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A letter for you..

Dear Friends,

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to you

for joining us for this juice fast. We are excited that you
have taken out three days of your life for cleansing your
body and spirit. We will be here to inspire and hand-hold
you at all times.

During these three days, we’ll share with you immense

knowledge on fasting, watch some very inspiring
documentaries together and take lots of photos & videos
to share with the community. So be prepared for three
fun-filled, exciting days of a solid food vacation!

The best part about this juice fast is that we are in this
together as a community. You are not alone. Not only do
you have our support, but also the support of hundreds
of others who are juice fasting with you in their own

We request that you read this document carefully, as it

contains information to ensure that you have a great

We feel blessed to be sharing these three days with you.

Harshvardhan and Subah

How to prepare for the fast?
To get the maximum benefit of the fast, please minimise the intake of the following
food items from now till the fast starts. Doing so will take off the unnecessary load
from the digestive system.


• Alcohol • Fruits
• Tea and coffee • Salads
• Soda and aerated drinks • Juices
• Processed, junk and fried food
• All animal products (milk, cheese,
eggs, butter, yoghurt, fish and meat)


Please have a very light meal in the evening of the day before the fast - just a simple
bowl of soup or fruit is recommended. No roti, daal, rice or any other grains. This will
give an indication to your body to start preparing for the fast.

Shopping List for all 3 days

1 big ash gourd or 2 small ash gourds 3 bunches spinach
3 drinking coconuts 2 bunches mint
6 apples 2 bunches coriander
3 beetroots 6 pieces ginger
12 carrots
15 big cucumbers

In case you cannot find any of the ingredients above, don’t worry. You can make juices
out of any vegetables available. However, please try finding all ingredients for the
green juice, as it will be your most important juice.

Juice Recipes
9 AM
Make sure to remove the seeds and peel
from ash gourd before juicing it.

11:30 AM
• ½ apple
• 1 beetroot
• 3-4 carrots
• 1 inch ginger

2 PM
• 2 cucumbers or ½ bottle gourd (lauki)
• handful spinach
• ½ apple
• handful mint / coriander
• 1 inch ginger


• At 5:30 PM and 7 PM, you can repeat Ash Gourd Juice OR Coconut Water OR Green Juice.

• In case you cannot find any of the ingredients above, don’t worry. You can make juices
out of any vegetables available. However, please try finding all ingredients for the green
juice, as it will be your most important juice.

• We strictly recommend NOT to drink any pure fruit juices during the fast. You may add ½
an apple to your juice for sweetness but please avoid only fruit juice.
Daily Schedule

First Juice
9:00 am Ash Gourd Juice or Coconut Water

10:am - 11:30 am Knowledge Session I

Second Juice
11:30 am Apple, Beetroot, Carrot Juice

12:30 - 2:00 pm Knowledge Session II

Third Juice
2:00 pm
Green Juice

2:30 - 5:30 pm Take Rest + Watch Documentary

Fourth Juice
5:30 pm
Ash Gourd Juice or Coconut Water or Green Juice

6:00 - 7:00 pm Evening Session

Fifth Juice (optional)

7:00 pm Ash Gourd Juice or Coconut Water or Green Juice

Note - Both knowledge sessions and evening sessions will be hosted through online webinars.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a juice fast? Do I need to have an enema and wet pack?
We will drink only fresh juices for 3 days. No Having an enema and wet pack will help you
solid food is allowed on this fast. get the most benefits from the fast, but it is not
compulsory to have. Incase you do not have it,
Is it essential for me to do the fast, or can I you can order it from : https://satvicmovement.
just attend to learn about fasting? org/collections/all
It is essential to do the 3 day fast with us. Only
then will you get the benefit from this workshop. How many juices can I have in a day?
Approximately 4-5 glasses of juice per day. No
How will I feel during the 3-day fast? pure fruit juices are allowed.
A fast is a cleansing process. As your body
throws out the toxins sitting inside, it is What if I don’t have access to the
common to experience headaches, nausea, vegetables and fruits you mentioned?
vomiting, acidity and weakness. This is a You can prepare juices with any
temporary discomfort. Once your body is available vegetables. It is not important to drink
cleansed through fasting, you will experience a specific juice. We want to give our digestive
abundant energy and mental clarity. system a break from solid food.

Is juice fasting safe? I don’t have a juicer, can I still participate?

Yes, fasting is safe but there are a few Yes of course. You can do a coconut water
exceptions. If you are currently on medication, fast, or make juices using a blender/mixer.
it is required that you consult with your Simply add the vegetables and fruits in the
medical doctor prior to committing to the fast. blender and then sieve them.
This online fast is not recommended for the
following people:
Can I watch the replays of the webinars?
- pregnant & breastfeeding mothers
All webinar sessions will be recorded and the
- people above the age of 50
link will be shared with you. The replays are only
- people on heavy medication
available for 24 hours from the time the session
ends. The juice fast is meant to be a live
Can I fast during my periods? experience and unless there are problems with
Yes, you can fast during your menstrual cycles. the network, we insist that you watch it live.

I’m diabetic, can I still fast? I have more questions..

Yes, you can fast. Ensure to consult your Please visit -
medical doctor beforehand. Remember not to
add fruits to your juice.

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