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NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

4478/2022 *GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Legends.

Source: BSH N2 04/10/22 and BSH N2/22

Chart DE 33 (INT 13591) WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Detailed portrayal of shallow waters, see DE national
chart series., centred on: 54° 25´·9N., 10° 23´·0E.
54° 25´·5N., 10° 15´·0E.
54° 28´·4N., 10° 10´·3E.

0859/2023 *GERMANY - Baltic Coast - Restricted areas. Legends.

Source: WSA Ostsee 18/23

Chart DE 33 (INT 13591) WGS84 DATUM

Insert circular limit of restricted area, radius 300m,
ÇÅÆÇ , centred on:
(a) 54° 30´·13N., 10° 16´·17E.
legend, Foul (Explosives), centred on: (a) above
circular limit of restricted area, radius 300m,
ÇÅÆÇ , centred on:
(b) 54° 29´·56N., 10° 16´·07E.
legend, Foul (Explosives), centred on: (b) above

1456/2023 *GERMANY - Baltic Coast - Buoy.

Source: WSA Ostsee 87/23

Chart DE 33 (INT 13591) WGS84 DATUM

GoFY l(2)5s 54° 26´·21N., 10° 26´·80E.

1534/2023 *GERMANY - Baltic Coast - Buoy.

Source: WSA Ostsee 92/23

Chart DE 33 (INT 13591) WGS84 DATUM

GYFo l(2)5s 54° 26´·21N., 10° 26´·80E.

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