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H the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not

h h information
e n o u g h
to answer "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't say" (C).
answers your on exam sheet.
Yale has
University has
Iniversity signed
agreement to return to Peru some 5,000 Inca artifacts removed

the amous Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago.The relics-stone tools, ceramics
from the fam

d human and animal bones-will be housed ina

a n dh u m a n . new centre in the city of Cuzco. The deal
long dispute over thne artitacts, which were taken from Machu Picchu by American
Hiram Bingham in 1912,

Tnis agreement ensures the expanded accessibility of these Machu Picchu collections for
ceatch and public appreciation in their natural context," Yale President Richard Levin said.
victor Raul Aguilar, rector of San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco, said he hoped that "all
Picchu will enrich their experience and understanding of Inca culture with
who visit Machu
a visit to the
centre". The International Centre for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture
will be jointly run by the US and Peruvian universities.
never returned.
Peru had argued during the dispute that the artifacts were lent in 1911 but
had said that it returned those relics which it
It filed a lawsuit against Yale in 2008. Yale
marches and a letter
borrowed, while it had full ownership of many others. It also took protest
Barack Obama to win the
penned by Peruvian President Alan García to his US counterpart
battle over the artifacts.
attraction for hundreds of thousands of tourists who
visit the
The relics will be yet another
15th Century Inca site every year. (

. Yale University agreed to buy 5,000 Inca artifacts from Peru.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
4. Ihe relics will be exhibited in the capital of Peru.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
3. Hiram Bingham first discovered Macchu Pichu in 1912.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
. e Macchu Pichu collections will be available for research and public appreciation.
A. Right C. Doesn't say
B. Wrong
The Peruvia president visited Barack Obama.
A. Right C. Doesn't say
B. Wrong

(B)? If
"Wrong" (B)?
A r e the
1-5 "Right" (A)
(A) oorr "Wrong" (B),

choose "Doesn t say" l thereis
Read the
2. Read information
to to
answer a n s w e r


on your
Write your

Ders are hypocritical.

about buying environmentally friendly goods, accordinggtoto arepon
sumers aare more concerned about impressing the neighbou
r e mo
c o n s u m e r s

rs than
consumers are more likely to 'go green' on the high street
Saving the p l a n e t
savingtne coen makin
making altruistic choices, the privacy of online shopping brings
ngs out
by their peers theysan

they can ant behaviour. When people are not being watched
they afe
entirelyta shun the ethical products in favour of comfort and convenience, the rr
to shun
The habit has
has been
been studied by Vladas Griskevicius, of the University of Minnesota, who
no foina
The habit
PCofriendly shopping aecisions are not always motivated by a social concern. He picks ns
the Toyota Prius car as a prime example. Celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio
Cameron Dlaz have been photographed behind the wheel of a Prius, despite being well ble
to afford a more powerful and expensive car, sending the messagethey are concerned that
for the environment. When you publicly display your
environmentally friendly nature, vou
send the signal that you care, said the report. The study also showed that
people were often
more willing to buy green products when
they were the most expensive option, because it
showed they could afford to be caring. (The Daily Telegraph)
1. Shoppers want to buy only environmentally friendly products.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2. Consumers go green in order to
keep up with their neighbours.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
3.Online shopping offers people a wider
range of products to choose from.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
4. Celebrities are not interested in the
A. Right
B.Wrong C. Doesn't say
5. People show their concern for the
environment in public.
A. Right
B.Wrong C. Doesn't say

3. Read the text below. Are the sentences

1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not
enough information to answer
"Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't
,Write your answers on your exam sheet. say" (C).
growing number of drivers facing rising fuel
hodels, which switch from opting are
electric cars or for
petrol electric and back. But they make almost no
aKing it hard for passers-by, noise at all,
particularly those with Visual impairments, to notice them.
experts and charities called for silent vehicles to emit noises, with some
r motorists could choose from a manufacturers
range of sounds, from super-cars to the
b Wars. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association has warned podracers
vehicles that electric vehicles, and
operate on electric power at low speed, are "virtually silent". As a result
tneredie serious
plications for the independent mobility and safety of blind and partially
S i g n t e d
p e o p l e "

the Lib
Lib Dem transport minister, said ahead of the report's publication that the
to th
"committed to
ment remains
introduction of electric vehicles in a waythatwil
n t long-standi eforts to
protect vulnerable road
"Concerns abou
Concerns users"
out quiet vehicles are understandable, and we need to make
vehicles do not pose any additional threat to pedestrians. All drivers ave

ibility drive safely and with consideration for
to drive
other road users.
nse elec.
cho0se electric cars or hybrid models because they
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
are more economical.
A. Right
A vehicles sometimes make terrible noises.
2 B.Wrong C. Doesn't say
cts can only choose from a small range of sounds.
3 Moc

A. Right
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
transport minister possesses an electric car himself.
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
A. Right
cars don' pose any threat to pedestrians.
5.Fectric C. Doesn't say
B. Wrong

Read the text below. Are

the sentences 1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not
E0Ough information to answer "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't say" (C).
on your exam sheet.
Write your answers
Britain and is celebrated on 25th December. The four weeks
biggest festival in
Christmas is the
celebrated in churches by lightinga
beforeChristmas are called Advent, and are traditionally in Britain are not very religious,
candle each Sunday during Advent. Nowadays, many people
Dut they still celebrate Christmas. But watch out:
the preparations begin long before
Christmas is on the way.
start to see signs that
mct, as early as September or October, you
about Christmas are the shops. People
ISt places to tell us that we should be thinking
E on Christmas every year,
$1,000) per person
pend on average over £600 (around up Christmas decorations
the sho more and more. Shops put
encourage people to spend workers wear Christmas
hats. Some
ard play and some shop
E cheesy Chr
s y Christmas songs or carols; wonderful displays in their
London create
ig nops on Rege
egent Street and Oxford
Street in
vindov with moving characters, falling snow, colourful lights and music.
So wihat domoving in preparation for Christmas? Well, Christmas decorations; Christmas
ards to PEUple buy for your loved ones
and wrapping paper
send tyour friends and
to wrap therm relatives; presents
Christmas dinner of roast
from the special
p with. And of course food! Apart
ey or and snacks for everyone
to enjoy.
goose, people
pe buy lots of chocolates,
1. The two weeks before ristmas are called
Doesn t
B. Wrong C.
A. Right Advent.
2. Every Sunday, people light candles in church

B. C. Doesn't say
A. Right every
3. British people spena than Christmas
2600 on
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
A. Righ
special discounts
4. Shops offer on Christmas.
A. Right B.Wrong C. Doesn't say of

5. People buy decorations,

B. Wrong
cards, presents and
ESents and food on the 25th
A. Right C. Doesn t say

If there is not
5. Read the text below. Are the
5. Read
(A) or

enough information to sentences

n c e s 1-5 "Right"
1-5 "RIgnt choose
n't' t say" (C).

answer"Right" (A) or Wrong" (B),

Write your answers on your
exam sheet.
People need to be active to be healthv. lifestyle and all

Our modern o
become used to have made us Lr
for our health. Sitting
health. SittimE around
in front of the TV or the sedentary-and thae's dang
and that's dangerous
trip to
to the the store
storeaand using
computer, riding in the car for a short trip
elevators, instead of stairs or ramps, all contribute uical inactivity
is as
to our inactivity. Physical inactiVity is as

dangerous to our health as

Add up your activities each. Start slowly...
during the day in periods of at least 10 minutesco
and build up. If vou'ro
up. If you're already doing some light activities move up to
A Little is good, but more is better if you want to achieve health benents.
SCientists say to accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day tO stay
improve your health. Time needed depends on effort-as you progress to moderate activities,
you can cut down to thirty minutes, four days a week. Physical activity doesn't have to De

very hard to improve your health. This goal can be reached by building physical activities
into your daily routine. Just add up in periods of at least ten minutes each throughout the
day. After three months of regular physical activity, you will notice a difference- people
often say getting started is the hardest part.
1. People must have an active lifestyle in order to be healthy.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2. Smoking is less dangerous than physical inactivity.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
3.You don't need more than sixty minutes a day to be in a good shape
A. Right B.Wrong C. Doesn't say
4. You can improve your health by integrating physical activity into your timetable.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
. You can lose 5 kilos in 3 months.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

he text belo
Are the sentences 1-5
"Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? f there is not

i n f o r m a t i o n to answer "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't say" (C).
e n o u g hi n f o ,

Writey o u r

answers on
a n s w e r

your exam sheet.

eGlastonb. Festival, held at Worthy Farm in Pilton, Somer
n Pilton, Somerset, is Britain's most famouUS
festival. Despite over 100,000 tickets going
nd soon as
on sale, the demand is far greater than
m u s i c

ass .
ply, a n d a
they g0 on sale, there
od for
peopleapplied for tickets, despite
are a lot of requests. In
2007,Ov 00,000
providea. It is popular to such measures that involve photo
securitythat most of the workers are
an extent
n e e d i n g
to be providec
ID rpeople are happy to be stewards or bar staff in return for free entrance. But noow

humble arts get-together held in a back-country farm ever

ad in 1970 when Michael
get so big?
all started

Eavis, influenced by the growing t,

td his hippy movene
cided to host own gathering. site is still a
working dairy farm for most of the year,
0the festival beinga nuge money-spinner. Glasto, as the event is often
known, started
l l with only 1,500 people attending first edition, but
ofsma started to take things really
the 1990s.
ar this decade, with the rise first of
grunge and then of Britpop, there was huge
nthu.ciasm for the idea of spending a weekend at a festival, listening to favourite bands and
moing out
amping out in the open. Glasto, while still retaining its alternative lifestyle roots, had become
higger than anyone cOuld have ever imagined.
1. Glastonbury is a talent competition for young musicians.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2 Security measures are taken to prevent terrorism.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
3. Most of the workers are very well paid.

A.Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

4.Glastonbury became popular in the 1990s.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
5. The locals disapprove of this noisy gathering
A Right B.Wrong C. Doesn't say

L. Kead the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not
"Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't say" (C).
ough information to answer "Right" (A)

rite your answers on your exam sheet.

streets for
Shepherd, cabbie who has been threading hiS way through London's
ne U
past 30 years, keeping pace with all the modern. day changes is no small task. "To do the
that London cab
edge r now is taking up to three years," ne said, recalling the exam

rivers have to take before they can get their license,

as we swept Over Waterloo Bridge on
OUr way where he was born.
in the south of London,
old Covent Garden flower market. An old cabbie
0ol at 15 and started work in the
once said to
me, John, my son, if you learn
one thing a day while you're doing this job, by

Lne end
of your life" he paused meaningfully as a gray plaque

irme home
Or Charlie
Chaplin flashed by "your head will be full of rubDIsl.

I did the Knowledge in the afternoons while working at the flower market. In thos
ose daysy
had what was called the Blue Book, which had all the different runs in it. You would geta
map, and you would study the route, with all the back streets, and write them down.
ere allt
down. Th
you would go out on your bike and follow the route. The hardest to remember were all
uetle aleys and backstreets. We used to call then 'rat runs'." He paused. "You Can't use n
of them now. They're closing them off." (National Geographin
1. John Shepherd has been a cab driver for 30 years.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2. The Knowledge is a compulsory test for cab
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
3. John was born in London 30 years ago.
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
A. Right
of 15.
4. He didn't drop out of school at the age
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
5. The Blue Book contained all the routes in
A. Right B.Wrong C. Doesn't say

1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not

8. Read the text below. Are the sentences
"Doesn't say" (C).
information to answer "Right" (A) or "Wrong'" (B), choose
exam sheet.
Write your answers on your

involves working long always a lot going on. But I have been
hours and there is
My job of making time for it.
involved in volunteering for years and there's alwaysa way

Ifirst began volunteering at school

when I would read with the younger kids for half an hour
on a Mondaymorning. I carried this experience through to my gap year when I volunteered
I have always found that I get as much out of
at a school in Germany, teaching English.
this case it was my German that benefited.
volunteering as I put in, and in
that Ibegan volunteering as a switchboard operator for the
It was at Nottingham University
first person a child speaks to when they're calling for help, I had to
charity ChildLine. As the their trust before introducing them to a
persuade them to tell me their name, gaining
across all my voluntary experiences, such as a persuasive
counsellor. The skills I developed
useful in the job Im doing now. Ihe Home Office, like many
telephone manner, have been
volunteering scheme.
other employers, has an employee of us from work recently helped out at a
a team
As 2005 is the Year of the Volunteer,
clean up, while the volunteers who helned
omelessness shelter. We served food and helped
Community Service Volunteers (CSV), our office
shelter kept us all laughing. Through
hase and painting an adventure playground.
Ece spent a whole day cleaning up, rebuilding
yone had a great time. (
active social life.

The B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

A .R i g h t
an a volunteer since she was a student,

C. Doesn't say
Che ha B. Wrong
school in
French at a
A.R i g h t

C. Doesn't say
S h et a u g h e

B. Wrong
ARIBips she acquired during her volunteer work help her in her career.

4 .T h ea b i l i t i

A. Right
B. Wrong C.Doesn't say
A. KG she did volunteer work in a homeless shelter.
5 .I n2 0 0 5

B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

A. Right

t e x t below. Are the sentences 1-5 "Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B)? If there is not

9.Re information to answer Right" (A) or "Wrong" (B), choose "Doesn't say" (C).
enough infor

on your exam sheet.

eyOur a n s w e r s
Write y o u r

a s f u l staycation, do everything in advance that you would do for an away
a s u c c e :

hy that I mean, have your clothes clean and
ready, just as if you were packing to
tell extended family and friends that you will be "away" and therefore unavailable

hlem-solving; and do any chores that need doing ahead of time, like mowing the lawn.
dditionally, if money 15 tight, prepare some meals ahead of time, or buy frozen meals at the
so you have
the ixings for a great breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without you or your
cnQuse having to stress out over cooking. I speak from experience that cooking and cleaning
while on "vacation are not high on my list of preferred activities. If you like to grill or
cOok out, stock up on what you need to do that for a few days. No grocery shopping except
for emergency provisions, and don't forget to have some snacks around. A special treat or
NO can help make things feel special And use disposables if your family is large and cleanup
would take considerable time. A staycation, and when I'm traveling by car, are the two times
l use disposable dishes and flatware without guilt!

To make your staycation a true getaway, do things you don't usually do with your normal
leisure time that you enjoy. Never go to museums, but like them? Go and spend the money
for admission fees cheerfully. Throw in a meal out at a funky place you never otherwise visit,
toextend the pleasures of the day. Is your idea of heavena day at the movies, or a night at
the theater? Plan ahead- buy tickets, arrange transportation and babysitters (if needed), and
indulge to your heart's content. Been hankering to see your favorite baseball team? If you
nave the money for it, get the tickets you want, and have fun! (Eat a hot dog for me while
you're at it.) (
1. A
staycation is stay-at-home holiday.
A. Right C. Doesn't say
2 Should let your friends and family know you will be out of town.
A. Right C. Doesn't say
Cooking is the writer's favourite holiday pastime.
A. Right
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

and enei8y
takes too much time
4. Planning your staycation
B. Wrong C. Doesn't say enjoy.
A. Right things you really
successful staycation is doing
. Ihe secret to a

B. Wrong C. Doesn't say If there isis

A. Right or "Wrong" (B)? If
below. Are the 1-5 "Right" (A) "Doesn't say" (C)
10. Read the text

(A) or "Wrong" (B), choose

information to answer "Right"
Write your answers on your exam sheet.
kids a r e bored. Why not go
wny not go
It's a lazy Saturday afternoon and you're bored. Or maybe your
taking up these days is something known
on a treasure hunt? A hobby
that many families are

as letterboxing.
matter where you are.
treasure hunt, no
LetterboXing gives you the opportunity to go on a
a treasure hunt waiting. no
With thousands of boxes hidden all over, you're bound to find
matter where your travels may take you.
as a letterbox
The premise is simple: letterboxers all over the globe will hide what's known
in an outdoor public location a park, a hiking trail, etc. In this box there will
be a small
notebook and a rubber stamp. The letterboxer will then write directions to the box in such a
way that finding the box will be like a treasure hunt -

and make those directions available to

other letterboxers.
As a letterboxer, you will also purchase a small notebook and rubber stamp that you carry
along with you. Your notebook acts as a type of passport, and your rubber stamp represents
a symbol of you. When you find a letterbox, you use the stamp found in the letterbox to mark
in your "passport" your trip, then use your stamp to mark in the notebook in letterbox that
you were there. You then replace the letterbox where you found it for the next treasure
1. Letterboxing is very popular with families.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2. You can find letterboxes only in the US.
A. Right B.Wrong C. Doesn't say
3. A letterbox contains personal letters.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
4. Everyone has access to directions that lead to a letterbox.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
5. All letterboxers need a badge and an ID number.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

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