adjusting catalyst to be installed in the unit reliability:
the relative temperatures of the first • All reactor internals (inlet distrib- • A new common air preheat
and second hydrocracking reactors, utors, quench systems and exchanger for all four fired heaters
the yield structure of the unit can redistributors) were replaced to was installed
be adjusted to meet the desired ensure optimal utilisation of the • A large number of control valves
product slate. catalyst (52 in total) were replaced

32 REVAMPS 2012

Product properties after revamp light naphtha yield. After two-and-
a-half years of operation, the sour
gas yield is less than 2 wt%. The
Product Property Typical range LPG yield was mostly just below 5
Light naphtha Total sulphur content, wtppm 0 1.5
Reid vapour pressure, kPa 74 79 wt%. The light naphtha yield was,
RON 77.5 80.2 for most of the cycle, in the range
Heavy naphtha Total sulphur content, wtppm 0.1 0.5 of 7-8 wt%. The lowest yields of
Aromatics content, wt% 5.6 7.6 these products were — due to the
Naphthenes, wt% 53.3 56
Kerosene Total sulphur content, wtppm 0.1 0.3 less severe conditions — lowest in
Freeze point, °C -65 the recycle mode. With heavy naph-
Smoke point, mm 23.5 25 tha, the range obtained was
Aromatics content, vol% 8 14 broader: from 22 wt% to more than
Diesel Total sulphur content, wtppm 0.1 0.5
Cetane index 68 74 30 wt%. The range, of course, was
Cloud point, °C -5 influenced by the naphtha cut point,
Unconverted oil Total sulphur content, wtppm 1 6 which varied from 160 to 180°C
(ASTM D86). Similarly, the kero-
Table 1 sene yield is very flexible, allowing
for both jet fuel and diesel fuel
• The make-up compressor lubrica- operation. Altogether, 140 000 man- production. The corresponding
tion system was updated hours were spent. The project cost yield varied from 23 wt% to 35
• The debutaniser overhead less than $20 million, while two wt%. With partial catalyst deactiva-
condenser motors were replaced years’ return on investment was tion (in once-through mode), the
• Numerous minor maintenance expected. kerosene yield increased further,
and mechanical problems were still with good quality. The gas oil
solved. Unit performance after revamp yield’s flexibility was lower: 23 wt%
The revamp’s target was to shift to 27 wt% in once-through and up
Revamp detailed engineering and product flexibility towards more to 29 wt% with the recycle mode.
implementation diesel. While in the past up to a 65 The latter is explained by less
The project time line covered (from wt% naphtha yield was desired, severe reaction conditions in the
basic engineering to unit commis- after the revamp Slovnaft expected recycle mode.
sioning) two years, starting in June to obtain a maximum 40 wt% to The unit kept a reasonable
2007 and ending in June 2009. keep certain flexibility, while the conversion flexibility. Up to 25 wt%
Based on Slovnaft’s experience, no diesel yield was to take the major of unconverted oil could be
language barrier and close location, part of production. There was still produced in once-through mode. A
CB&I (located in Brno, Czech the intent to have the possibility to higher yield was not possible as
Republic) was chosen as project produce some unconverted oil, there would be too little gases
contractor. used as lube oil base and/or FCC formed and the debutaniser opera-
In total, the unit was shut down feed. tion would suffer.
for 47 days (oil-out). Night shifts For the revamped unit, low gas The product properties achieved
were used partially. Some prepara- formation is typical. Few gases are are shown in Table 1. All items
tion works were done during formed and the same applies to the show values typical for hydrocrack-
ing products. Especially good were
the kerosene freeze point (typically
40 below -65°C) and the kerosene
Once-through smoke point (slightly descending
UCO recycle from values above 25 mm at the
30 28.7
start up to 23 mm after more than
27.5 30 months of operation). The gas oil
fraction cloud point desired value
20 of -5°C (winter quality) could be
achieved with distillation cuts of up
to 362°C. The latter represents a 5°C
10 improvement in distillation cut and
6.5 6.4
is attributable to increased isomeri-
1.7 sation on the specialised catalyst
bed (TK-926).










Recycle vs once-through mode




Just like the original design, the


revamp design considered the recy-

Figure 4 Product profiles in once-through and recycle modes cle mode of operation as that saves

34 REVAMPS 2012

the catalyst activity while minimis- through operation proved to be The revamped unit was loaded
ing gas formation, plus maximum efficient not just for the naphtha with an advanced catalyst system,
middle distillates can be produced. mode (preferred during the reces- where a selection of different
In August 2009, the FCC sion; up to 42 wt% naphtha could hydrocracking catalyst types allows
pretreater unit was shut down due be produced), but also for the the unit flexible operation with
to operational problems and some middle distillate yields (the diesel excellent product properties.
FCC feedstock was needed urgently. mode was used mainly since the The diesel fuel yield has been
For this purpose, the once-through spring of 2010) were considerable: increased by more than 10 wt%
low-conversion mode was used for up to 60 wt%. The catalyst deacti- (feed based) while its cold flow
a period of two weeks (see Figure vation rate was still acceptable for a properties improved. The kerosene
4). Although this mode of operation three-year cycle. smoke point shows good values,
was not considered in the revamp Based on the above experience, which is due to a low aromatics
design, it worked fine. The unit was Slovnaft decided to use the once- content. The revamped unit has
able to produce up to 30 wt% of through mode for the rest of the reasonable middle distillate-
unconverted oil and the actual unit catalytic cycle. naphtha flexibility and advantageous
capacity was up to 145 m3/h of kerosene-gas oil flexibility. Within
fresh liquid feed. Conclusions the project, several safety items were
Afterwards, the unit was oper- The revamp project for the Slovnaft installed with the effect yet to show.
ated in recycle mode for several KHK hydrocracking unit was initi- Identified old or faulty equipment
months. Later though, as the ated with a study phase, where was replaced.
economic recession hit Europe and numerous areas of concern were The unit was down for 47 days
there was a need to reduce refining identified and several recommenda- for the revamp. The total cost of the
costs, Slovnaft considered switching tions were given to remedy the project was about $20 million.
to once-through operation at 95% issues. Based on the recommenda-
conversion. tions, the unit was revamped and
Slovnaft recorded significant the revamp goals of increasing Ole Frej Alkilde is Principal Process Engineer
savings on debutaniser reboiler and middle distillate yields, improving with Haldor Topsøe, Lyngby, Denmark.
recycle pump duty (the latter being unit safety and increasing unit reli- Filip Stancl is Hydrocracking Complex Deputy
out of operation). Also, the once- ability were all fulfilled. Manager with Slovnaft, Bratislava, Slovakia.

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