Eapp Quiz 5

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An outline- is a design to follow when writing a Benjamin Franklin - Scientist and Inventor
structure, a discourse, or a article. I. Experiments with Electricity
- It arranges a material in a logical way into main
● Studied nature of Electricity
ideas, supporting ideas, and supporting details. ● Discovered Lightning Equals Electricity
- The main idea or topic is the main topic of the ● Invented Lightning Rod
- All main topics are indicated by Roman Il. Other Scientific Work
Numeral. A. Inventions
- Subtopics are noted by letters and supporting
1. Bifocal Glasses
details are indicated by Arabic Numerals.
2. Franklin Stove
- An outline can be a sentence outline or topic 3. Daylight Saving Time
- A sentence outline is written in full sentence B. Scientific Studies
while a topic outline is in words or phrases.
1. Charted Gulf Stream
I. Main topic 2. Worked on Soil Improvement
A. Subtopic
1. Supporting details Ill. Importance as a Scientist
2. Supporting details
● Scientific Honors
II. Main Topic
● Writing Translated into Other Languages
B. Subtopic ● Experts' Comments
1. Supporting details
2. Supporting details


1. Place the title at the center above the
1. Every level of the outline must have at
least two items (I and Il, A and B, 1 and
2. Put a period after each numeral and
3. Indent each new level of the outline.
4. All items of one kind (roman numerals,
capital letters, Arabic numerals) should
lineup with each other.
5. Capitalize the first letter of each item.
6. The terms Introduction, Body, and
Conclusion do not have to be included
in the outline. They are not topics; they
are merely organizational units in the
writer's mind.
- This approach "examines how sexual
When you express your views, it is also identity influences the creation and reception
important to use appropriate language for a of literary works." Originally an offshoot of
specific discipline. feminist movements,gender criticism today
There are terms that you should prefer to put in includes a number of approaches, including the
your writing depending on the field or context so-called "masculinist" approach recently
you are in. advocated by poet Robert Bly.
For example, if you are to convince - The bulk of gender criticism, however, is
people who are experts in the field of Science feminist and takes as a central precept that the
and Mathematics, you need to use their patriarchal attitudes that have dominated
language. western thought have resulted, consciously or
unconsciously, in literature "full of unexamined
You should be formal and use technical 'male-produced' assumptions."
terms that are familiar to them. However, if your Feminist criticism - attempts to correct this
audience is the general public, you also need to imbalance by analyzing and combatting such
use the language they know. Do no use those attitudes—by questioning, for example, why
that are not common to them. Avoid jargons or none of the characters in Shakespeare splay
technical words and slang or invented words. Othello ever challenge the right of a husband to
You can be informal when necessary. However, murder a wife accused of adultery. Other goals
you must never forget t be POLITE to avoid of feminist critics include "analyzing how sexual
having future problems. identity influences the reader of a text" and
Learning appropriate language and "examining how the images of men and women
manner is not enough in expressing your views. in imaginative literature reflect or reject the
There are critical approaches that you can use social forces that have historically kept the
to make it more convincing and appropriate. sexes from achieving total equality

3. Historical Criticism
CRITICAL APPROACHES THAT HIGHLIGHTS - This approach "seeks to understand a literary
IDEAS WHICH YOUCAN USE I EXPRESSING work byinvestigating the social, cultural, and
YOUR THOUGHTS intellectual context that produced it—a context
that necessarily includes the artist's biography
1. Formalist Criticism - This approach regards and milieu." A key goal for historical critics is to
literature as "a unique form of human understand the effect of a literary work upon its
knowledge that needs to be examined on its original readers.
own terms." All the elements necessary for
understanding the work are contained within the
work itself. Of particular interest to the formalist
critic are the elements of form-style, structure,
tone, imagery, etc.— that are found within the
- A primary goal for formalist critics is to
determine how such elements work together
with the text's content to shape its effects upon
4. Reader-Response Criticism "things cannot be understood in isolation, they
- This approach takes as a fundamental tenet have to be seen in the context of larger
that "literature" exists not as an artifact upon a structures which contain them.
printed page but as a transaction between the For example, the structuralist analysis of
physical text and the mind of a reader. It Donne's poem, Good Morrow, demands more
attempts "to describe what happens in the focus on the relevant genre, the concept of
reader's mind while interpreting a text" and courtly love, rather than on the close reading of
reflects that reading, like writing, is a creative the formal elements of the text

5. Media Criticism
- It is the act of closely examining and judging
the media. When we examine the media and
various media stories, we often find instances of
media bias. Media bias is the perception that the
media is reporting the news in a partial or
prejudiced manner. Media bias occurs when the
media seems to push a specific viewpoint, rather
than reporting the news objectively. Keep in
mind that media bias also occurs when the
media seems to ignore an important aspect of
the story. This is the case in the news story
about the puppies.

6. Marxist Criticism
- It focuses on the economic and political
elements of art, often emphasizing the
ideological content of literature; because
Marxist criticism often argues that all art is
political, either challenging or endorsing (by
silence) the status quo, it is frequently evaluative
and judgmental, a tendency that
"can lead to reductive judgment, as when Soviet
critics rated Jack London better than William
Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Edith Wharton,
and Henry James, because he illustrated the
principles of class struggle more clearly."
Nonetheless, Marxist criticism "can illuminate
political and economic dimensions: of literature
other approaches overlook."

7. Structuralism
- It focused on how human behavior is
determined by social, cultural and
psychological structures. It tended to offer a
single unified approach to human life that would
embrace all disciplines. The essence of
structuralism is the belief that

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