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As no more could be done therapeutically, the EM·1 and 60 ml EM-X Gold.

In the following
family asked ­Dr. Tanaka to give the patient months the symptoms dimimished to the
EM-X. Although he was not familiar with it, he extent that the medication could be reduced,
had no objections, and administered 10 ml 3 and she was again able to dress and generally
times ­daily with a tube directly into the stomach. take care of herself. She was so happy that she
could laugh and jump again, but, unfortunately,
On the first evening already the patient began she fell over in the process and injured herself.
to perspire heavily, developed a fever, however
his breathing gradually stabilized. It was then Skin Diseases
possible to reduce the oxygen concentration
step by step. After 4 days X-ray pictures verified He described in detail the case of a 27-year-
that the infection had almost passed. For Dr. old patient with atopic dermatitis who had
Tanaka this was such an impressive result that already considered suicide due to her severe
he – a convinced and experienced practitioner skin rash, but then discovered EM. She had
of conventional medicine, as he emphasized to bear a worsening of the symptoms when
several times in his presentation – began to she first stopped using the steroid lotion.
engage with alternative healing methods, and Instead she started taking 60 ml of EM-X Gold
1 2
began using EM-X and, soon afterwards, the daily, applied zinc lotion with 5% EM-X Gold,
effect-enhanced EM-X Gold in therapy. bathed in water with EM and changed her

Dr. Yoshimi Tanaka

3 Sattva Valk, President of
eating habits, in particular by switching to the Dutch EM Association,
hands gifts to Dr. Tanaka
Case Examples natural products. After two years, according
after the event in Siegburg.
to Dr. Tanaka, she was hardly recognizable as

Lectures in Germany
He then described individual case examples she was completely symptom-free and happy. 4 Dr. Tanaka during his
from various areas. On the subject of Parkinson’s presentation in Siegburg
disease he was able to cite a test series at the Cancer
hospital where he used to work. In this case 5 Dr. Tanaka in Hamburg
­sev­e­ral patients were given daily doses of He also presented several cases of successful
60 ml EM-X Gold. In at least 45 % of the cases treatments of cancer patients with EM-X Gold,
Author: Pit Mau When the German EM Association received an enquiry whether they would it was possible to stop the disease or at least including cases regarded as incurable. In all of
Photography: Osamu Miyagi alleviate the symtoms. these acute, life-threatening cases, the daily
(EMRO Japan)
be ­interested in organizing presentations by Dr. Yoshimi Tanaka in Germany,
doses of EM-X Gold were 150-500 ml. Dr. Tanaka
the board did not take long to agree: yes, this would be a good opportunity to
He gave an illustrative description of another described an interesting observation. Surgeons
have the chances offered by EM medicine explained to members and interested impressive individual case concerning an old operating on patients who had taken EM-X
persons by an experienced practitioner. In collaboration with the Swiss EM woman with Parkinson’s. She suffered from Gold before the operation came across largely
Asso­ciation it was decided to organize one presentation near the Swiss border all of the distressing, typical symptoms of the encapsulated tumours which, of course, could
disease that make normal life impossible. Dr. be removed much more easily and safely. In
so that the members there could also take part. This came out to be Singen/
­Tanaka prescribed the daily administration of ­general he would say that in around 80% of
Hohentwiel, the other venues were in Munich, Siegburg/Bonn and Hamburg.

4 5
1 Dr. Tanaka with the inter- The Lectures Initial Experience with EM-X
preter Dr. Monika Lubitz
Nobody had expected it: Dr. Tanaka had Dr. Tanaka’s presentation was divided into two
2 With his clothing Dr. Tanaka
decided to hold his lectures in traditional parts: In the first he gave some case examples
emphasizes his affinity with
the Japanese tradition. Japanese costume. This was unusual but one in which EM-X or EM-X Gold had achieved
soon became accustomed to the elegance of healing. In the second part he talked about
this mode of dress. He moves a lot and often modes of behaviour that can prevent illness.
mimics body postures for the purpose of
illustration, resulting in a lively and humorous Without any long introductions, Dr. Tanaka­
presentation. began to present his first case, which had
opened his own eyes to the potency of EM
A slight handicap to understanding were the medicine. At the time he was treating a patient
breaks for the translation. Dr. Monika Lubitz, who was suffering from a serious lung infection
who has travelled for years as an interpreter and, on top of that, was infected with multi-
with the well-known water researcher Masuru resistant germs. Even doses of 100-% oxygen
Emoto, was recruited for this task, and did an ex- were ­barely reaching the lungs. The doctors
cellent job. Nonetheless, it would have been nice knew from experience that there was no
to hear the presentations in a continuous flow. remedy, and informed the family accordingly.

8 | EM Journal 51 | english | March 2015 9

Questions for Dr. Tanaka
the cases in which anti-cancer agents are used are such voices. They indicate a weak­en­ed
in combination with EM-X Gold, there are no immune system. Illness is the result. This is
or only mild side effects. The patients are so why the self-healing properties have to be

in November 2014
­improved up that they can eat normally and reinforced. He identifies four essential areas:
even leave the house. healthy food and sensible eating, a healthy
bowel and active bowel activity, musculature
Unlike Dr. Shigeru Tanaka (no relation) who (exercise) and a happy, thankful soul. If the
wrote several books about EM-X and EM-salt, soul is liberated, he sums up, the illness will At the four presentations by Dr. Yoshimi Tanaka the visitors had
Dr. Yoshimi Tanaka is not the director of a dis­solve. EM, in particular EM-X Gold, brings the opportunity to write down their questions for Dr. Tanaka and
clinic and thus did not have much opportunity about improvements in all of these areas.
many of them took advantage of this. A whole series of questions
to carry out serial investigations.
Questions for Dr. Tanaka refers to the production of EM-X Gold and the difference to the
Health Systems in predecessor product EM-X and to EM·1. Members of the audience
Japan and Germany At the end of this report you will find a sum- also wanted suggestions for dosing and information about how
mary of the answers to questions which Dr.
EM-X Gold works. As many readers are also interest­ed in this
As mentioned at the beginning, Dr. Tanaka Tanaka was asked in writing by visitors at the
has been interested in alternative medicine various presentations. Obviously, the questions information, we would like to try and answer this complex of
for some years now. He is currently receiving of 150 or 200 visitors could not all be dealt with questions in the following. Notwithstanding this, we will also
additional training as a homeopath. Several at the event. Dr. Tanaka was happy to answer contact those whose questions are not answered here.
times in the course of his presentation he com- some questions from the audience, however,
plained about flaws in the Japanese health- and the listeners found that he dealt with each
care system, which is based strictly and ex- ques­tion with seriousness, insight and care.
clusively on conventional medicine, and com-
plimented Germany for our diverse alterna- Summary How Is EM-X Gold Produced? The ­improved effect is retained even when After the lectures
tive therapy options. In all health problems, it cools down. Dr. Tanaka was always
according to the doctor, treatment with EM EM-X Gold is Prof. Teruo Higa’s further happy to answer questions
There is still no recapitulative representation
from the audience.
alone leads to an improvement in the patient’s of all the experience with EM medicine (Be it ­dev­el­opment of the predecessor product When food is heated there is always a
condition and alliviates the symptoms. But in Japan or in other parts of the world). This EM-X, which is no longer produced. There sacrifice in terms of the vitality of the food as a
patients who also change their lifestyle are is why anybody interested in this area has were already ­several stages of improvement giver of life. As, however, EM-X Gold contains
more likely to experience improvements and to try and gain an overview himself. The last for the old EM-X, hence the term “EM-X of the no living cells, heating it up causes no damage.
be spared a worsening of their condition. ­three EMJournals have featured articles by 1st generation” used by Dr. Tanaka. On the contrary, the forces in EM-X Gold
Dr. Tanaka, several books by the recently in­crease their effect by a factor of 6.
Preventive Medicine ­deceased Dr. Shigeru Tanaka are available in While EM-X was derived from the fermen-
­German, and, of course books by Prof. Higa, tation of EM·1 with organic materials such When Is EM-X Gold Taken?
In the second part of his presentation he which contain examples and recommen- as rice bran, papaya and seaweed, for EM-X
ex­plained how to live so as to ­avoid illness. ­dat­i­ons, but in partic­u­lar descriptions Gold Prof. Higa chose other ingredients for The selected doses should be distributed over
EM users with a conscious lifestyle among explaining the EM medicine system. Anyone the fermentation in order to achieve a the day. If it suits your daily routine, three
the listeners found a lot of things here that to whom it was not already clear was aware considerably enhanced effect. times a day, in the morning, midday and
they already know and are certainly also after Dr. Tanaka’s presentations: we are all evening. If it is more convenient, however,
practising. He said that it is important to called upon to accept responsibility for our EM-X Gold is the result of the careful fermen- then one dose in the morning and one in the
listen to the body’s voice. Symptoms of illness own health. EM is a very helpful tool for this. tation of various materials with EM·1. These evening is sufficient. Dr. Tanaka recommends
materials are: water, sugar cane molasses, taking it before meals.
yeast extract, coral calcium (Sango coral) and
6 Listeners in rapt attention at 6 magnesium sulphate (nigari). When fermen- Which Doses Are Recommended?
Dr. Tanaka‘s first presenta- tation is concluded, the metabolic products of Overdosing?
tion in Singen, which was the microbes are filtered off to leave a liquid
also attended by many
which no longer contains any cells. It is so fine For the maintenance of good health and
members of the Swiss EM
Association. that it is absorbed by the mucous membranes for prevention purposes the manufacturer
before it even reaches the colon. recommends 10-30 ml per day. Dr. Tanaka was
asked this several times. He gave the non-bind­-
How Is EM-X Gold Taken? ing recommendation to take up to 30 ml of
EM-X Gold daily for prevention purposes, and
EM-X Gold can be taken cold, hot or warm, to increase the daily dosage to 60 ml if one is
pure or in drinks. It is recommended to ill or under heavy strain, and up to 150-500 ml
heat EM-X Gold before taking it to around daily in the case of serious illness. Needless to
85° C. In practice this can be done by adding say, this should always be discussed with and,
the ­respective dose to hot tea, coffee or as necessary, overseen by a doctor or healing
­water. It only needs to be heated up once. practitioner.

10 | EM Journal 51 | english | March 2015 11

It is advisable to start with a small amount­ EM-X Gold does not work symptomatically The Main Groups of
(e.g. 1 teaspoon) and then gradually increase like, for example, a drug. EM-X Gold is
Microorganisms in EM·1®
What is EM?
this to the desired dosage. Just as with homeo- not a drug! It helps to improve the overall
pathic or natural healing agents, there may be condition of the body and can thus have an
an initial reaction. This has been mentioned in influence on the symptoms of illness. It has a
various experience reports. In such cases the strong antioxidant effect, surplus free radicals
dosage should be reduced or briefly suspended are rendered harmless, many elementary
and then increased to the desired dosage when functions of the body are revitalized. In this
the reaction has eased. way it reinforces the immune forces and
activates the body’s self-healing mechanisms. EM is the abbreviation for Effective In the field of animal husbandry,
In Dr. Tanaka’s experience, EM-X Gold cannot Microorganisms, a term coined by a healthy environment can be
be overdosed. In his book “EM-X” (Jap. edition 1998/2002) Dr. its discoverer, the Japanese agri- creat­ed with the use of EM, in
Shigeru Tanaka notes that chemicals clearly cultural scientist and university particular owing to the reduced
What Is The Difference between work better when EM-X is taken in parallel. professor, Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa. EM usage of antibiotics and chemicals.
EM·1 and EM-X Gold? This observation, like most of the other technology has been in use around In addition, EM-fermented organic
observations of the effects of EM-X Gold, has the globe since 1982. EM·1® is a materials used as a feed supple-
EM·1 is the basic product for the whole EM-tech- not yet been scientifically researched. multimicrobial mixture primarily ment contribute to animal health.
nology. It is a mixture of living microorganisms consist­ing of lactic acid and photo-
developed by Prof. Higa. EM·1 itself can be Interactions with other medications have not trophic bacteria, yeast and ferment- When treated with EM, instead
Lactic acid bacteria ferment organic matter and
multiplied (= fermented) to EMa (= Activated been observed. As EM-X Gold works on a active fungi, most of which are of putrefying, organic wastes can produce organic acids that inhibit pathogens.
EM·1) with water and sugar molasses. EM-X different level than chemical agents, one would used to manufacture foodstuffs or be transformed into recyclable
Gold is the concentrated form of the metabolic not expect this. as ingredients. When this mixture resourc­es through the fermentation
pro­d­ucts of EM·1. It contains no microorganisms. of natur­ally occurring and non- process. This takes effect not only
What Is the Difference between genetically manipulated micro- on animal waste, but on domestic
How Does EM-X Gold Work? EM-X Gold and Manju? organisms ­comes into contact waste, compost and sewage as
with organic materials, the micro- well. Unpleasant and hazardous
EM-X Gold contains enzymatically active anti- The factory in which the first EM-X developed organisms produce an abun­dance of odors are minimized, if not com­-
oxidants. This means that the full anti-oxi- by Prof. Higa was produced began around 20 natural substances such as vitamins, pletely avoid­ed.
dation potential only develops its full effect on years ago to sell a beverage based on the same organic acids, min­eral chelate com-
the basis of enzymatic chain reactions in the production technology in a different market pounds and various antioxidants. In the environmental field, EM can
body cells. For this reason we can only measure sector. They called it “Manju”. This has also be used to promote the biodiver­sity
a fraction of the anti-oxidant effect of EM-X been available in Europe for some years now. The perfect symbiosis of micro- in various ecosystems, including
Gold. In particular the energetic quality Neither the manufacturer nor the European organisms in EM generates power- water systems. EM expedites the
(resonances) of the ingredients, their inter- distributor claims that this is EM-X. Because, ful regenerative forces, which breakdown of sediments, thus also
actions with the effective microorganisms however, it comes from the same factories in develop astonishing potentials in improving the water quality.
as well as the resulting metabolic products which EM-X used to be produced, some people the various milieus. These potentials
determine the efficacy of EM-X Gold. believe it is. are put to use in the EM Technology. In the household, EM can be used
Yeasts ferment organic matter and contain
Originally viewed as an alternative like a home remedy for a multitude vitamins and amino acids.
to using chemical agents in agri- of areas: from improving room
EM-X Gold is a very valuable culture, today EM is used around climate to cleaning to treating
tool for maintaining the the world also in the fields of organic waste.
health of young as well as environment, industry and health.
old people.
In addition, EM is being put to use
When used in agriculture, EM pro- successfully as a base for other
motes the rapid reproduction of products such as special cleansers,
beneficial microorganisms, a pre- as a supplement for clays and
requisite for the generation of construction materials, paints and
healthy soil, thus rendering optimal varnishes.
growth conditions for every type of
plant. It is therefore possible to reach In general, it can be said, that EM
high crop yields of high-quality has a regenerative effect every­
plants and fruits. EM creates an where used. It strengthens life
excellent microbial balance which force and health and prevents de-
contributes to suppressing patho- generative, pathogenic processes.
genic organisms and supporting
Phototropic bacteria (Photosynthetic bacteria)
beneficial organisms. work as key component in EM. They help maintain
balance with the other beneficial microorganisms,
allowing them to coexist and work together.

12 | EM Journal 51 | english | March 2015

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