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This form is to be completed by students submitting assignments of level 4 and level 5.
Students are required to complete all sections and attach to your assignment.


STUDENT NAME Bibek Kumar Yadav



UNIT TITLE Networking


ASSIGNMENT Cutting Edge IT solution


ISSUE DATE 27January 2023 DUE DATE 26 March 2023

Ruman Thapa


HAND IN DATE 22 March 2023

Bibek Kumar Yadav 1 | P a g e


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Bibek Kumar Yadav 2 | P a g e


Table of Contents
Activity 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Introduction .....................................................................................................................................

Slides ...............................................................................................................................................

Supporting notes ..................................................................................................................... 6

Activity 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 36

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................

Networking Design .......................................................................................................................


Network design of Cutting Edge IT Solution. ..............................................................................


Network device used in Cutting Edge IT company .................................................................. 39

Router ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Switch: .................................................................................................................................. 39

IP address ..............................................................................................................................

Network address.................................................................................................................... 40

Hardware and software requirement .....................................................................................


Maintenance Schedule ..........................................................................................................


Testing Plan .......................................................................................................................... 66

Bibek Kumar Yadav 3 | P a g e

Testing Network Design .......................................................................................................

67 Evaluation and feedbacks .....................................................................................................


Range of server types ............................................................................................................


HP ProLiant DL380G5 .........................................................................................................

70 Processor: Xeon 5400 series by Intel (up to two
processors) ............................................... 70

Memory: ................................................................................................................................

Storage .................................................................................................................................. 70

Network................................................................................................................................. 70

Expansion Slots:.................................................................................................................... 70

Dell PowerEdge 5606 ...................................................................................................................


Processor ...............................................................................................................................

Memory .................................................................................................................................

Storage .................................................................................................................................. 71

Networking ........................................................................................................................... 72

Expansion ..............................................................................................................................

Recommended server selection .............................................................................................


Workload Requirements ....................................................................................................... 73

Virtualization ........................................................................................................................ 74

Server Hardware ................................................................................................................... 74

Bibek Kumar Yadav 4 | P a g e

Server Location .....................................................................................................................

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 74

Activity 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 74

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................

Technical Report ...........................................................................................................................


Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 75

Methodology .........................................................................................................................

Results ...................................................................................................................................

Discussion .............................................................................................................................

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 75
References .............................................................................................................................

System Requirement .............................................................................................................


Tools used .............................................................................................................................


Configuration ........................................................................................................................

DHCP IP configuration PC from every Department are as: .....................................................


For IT Department ................................................................................................................ 78

For Finance Department ........................................................................................................... 85

For HR Department................................................................................................................... 90

For Sales Department ............................................................................................................


Bibek Kumar Yadav 5 | P a g e

CLI of Router in Cisco ............................................................................................................

Interdependence of workstation hardware and network software .............................................. 128

Network Hardware ..................................................................................................................


• Modems: .......................................................................................................................

• Routers ......................................................................................................................... 128

• Hubs ............................................................................................................................. 128

• Bridges ......................................................................................................................... 128

• Switches ....................................................................................................................... 129

• Network Interfaces Cards .............................................................................................


• Network Cables ............................................................................................................


• Firewall......................................................................................................................... 129

Network Software .......................................................................................................................


The functions of network software. ........................................................................................


Open Filer ............................................................................................................................... 129

Features .......................................................................................................................................

130 Cisco network

assistant ....................................................................................................... 130

Features ...............................................................................................................................


How hardware and network software depend on each other. .....................................................


Bibek Kumar Yadav 6 | P a g e

Conclusion: ......................................................................................................................... 131

Activity 4: ................................................................................................................................... 132

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 132

Selection of Topology: ................................................................................................................


Selection of protocol ...................................................................................................................


Critical reflection on the final implemented network and design ........................................... 133

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 134

References ...................................................................................................................................

Activity 1


A network is any collection of two or more connected computers typically through wires or
wireless networks. A server is present in some computer networks. An efficient computer known
as a server frequently serves as the focal point for network services including email, internet
access, and file storage. A client is any device that is connected to a server. The term "standalone
computer" refers to a computer that is not networked.


Supporting notes

Bibek Kumar Yadav 7 | P a g e

In this, I have discussed about Computer Network.

A computer network is a collection of networked computing devices (including laptops, servers,

printers, and other pieces of hardware) that are connected to each other in order to share

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information and resources. Depending on a network's topology, topology throughout a broad
geographic area, and communication protocols, multiple kinds can be assigned to it. (Anon.,

In this slide, I have discussed about LAN. Ethernet technology, a wired networking standard that
use physical cable to link devices to a central network switch or hub, is commonly used to build
LANs. As an alternative, wireless technologies like Wi-Fi may be used to create LANs, enabling
devices to connect to the network without the use of physical cables. (Anon., 2022)

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In this slide, I have discussed about MAN. A kind of computer network that connects locations
across a distance greater than a LAN but less than a WAN. A MAN often connects numerous
LANs and typically covers a city or a sizable campus. Asynchronous Transfer Mode and Fiber
Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) are two examples of MAN technology (ATM). (Anon., n.d.)

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Leased lines, satellite connectivity, and radio waves are just a few of the technologies that may
be used to build WANs. The Internet, which uses the TCP/IP protocol suite to link devices
globally, is the most popular technology utilized in WANs. Private networks like Multiprotocol
Label Switching (MPLS) can be used by WANs to provide secure connections between several
sites. In this slide, I have discussed About WAN. (Anon., n.d.)

In this slide, I have discussed about PANA specific kind of computer network that links gadgets
in a constrained, individual space, such a single home or a person's body. PAN technologies
include Bluetooth and ZigBee, for instance. (Anon., n.d.)

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In this slide, I have discussed about WLAN. A kind of LAN that links devices to the network
using wireless technologies. In homes, workplaces, and public places like cafés and airports,
WLANs are often utilized. The most widely used WLAN technology is Wi-Fi. (Anon., n.d.)

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The vast network of linked computer networks that interact using the Internet Protocol Suite
(TCP/IP) as a standard. The internet enables users to interact with others, access a wealth of
information, and use a variety of online services including social media, email, and online
shopping. One of the most widely used internet services is the World Wide Web (WWW), which
enables users to access and exchange multimedia material including web pages, photos, and
videos. (Anon., n.d.)

A private computer network used within a company to distribute information and resources to
staff members. Internet-like intranets are restricted to authorized users within the company,
unlike the public internet. Documents, calendars, corporate news, and other information can be
shared over intranets. In these slide, I have given a shortly brief about Intranet. (Anon., n.d.)

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In this slide, I have discussed about Network Standards and it’s Layer. The Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model is a theoretical framework for describing how networks
communicate. (Anon., 2020)

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, I have discussed about Physical layer with diagram. This layer handles the actual data
transfer across the network. It details the transmission's electrical, mechanical, and temporal
properties as well as the physical media (such as copper, fiber, or wireless). (Anon., 2020)

In this slide, I have discussed about Data Link Layer. Data transport between nearby network
nodes is made possible by the data link layer. Data framing, error detection and correction, and
flow control are all handled by it. (Anon., 2020)

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In this slide

In this slide, I have discussed about Network Layer. This layer is responsible for data routing
between various networks. It offers logical addressing and routing capabilities to enable the
transmission of packets across various networks. (Anon., 2020)

, I have discussed about Transport Layer. Data delivery from beginning to end is

Bibek Kumar Yadav 16 | P a g e

provided by the transport layer between apps. It controls congestion control, delivers dependable
data transmission, and divides and reassembles data. (Anon., 2020)

In this slide, I have discussed about Session Layer. This layer controls how programs
communicate with one another. It enables data synchronization and checkpointing as well as the
establishment, maintenance, and termination of sessions. (Anon., 2020)

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In this slide

In this slide, I have discussed about Presentation layer. The depiction of data is the focus of this
layer. It performs data conversions between multiple file formats and offers compression and
encryption options. (Anon., 2020)

, I have discussed about Application Layer. This layer acts as a bridge between the

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user's apps and the network. It consists of protocols for email, remote login, file transfers, and
other application-level services. (Anon., 2020)

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In this slide

In above slide, I have discussed about Benefits and Constraints of OSI Layer.

In this slide, I have discussed about TCP/IP and it’s Layer.

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Bibek Kumar Yadav 21 | P a g e
In this slide, I have discussed about Application Layer.

In this slide, I have described about Transport Layer.

In this slide, I have described about Internet Layer.

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In these above slide, I have described about Benefits and Constraints of TCP/IP.

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This is the Difference between of TCP/IP and ISO.

Now we are going to discussed about Model of Network Topologies.

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In this slide, I have described about Bus topology and it’s Benefit and Constraints. In the Bus
Topology, Every gadget is linked together by a single wire known as a "bus." All devices receive
the data sent across the bus, but only the designated recipient processes it. Although this
topology is straightforward and quick to set up, it can be vulnerable to congestion and data
collisions. (Anon., n.d.)

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In this slide, I have described about Star Topology and it’s benefit and constraints. In the star
Topology, to a single hub or switch, all devices are linked. Via the hub, data is sent between
devices, and each device has a unique dedicated connection. Any device may be added or
withdrawn without impacting the rest of the network using this topology since it is simple to set
up and maintain. (Anon., n.d.)

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In this slide, I have described about Ring Topology. In the ring Topology, Data is sent around the
ring from device to device until it reaches its destination since every device is interconnected in a
closed loop. Data travels in a single route around the ring, with each device in the ring linked to
two others. High-speed communication may be provided by this architecture, which is
dependable but can be challenging to operate and scale. (Anon., n.d.)

Bibek Kumar Yadav 27 | P a g e

In this slide, I have described about Mesh Topology. In the mesh Topology, every device in the
network is linked to every other device, resulting in several pathways for data to travel. This is
known as a mesh topology. While being costly to construct and challenging to operate, this
architecture is very dependable because data may be diverted around broken links. (Anon., n.d.)

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In this slide, I have described about Tree Topology. In the tree Topology, with several degrees of
branching, devices are organized in a hierarchical system. Every device has a specific connection
to its parent node, and information is sent from the root node down to the leaves. Although this
architecture is manageable and scalable, if the root node or a central branch is down, it may fail.
(Anon., n.d.)

In this slide, I have described about Hybrid Topology. In the hybrid Topology, Two or more of
the aforementioned topologies can be combined to form a hybrid topology. As an illustration, a
network may consist of a major bus topology that is connected to several smaller star topologies.
By limiting their downsides, this design can offer the advantages of several other topologies.
(Anon., n.d.)

Bibek Kumar Yadav 29 | P a g e

In this slide, I have described about Networking Principles and Networking Protocols.

In this slide, I have described about IPv4.

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In this slide, I have presented about IPv6.

In this table, I have presented about HTTPS.

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In this slide, I have presented about Networking devices and server.

In this slide, I have described about Routers.

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In this slide, I have presented about Switches.

In this slide, I have presented about firewalls.

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In this slide, I have presented about Repeaters.

In this slide, I have presented about Bridge.

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In this slide, I have presented about IOT Gateways.

In this slide, I have presented about Domain.

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In this slide, I have presented about Web.

In this slide, I have presented about File and Database Server.

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In this slide, I have described about Access permissions.

In this slide, I presented about Workstation hardware and the relevant networking software.

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This is the Last slide of our Activity 1.

Activity 2


As Network design is the process of organizing and putting computer network architecture into
place. For the network design, we need software that can show the network connection between
the devices and the server. In order to deliver better services, I carried out study prior to the
network's launch. Before a network is put into use, a design that meets with a certain
specification is produced. The server services must pass testing and evaluation in order for the
expected and actual output to match. After testing, a design is recorded, the test results are

Bibek Kumar Yadav 38 | P a g e

compared to what was expected, and the network system is then implemented. So, a
"enhancement" is a change that improves something's worth or quality. For a more powerful
network, it is advisable to put the proposed prospective improvement into practice.

As we were building the networked system, we devised a maintenance schedule to maintain it.

Networking Design
A simple local area network (LAN) in a home or office can be designed using network design,
which is the planning of a computer system's connections, to a large, intricate system in a
business environment. Networks can occasionally be thrown together quickly and out of
necessity. For instance, this can be the situation when connecting a computer and printer.
However, careful network planning and deliberate choices in specific regions are required for
optimal operation.

There are several important factors to consider when designing a network:

Topology: the positioning of devices, the utilization of cabling, and the data routing that make up a
network's physical and logical configuration.

Protocols: The protocols used for network communication, such as TCP/IP and OSI model.

Security: The network is shielded from illegal access and attacks by mechanisms including firewalls,
VPNs, and intrusion detection systems.

Scalability: The network's ability to grow and adapt to changing needs.

Reliability: The capacity of the network to maintain performance and availability under both typical
and unusual circumstances.

Manageability refers to the network's ability to be easily administered, monitored, and troubleshooter.

Before the final design is executed, several rounds of testing and adjustments may be necessary because
the design process is iterative. Because it significantly affects the performance, security, and overall
effectiveness of the company, network architecture is a crucial component of IT infrastructure. (Anon.,

Bibek Kumar Yadav 39 | P a g e

Network design of Cutting Edge IT Solution.

There are Four Department in cutting edge IT company. The Four department are IT department,
ch is also
Finance department, HR department, connected
Sales team. IntoIT
department there are 7computers.In
Finance department there are 5computers. In HR department there are 4computers. And in Sales
team there are 6computers. For every department they have individual switch and for every
Switch there are Only One router. The switch is connected to computers and the routers are
connected to switch. The swit

Bibek Kumar Yadav 40 | P a g e

Network device used in Cutting Edge IT company

I used router, switch, Access PT, Server and pc these devices are used individually or in combination to
build a network that meets an organization's needs. The right networking devices will be chosen based on
the organization's specific needs and the type of network being designed.


A router is a networking device that transfers data packets between computer networks. It is
connected to two or more networks and uses routing tables and protocols to choose the optimum
route for data to go between them. Local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and
Internet networks are all connected through routers. To exchange knowledge about the networks
they are connected to and to decide the most effective route for data to take, they employ routing
protocols like OSPF and BGP.
Routers also serve other purposes, such as:
IP address assignment: using DHCP or static IP addresses to assign IP addresses to networked
Network Address Translation (NAT): the method used to share a single public IP address among
several devices on a private network.
Quality of Service (Qu’s): Making certain traffic types more significant than others so that
important data always gets precedence.
Firewalls: Controlling data flow can defend networks against intrusions and attacks.
VPN: connecting distant devices to a network using a secure virtual private network.

Routers come in three different forms: independent units, integrated parts of DSL or cable modems,
and built-in parts of network switches. The organization's unique requirements and the kind of
network being developed will determine the best router to use. (Anon., n.d.)

A switch is a networking tool that joins various hardware components together in a local area
network (LAN) and routes data in accordance with the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
of those hardware components. The data link layer of the OSI Model is where it functions (layer
2). In contrast to a hub, which broadcasts data to every connected device, a switch allows
numerous devices to communicate within a network by exclusively sending data to the intended
Overall network performance and security are enhanced as a result.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 41 | P a g e

Other functions that switches can perform include:
VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks): constructing several virtual networks inside of a single
physical network
Quality of Service (Qu’s): putting particular traffic at a higher priority to make sure that critical data is
prioritized above less important data.
Link Aggregation: In order to improve capacity and offer redundancy, many network connections are
combined in this procedure.
Port Mirroring: directing an exact port to get a copy of all network traffic for monitoring and analysis.
Access Control Lists (ACLs): limiting access to particular network areas in accordance with
predetermined restrictions.

Switches can be managed, unmanaged, or intelligent. While managed switches offer more
sophisticated functionality and configuration choices, and smart switches contain the capability
to monitor and administer the network using software, unmanaged switches are the most basic
and least costly. Based on the unique requirements of the company, the best switch will be
picked. (Tim Fisher, 2022)

IP address:
Every device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol is given an IP
address, also known as an Internet Protocol address. Its two main purposes are to locate the host in
the network and to identify the host or network interface.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 types of IP addresses exist. Dot-decimal notation is often used to represent
the 32-bit integers that make up IPv4 addresses (e.g. Addresses for IPv6 are 128-bit
hexadecimal numbers (e.g. 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e: 0370:7334).

Both static and dynamic IP addresses are possible. Unlike dynamic IP addresses, which are
provided by DHCP servers and are subject to change over time, static IP addresses are
permanently allocated to a device.

Public and private IP addresses are the two different types. Public IP addresses are accessible via
the Internet and are distinctive internationally. Private IP addresses are only meant to be used
inside of a private network and are not available online. (Tim Fisher, 2022)

Network address
A computer network device's or collection of devices' network address is a special identification
number. It's employed for data routing to the proper device, device identification, and device
localization on networks. IP addresses and MAC addresses are only two of the several types of

Bibek Kumar Yadav 42 | P a g e

network addresses. Each component connected to a computer network that uses the Internet
Protocol is given a unique numerical label known as an IP address. Assigned to network
interfaces for use in physical network segment communications is a MAC address, also known as
a Media Access Control address.

Hardware and software requirement

Hardware requirements are the actual parts that must be included in a computer or other device in
order for it to operate correctly. The CPU, memory, storage, and other parts are some of these

The term "software requirements" refers to the operating systems and applications needed for a
device to operate correctly. Software needs might be, for instance, an operating system, a web
browser, or certain programs or apps.

Depending on the device or system and the functions it is intended to accomplish, different hardware and
software configurations will be needed.

Some required hardware and software to install and implement in workstation are shown below in
Router name Subnet mask

Hardware and software Reason of using it (details)


Window server 2012 This is Network Operating system which will execute on different
workstation in Digital network solution.

Kaspersky antivirus Real-time protection, virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware, key logger,
malicious tool, and auto-dialer detection and eradication are just a few
of the functions offered by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Ethernet cable Network cables include Ethernet cables. They have Ethernet ports
compatibility built in. The majority of internet-capable gadgets,
including routers, PCs, Televisions, and computers, all have Ethernet
ports. The advantages of hardwiring include quicker internet and more

Bibek Kumar Yadav 43 | P a g e

dependable connectivity.
Router cisco Cisco routers and routing systems may completely revamp your
network, providing campus, data center, and branch networks with high
levels of security and dependability.

Switch cisco Performance, flexibility, and security are all provided by Cisco network
switches. Cisco switches can scale, are inexpensive, and satisfy the
needs of hybrid work.

Firewall The monitoring and filtering of incoming and outgoing network traffic
by a firewall, a network security tool, is done in accordance with the
security policies that have already been defined by the company.

Window 7 domain, at home, at work, and in public. On business networks, the

Domain network configuration is utilized (which Windows 7 Home
Premium doesn't support). There are basic configuration and security
options for each type of network. A bespoke configuration that is ideal
for the way you work and communicate information may be made by
modifying several of these parameters.
Toolkit A group of tools that are stored together, especially those that include all
the equipment appropriate for a specific sort of job

VPN Anyone may safeguard their internet traffic and maintain their privacy
online by using a VPN (virtual private network). This method is the
simplest and most effective. Your internet traffic passes through an
encrypted tunnel when you connect to a secure VPN server, making it
impossible for hackers, governments, or your internet provider to view
Printer A printer is a small device that creates a permanent reproduction of text
or pictures, typically on paper. Although the majority of output is
understandable by humans, bar code printers are an example of a
printer's wider application. 3D printers, inkjet printers, laser printers,
and thermal printers are a few of the several types of printers.

Steps to Configure AD DS:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 44 | P a g e

Step 1: Open Server Manager and select Manage and click on the add and roles features.

Step 2: Click next After verifying tasks and requirements.

Step 3: Enter next until it comes to Server roles.

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Step 4: In server Selection click Active Directory Domain Service and enter next.

Step 5: Click Add Features.

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Step 6: Click next until install comes then enter install.

Step 7: After installation completes, server restart automatically.

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Step 9: Click Promote this server to Domain Controller on notification.

Step 10: Choose Add a New Forest then type root domain name and click Next.

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Step 11: Type Password and click next.

Step 12: Click next until install comes then click install.

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After Installation finish server restart automatically.


Step 1: Click tools on server manager then select DNS.

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Step 2: In forward lookup zone click new Zone.

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Step 3: Select primary zone and click Next.

Step 4: Select to all DNS servers running on domain controllers in this domain then click Next.

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Step 5: Give the Zone name and Click Next.

Step 6: Click Next

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Step 7: Click to the newly Created folder then click new host and enter IP Address and then click new
host again.

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Step 8: Click to the Reverse lookup Zone and click New Zone and click Next.

Step 9: Select IPV4and click Next.

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Step 10: Enter Network ID and Click Next and finish.

Step 11: Check DNS using ns-lookup command using CMD prompt.

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Step 1: Open Server manager then select manage and click on add roles and features .

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Step 2: Click Next verifying tasks and requirements.

Step 3: Select Role-based installation type and Click Next.

Step 4: Click on Select a server from the server pool then click Next.

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Step 5: Select DHCP server

Step 6: Click Add Features.

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Step 7: Click next until it comes install then click Install.

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Step 8: Select DHCP tool tab on server manager.

Step 9: Right click on computer name and click Authorized.

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Step 9: Right click on IPv4 and select New Scope and click Next.

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Step 10: Write Scope Name and click Next.

Step 11: Enter range of scope and click Next.

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Maintenance Schedule
A maintenance schedule is a strategy for routinely checking, cleaning, maintaining, and fixing
machinery, equipment, or other assets. Depending on the item and how it will be used, different

Bibek Kumar Yadav 66 | P a g e

types and frequencies of maintenance work may be required. Together with any applicable safety
and regulatory criteria, the manufacturer's instructions, and a maintenance plan should all be
taken into consideration. To guarantee its correctness and efficacy, the timetable should also be
checked and revised on a regular basis.
Maintenance day 1 6-10hrs Sunday

Upgrading hardware &software 6-7

Monitoring network 7-8


Checking network bandwidth 8-9

troubleshooting 9-10

Maintenance day 2 5-8hrs Tuesday

Managing database, 5-6

creating backup

Testing security susceptibility 6-7

Updating security path 7-8

Maintenance day 3 1-6hrs Friday

Reviewing log file 1-2

Reviewing active directory 2-3


Checking and testing the server 3-4

Antivirus software installation 4-5

troubleshooting 5-6

Bibek Kumar Yadav 67 | P a g e

Testing Plan
A test plan is a written document that describes the strategy, technique, materials, and schedule
for testing a system or piece of software. It details the testing technique, testing environment,
testing scope, and overall testing objectives. Also, it includes details on the tests that will be run
(including unit, integration, and acceptance tests), the test schedule and milestones, and the roles
and duties of the testing team.

A section on expected results should be included in the test plan as well. This section should
include the expected outcome of each test, the standards for judging success or failure, and any
acceptance standards that must be satisfied before the software or system can be deemed
prepared for release.

Testing Network Design

S/N Test subject Predicted output Actual output
1 DHCP Server Client computers are Client computers
given dynamic IP either automatically
addresses through or dynamically
DHCP. received IP addresses
when they connected
to a network.

2 Ping test A host, server, or Ping check became

tool's neighborhood successful when the
connection may be user ran a command
tested completely prompt ping check
with the ping and saw a response
command. from the receiving

Bibek Kumar Yadav 68 | P a g e

3 Secure shell host Ping check was Using the right
(SSH) successful when the password, the user
user checked the was able to
command prompt's successfully
ping check option practice SSH.
and saw a response
from the recipient

Evaluation and feedbacks

Project title: cutting edge IT company

Feedback given by: Pashupati Chaudhary Signature

Date: 2023/02/22

Description of Project: Making a successful strategy with the management of the networked
system's design and execution for a cutting-edge IT company is the project's primary goal.

Features of the project: A secure link exists between the main office and the branch office thanks
to the efficient plan. The computers at the main office are connected to one another, enabling data
interchange with the computers in the branch office as well. Strong security is provided by the use
of the newest networking hardware and servers from CUTTING EDGE IT Pvt. Ltd.

S.N Check list Yes No Comment

1 Is the requirement of clients Y Yes we have

have been fulfilled? fulfilled the
requirements of

Bibek Kumar Yadav 69 | P a g e

2 Is a design of the network Y Yes the design of
has worked efficiently? the network has
worked efficiently.

3 Does the system have Y Yes we have the

backup the data for future backup in any
needs? serious problem.

4 Does the system Y Yes it is clear.

requirements have been
defined and are they clear?

5 Does the system solve the Y Yes we have Solved

problem of the client? by giving simple

6 Does the system have been Y Yes we have the

implemented in align with proper design.
the proper design?

Significance of the project: The network system of Cutting Edge IT solution is more secured. The
complete client PC network, both within and outside the corporate headquarters, may be managed
by the primary domain controller. It has been simple to communicate between the head office and
branch offices thanks to the employment of specialized servers like RODC, CDC, VPN, and print

Project Limitation: There are several limitations within the system, despite the fact that it has
been effectively deployed and many changes have been made to the Cutting Edge IT solution.
because the system operates through a community focused on a certain domain. Via several
requests being made at once, there may be network traffic. Due to the preservation of the complete
computer and networking equipment inside the same network, the system may be experiencing

Feedback Evaluation
Feedback evaluated by: Pashupati
Chaudhary Signature:

Date: 2023/02/22

Bibek Kumar Yadav 70 | P a g e

Evaluation of the system: According to the feedback, there are virtually
entirely positive features as well as certain
shortcomings that must be fixed during maintenance
or an upgrade with the customer in mind. Yet, for the
time being, CUTTING EDGE IT Pvt. Ltd.'s network
system is safe, reliable, and meeting the demands of
the clients.

After the domain controller is set up, we can observe the firm's centralized network. The company
has a website, and DNS (Domain Name Services) helps to provide the website with an IP address,
and the information is updated using IIS (Internet Information Services). Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocols, or DHCP, are used in businesses to issue IP addresses to client
computers on an individual basis. If there is no shared physical subnet, DHCP relay agents are
used to transfer requests and responses between clients and servers. The usage of a print server
had improved the efficiency of all client computers' operations. The usage of a VPN has
safeguarded the connection and allows us to unblock a blocked website when we need to at a
critical moment. Our usage of the CDC, also known as a subdomain, was helpful for data backup.
The branch office's security has improved as a result of the RODC server. We used Window
deployment services (WDS) to install the OS on all client computers, which enhanced workplace

Range of server types

There are many ranges of server types. In my point of view some of the must leading server types
are IBM server and Dell server which I am going to compare them individually. In the IBM
server and Dell server, I will take the HP ProLiant DL380 G5 and Dell PowerEdge 5606.

HP ProLiant DL380G5
Hewlett Packard (now known as HPE) introduced the HP ProLiant DL380 G5 rack-mounted
server in 2006. Because of its excellent performance and dependability, it was a common server
type for companies and data centers.

Some of the key specifications of the HP ProLiant DL380 G5include:

Processor: Xeon 5400 series by Intel (up to two processors)

Bibek Kumar Yadav 71 | P a g e

Memory: DDR2 Fully Buffered DIMMs of up to 64GB (FBD)

Storage: Eight 2.5" SAS or SATA hard drives or six 3.5" SAS or SATA hard drives, respectively,
are supported.

Network: Multifunction Gigabit Network Adapters with dual integrated NC373i

Expansion Slots: Three PCIe slots (one x8, one x4, and one x4 when the optional PCI-X
Mezzanine card is not installed)

Fig of HP ProLiant DL380 G5

For usage in data centers and other enterprise-level contexts, the HP ProLiant DL380 G5 was
created, and it was especially well-suited for virtualization and high-performance computing
workloads. It might not be the ideal option for contemporary workloads that need more potent
technology, though, considering it was introduced more than ten years ago. (Anon., n.d.)

Dell PowerEdge 5606

A server made specifically for small and medium-sized organizations is the Dell PowerEdge 5606.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 72 | P a g e

It was introduced in 2020 and is a member of the PowerEdge 5000 series.

Some of the key specifications of the Dell PowerEdge 5606 include:

Processor: Up to two Intel Xeon Scalable processors, each with a maximum of 28 cores

Memory: Up to 3TB of DDR4 memory with RDIMM, LRDIMM, and NVDIMM support

Storage: Up to 16 2.5" or 8 3.5" SAS, SATA, or NVMe hot-plug drives

Networking: With optional 10GbE or 25GbE NICs, there are 4 1GbE LAN ports.

Expansion: Support for low-profile, half-height, and full-height cards is provided by up to 8 PCIe
3.0 slots.

Figure of Dell PowerEdge5606

Overall, the Dell PowerEdge 5606 is a strong and adaptable server that can be set up to satisfy a
variety of corporate requirements. It comes with enough of processing power, memory, and
storage space in addition to cutting-edge administration tools for simple setup and upkeep.

The Differences between HP ProLiant DL380G5 and Dell PowerEdge5606 (Anon., 2023)
S.N Systems HP ProLiant DL380 Dell PowerEdge 5606

1 performance PCle Gen 4.0 include Does not

d have

Bibek Kumar Yadav 73 | P a g e

2 Reliabilit Less
y reliable
Very reliable

3 Customer Customers do Customers

Support not are
pay for services
required to pay
for services

4 Permanent 12 NVDIMM, up to 1216GB NVDIMM,


192GB up to 192GB
5 Price and Has almost Flexible pricing.
Equipment no HP

flexibility in price. servers are

Dell equipment shipped nal
is shipped unassembled and
readily require an additio
assembled and cost to assemble
tested within two and test from an IT
weeks provider

6 Management Tools Uses Uses


7 Processo Second Intel Xeon E-2200

r Generation

Intel Xeon Series/Ninth Gen

Scalable processor Pentium G
(Henderson Jayden Harper, 2022)

Bibek Kumar Yadav 74 | P a g e

Though all these server type has its own features which have their own importance and it is
difficult to choose among these server types. Among these range of server types, I would have
selected Dell server for my company. In the topic of price and performance, I would like to use
the dell server series because the price is cheap and best for the workable environment. Our
company works for the web hosting, network service provider, data management & recovery and
maintenance of network as well as networking devices.

Recommended server selection

For cost and performance optimization, choosing the correct server is essential, and there are a number
of things to take seriously when buying servers. They are given below:

Workload Requirements: The first step is to assess your workload needs. This covers things like
the need for network needs, memory, storage, and computing power. Knowing these
specifications will help you choose a server that will satisfy your demands without costing too
much for extra resources.

Virtualization: Servers that are built for virtualization should be taken into consideration if you
intend to utilize virtualization software like VMWare or Hyper-V. The ability to run several virtual
machines on these servers can assist cut costs by combining various workloads onto a single
server, which is why these servers are designed for this purpose.

Server Hardware: Also, the server's hardware requirements have to be taken into account. For
instance, to satisfy your particular requirements, you could wish to select a server with a faster
CPU, more memory, or more storage space. To make sure you don't overpay on superfluous
gear, it's crucial to strike a balance between these requirements and budgetary concerns.

Server Location: Cost and efficiency may be affected by the server's location as well. If you want
to minimize latency and increase speed, it could be more economical to select a server that is
situated in the same area where your users reside.

From the about points above I have to recommend the Dell PowerEdge 5606 Because it is cost
efficient and have the best performance through the processor second gen intel Xeon scalable
processor with PCle Gen 4.0 performance included.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 75 | P a g e

In this Activity, I have given short brief about networking hardware, software, device
configuration, maintenance and test plan. I have made tables in this activity and given a short
brief about Servers.

Activity 3

A technical report describing a perfect network architecture would also include implementation
information, test and analysis results, and suggestions for future enhancements. I will offer a
technical report for this area of the paper that analyzes the results of the test plan, makes
suggestions for future networked system improvements, and contains all the documentation
required for the optimal design's successful implementation.

Technical Report
Technical reports are written summaries of a technical or scientific project's methodology,
methodologies, findings, and conclusions. Engineers, scientists, managers, and other technical
professionals are among the target audiences for technical reports, which provide information
about a project or study's specifics to them. The sections listed below are typical components of a
technical report:

Introduction: In regard to the project or study's aim, objectives, and scope, this section gives
background information.

Methodology: This section outlines the processes and methods utilized for the study or project, along
with the tools, supplies, and methodologies that were employed.

Results: This section includes tables, graphs, and figures to help show the research or project's data
and conclusions.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 76 | P a g e

Discussion: The implications and relevance of the results in relation to the project or research objectives
are described in this part after they have been understood and analysed.

Conclusion: In this part, the major conclusions and findings of the study or project are outlined, along
with suggestions for further research.

References: A list of the books, papers, and other publications cited in the study may be found in this

Appendices: This section contains any supplemental information supporting the report, including raw
data, computations, and images. (Anon., 2022)

To meet the given requirement, I designed our network using a star topology with two
Cisco routes and four Cisco switches.

System Requirement
Based on scenario

• IT Team (7 Computers) – Top Floor

• Finance Team (5 Computers) – Second Floor

• HR Team (4 Computers) – Second Floor

• Sales Team (6 Computers) – First Floor Tools used

To run this this network, I have Cisco packet tracer.

Create network topologies and simulate contemporary computer networks with Packet
Tracer, a cross-platform visual simulation tool created by Cisco Systems. With the use of a
simulated command line interface, the program enables users to practice configuring Cisco
routers and switches.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 77 | P a g e

Application: FTP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, TFTP, Telnet, SSH, DNS, DHCP, NTP, SNMP, AAA,
ISR VOIP, SCCP config and calls ISR to command support, Call Manager Express

Transport: TCP and UDP, TCP Nagle Algorithm & IP Fragmentation, RTP

Network: BGP, IPv4, ICMP, ARP, IPv6, ICMPv6, IPSec, RIPv1/ v2/ng, Multi-Area OSPF, EIGRP,
Static Routing, Route Redistribution, Multilayer Switching, L3 QoS, NAT, CBAL, Zone-based
policy firewall and Intrusion Protection System on the ISR, GRE VPN, IPSec VPN.

Network Access Interface: Ethernet (802.3), 802.11, HDLC, Frame Relay, PPP, PPPoE, STP,
RSTP, VTP, DTP, CDP, 802.1q, PAgP, L2 QoS, SLARP, Simple WEP, WPA, EAP.

I install Cisco Packet tracer and Make this

Bibek Kumar Yadav 78 | P a g e

DHCP IP configuration PC from every Department are as:

For IT Department

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Bibek Kumar Yadav 81 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 82 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 83 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 84 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 85 | P a g e
For Finance Department

Bibek Kumar Yadav 86 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 87 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 88 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 89 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 90 | P a g e
For HR Department

Bibek Kumar Yadav 91 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 92 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 93 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 94 | P a g e
For Sales Department

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Bibek Kumar Yadav 100 | P a g e
I have given Extra two computers to see the rotation of computer and the IP configuration of that
computer are given:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 101 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 102 | P a g e
The Configuration of IT department Access-Point and Laptop are like this:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 103 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 104 | P a g e
The Configuration of Finance department Access-Point and Laptop are like this:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 105 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 106 | P a g e
The Configuration of HR department Access-Point and Laptop are like this:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 107 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 108 | P a g e
The Configuration of Sales department Access-Point and Laptop are like this:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 109 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 110 | P a g e
I have put a server also and the IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNSof server is Given:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 111 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 112 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 113 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 114 | P a g e
CLI of Router in Cisco
The CLI of router is here:

Bibek Kumar Yadav 115 | P a g e

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Ping test from Department to Department. It must have fails to ping according to Scenirio.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 121 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 122 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 123 | P a g e
As expected it fails to Ping.

Ping test from Department to Host Computer. It must have to Success.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 124 | P a g e

Bibek Kumar Yadav 125 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 126 | P a g e
Bibek Kumar Yadav 127 | P a g e
As expected it Success to ping from Department PC to host/main PC.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 128 | P a g e

Interdependence of workstation hardware and network software

Network Hardware

Network hardware refers to a group of physical or networked devices that are necessary for
interaction and communication among hardware components operating on a computer network.
A network may operate successfully and efficiently thanks to these specialized hardware
elements that are connected to one another.

The technology of today has entwined its tentacles with every aspect of our life. It has changed
from being only an industrial addition to becoming a necessary evil. Businesses must create a
network that is safe, dependable, and keeps people connected to their applications while tech
enablement drives the industrial revolution. The fundamental network hardware takes advantage
of the very foundation's core.

When companies expand, network hardware is essential because it facilitates scalability.

Depending on the requirements of the organization, it incorporates any number of components.
Hardware for networks enables successful communication, raising corporate standards in the
process. Moreover, it encourages multiprocessing and makes resource, data, and software sharing

Twisted pair or fiber cable is used as the connecting medium by network equipment, which is a
component of Ethernet network protocol improvements. Examples of network gear include
routers, hubs, switches, and bridges.

Let’s look at the fundamental devices of a computer network.

• Modems: A modem makes it possible for a computer to connect to the internet through a
phone connection. The modem at one end transforms the digital impulses from the
computer into analog signals and transmits them via a telephone line. The analog impulses
are transformed into digital signals at the other end so that a different computer can
comprehend them.
• Routers: Many networks are linked together using a router. Using a router to link a LAN
(local area network) in a house or office to the internet is a popular usage for them
(WAN). Together with connections to link computers on the LAN, it frequently includes
an internet cable plugged in. In contrast, a LAN connection can be wireless (Wi-Fi
enabled), making the network device wireless. The term "wireless access points" is also
used to describe them (WAPs).
• Hubs: Data is broadcast to all networked devices by a hub. Because many computers
might not need to receive the transmitted data, it uses a lot of bandwidth. A wired or
wireless LAN might be used to connect the hub to a few gaming consoles for a local
multiplayer game.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 129 | P a g e

• Bridges: Two distinct LAN networks are connected via a bridge. Before to delivering a
message, it looks for the recipient's device. This suggests that it prevents pointless data
transmissions when the receiving device is not present. Also, it confirms that the message
hasn't previously been received by the receiving device. Using these methods, the
network's overall performance is enhanced.
• Switches: Compared to a hub or a bridge, a switch has more power while serving the
same purpose. It maintains a database of network devices' MAC addresses and only sends
data packets to those that have asked for them. A switch becomes more effective as a
result of lowering latency when there is a strong demand.
• Network Interfaces Cards: A network interface card (NIC) is a piece of hardware that is
inserted on a computer and enables network connectivity. Often, it takes the shape of a
chip or circuit board. While NICs are often integrated into motherboards of current
devices, they can occasionally be installed externally in the form of a tiny circuit board.
• Network Cables: On a network, cables link the various devices together. As cables are
more secure than wireless connections nowadays and can carry more data per second
while doing so, most networks use them instead of wireless connections.
• Firewall: A firewall is an open to attackers or hackers piece of hardware or software that
sits in between a computer and the rest of the network. Hence, by putting a firewall in
between a LAN and an internet connection, a LAN may be secured against hackers. A
firewall disallows illegal connections to a computer or local area network (LAN), but
permits legitimate connections and data, such as emails or web pages, to flow through.
(Vijay Kanade, 2022)

Network Software

Any network's foundation is its network software. It aids in managing, monitoring, and
controlling network traffic as well as reducing network complexity. Network software has
developed into a crucial instrument for enabling uninterrupted information transmission and
promoting ongoing communication. Network software is used to make it easier for users to
seamlessly access network resources, but it is invisible to them. The functions of network

• Users can be added to or removed from the network using user management.
• File management gives administrators control over user access to data and where data is
• The user may access network resources without interruption thanks to Access.
• Administrators can protect security and stop data breaches with the help of network
security technologies. (Ramya Mohanakrishnan, 2022)

Here are few networks software used in network design

Bibek Kumar Yadav 130 | P a g e

Open Filer

Hardware and network software on workstations are interdependent. Any network's

foundation is made up of its network software. It aids in managing, monitoring, and
controlling network traffic as well as reducing network complexity. Network software has
developed into a crucial instrument for enabling uninterrupted information transmission and
promoting ongoing communication. The sole purpose of network software is to make it
easier for users to seamlessly access network resources while remaining invisible to them.
network software's features. Administrators can add or delete users from the network using
user management. Administrators may choose where to store data and regulate user access to
it via file management. Those who have access can access network resources continuously.
Systems for network security help administrators maintain security.


• It allows pluggable authentication modules that are set up using the web interface to
be used for authentication.
• With monitoring and alarm features, volume snapshot and recovery capabilities,
Openfiler supports both software and hardware RAID.
• Replication at the block level, multipath I/O (MPIO), and active/passive high
availability clustering are all supported.
• It offers flexible quota control, a simple Web-based admin Interface, and support for
NIS, LDAP, and Windows NT/active directory authentication
• It offers online file sharing, volume expansion support, and file system scalability of
up to 60TB+. (Anon., n.d.)

Cisco network assistant

With its user-friendly GUI and task-based menu, Cisco Network Assistant makes managing
wired and wireless networks for networks with up to 80 devices simpler. In order to
implement common services across Cisco switches, routers, wireless controllers, and access
points, Cisco Network Assistant is free. You may examine crucial details about the items on
your network, such as Warranty and Contract Details, Advisories, and End of Life notices,
by going directly to Cisco Active Advisor. Devices managed by Cisco Network Assistant
will immediately be added to Cisco Active Advisor.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 131 | P a g e


• Discovering networks and easily displaying them on a topology map

• Small and medium business-friendly Cisco product configuration management
• access to device management or Telnet with a single click

• Devices, clusters, and stacks as seen from the front panel65

• Health monitoring and inventory reporting
• Common network problems' troubleshooting
• Alert levels and event alerting of network faults
• Drag-and-drop Software updates reduce the time required for network maintenance.
• With Cisco Active Advisor, you get immediate access to lifetime data. (Anon., 2022)
How hardware and network software depend on each other.

Any network is supported by its network software. It facilitates the management, monitoring, and
control of network traffic as well as the reduction of network complexity. Software for networks
requires more processing power. Insufficient hardware renders even the greatest network
software ineffective. Extreme requirements, such as high computing power, are present in
workstation gear. Large data storage capacity and quick ram with large capacity are needed to
operate these programs. Hardware and network software can't be used independently. Hardware
are objects composed of plastic and metal, while software is merely a collection of codes.
Hardware and network software therefore depend on one another. To execute programs, they
must be present. Hardware supplies the computing power needed to operate network software.
The system must be setup and compatible with the hardware and software. The system won't
function properly if the hardware and software aren't set and compatible. The system will heat
up, lag, become slow, and occasionally crash if the hardware requirements are not satisfied by
the program. If this happens, the hardware won't be able to deliver the necessary power. (Anon.,

In this activity, I have given so many proof of cisco which includes IP, Ping test, and described
about Network Hardware and Network Software. As Conclusion, In terms of information
systems, Cisco System is a well-known, prosperous firm. It is one of the most well-known
companies in this industry and specialises in offering networking solutions for businesses. In
order to accommodate the expanding and creative generations, Cisco is introducing fantastic new
internet usage options. Customers may choose from a wide range of items offered by Cisco
system that greatly simplify internet use. Regarding Cisco's internal performance, they put a lot
of emphasis on utilizing the finest information systems to have a flexible and effective
performance both within the company and with clients and suppliers, which are in some ways the
same solutions they offer for their clients. Yet, we have covered several advantages that Cisco, in
our opinion, has over its rivals as well as some drawbacks. Activity 4:


Bibek Kumar Yadav 132 | P a g e

Activity 4:

The physical configuration of different links and endpoints in a business network is known as the
topology of the network. The many forms of network topology, as well as the best practices for
choosing the most appropriate topology for your company, are all covered in detail in this article.

Selection of Topology:

The selection of a network topology is determined by the network's specific requirements and
constraints. Consider the following factors when selecting a topology:

• Distance between devices: The selected topology is influenced by the actual distance
between devices. For example, a bus topology may be suitable for devices that are
adjacent to one another, but a star topology may be preferable for devices that are
dispersed across a broader region.

• Network traffic: The topology used will be influenced by the volume of data that has to
be conveyed. For networks with heavy traffic, a mesh topology, for instance, may be
preferable since it offers several routes for data transmission.

• Scalability: The choice of topology is influenced by the network's capacity to add or

remove devices without impairing its performance. Since it makes it simple to add and
remove devices, a star architecture, for instance, is more scalable.

• Security: The network's desired level of security will have an impact on the topology
selection. Because there is no single point of failure, a mesh architecture, for instance,
offers more security but is more challenging to install.

I selected star topology because Star topologies have the natural benefit of making the addition
of additional sites simple only the central site has to be modified. The center site in star topology
is crucial; if it fails, all connections would be lost. The connection's performance is determined
by the central hub's performance. (Anon., n.d.)

Selection of protocol

The topology chosen will be influenced by the volume of data that has to be conveyed. A mesh
topology, for instance, may be desirable for high-traffic networks since it offers several pathways
for data to flow.

Security: The network's need for security will have an impact on the topology that is selected. In
order to avoid the risk of a single point of failure, a mesh topology, for instance, offers higher
security, but it is more challenging to deploy.
Bibek Kumar Yadav 133 | P a g e
Interoperability: The ability to connect to and communicate with other networks and devices will
influence protocol selection. For example, connecting to the internet or other networks may
necessitate the use of a widely used and supported protocol, such as TCP/IP.

The following are examples of common network protocols:

• Transmitter-Controller Protocol (TCP)

• Protocol for Internet (IP)
• Protocol for User Datagrams (UDP)
• Official correspondence (POP)
• Transport Protocol for Mail Simple (SMTP)
• Protocol for File Transfer (FTP)
• Text Transmission Protocol for Hypertext (HTTP)
• Security Protocol for Hyper Text Transfer (HTTPS)
• Telnet
• Gopher
(Anon., n.d.)

Critical reflection on the final implemented network and design

The Points to remember while Critical reflection on the final implemented network and design
are as given below:

• It is important to expressly identify the project goals and KPIs when critically evaluating
a network and design execution. What were the project's precise objectives, and how
were they assessed? Were the objectives met, and if not, what factors contributed to the
failure? To evaluate the success of the network and design execution, it's critical to have a
clear grasp of the project goals and KPIs.

• to examine the information and findings. Compared to what was anticipated, were the
results accurate? Compared to expectations, how well or poorly did the network and
design implementation perform? Has the data shown any surprising outcomes or
patterns? To spot any problems with the network and design execution, it's crucial to
thoroughly study the data and findings.

• figuring out how to execute the idea while identifying any network restrictions or flaws.
Were the resources or data used for the project subject to any limitations? The
performance of the model may have been impacted by any restrictions in the network
architecture or design decisions. The network and architecture may be enhanced and
iterated upon in the future by recognizing these constraints.

Bibek Kumar Yadav 134 | P a g e

• The entire effect of the network and design execution should also be taken into account.
A real-world issue was resolved or insightful information was gained through the
implementation. How effective and scalable was the implementation? How did the
implementation perform and how effective was it in comparison to other comparable

• Overall, critically evaluating the execution of a network and design calls for a complete
comprehension of the project's objectives, data, and outcomes, as well as a close
assessment of any constraints or downsides. You may direct next network and design
iterations to provide even better outcomes by identifying areas for improvement. (Anon.,

The key ideas you discussed in the body should be summarized in the conclusion, along with
your choice of the best plan of action. To let readers know when you will be completed, use
language to indicate that you are finishing up your job. The conclusion ought to be brief and
uncomplicated. The major goal is to address all of the reader's questions, though.

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