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How? The documentary‘s story is told by a series of past and present
interviews of people involved within the heart of the investigation,
B-roll shots of the main investigators, eye witnesses and resident
encounters of the present accompanied by past voice-over footage,
including that of the police and Richard Ramirez, the killer, himself.

When using the B-Roll footage and pre-recorded dramatised scenes

they use a variety of basic camera shots, like panning from
interviews, zoom and tilt techniques especially when using analysis
of photos or crime recordings. The use of text overlay such as dates,
locations and names allow the film to go into a deeper depth, making it
easier for the audience to follow the chain of events. These are used
to go into further detail to give us a broader and bigger
understanding of the tone and set up that the film is based around; it
draws the viewers in further and pulls you into the narrative of each
individual account.
Story centers around the 1980s Crime and Murder Investigation of a series of
homocides and assaults by notorious, American serial killer Richard Ramirez,
also known as the Night Stalker. It recounted the basis of how a tough and
traumatic childhood can vastly affect a person into adulthood, compromising
their mental stability and morale, and how this can impact their own actions,
given innocence by point of insanity or just plain cold-blooded killer.

Various people feature throughout the documentary, including the main

investigators, Detective Gil Carillo and Detective Frank Salerno of the
Homicide Bureau, LA County Sheriff and their account of battling with the press
and reporters in the race to find this killer that was terrorising the state, and
the satisfaction of eventually catching him. The eye witness and close
encounter experiences from victims‘ family and friends or the people who first
came into contact with Ramirez without even knowing, to later find out he was
indeed the prime suspect.
The film presents how the people at the center of the investigation push through to
bring together to form the production and piece by piece placing of information to
bring together the story, from the reporters chasing the case to the haunting recounts
of survivors personal stories.
But also how interference and too much interaction and help can impact an
investigation and slow everything down, prolonging the murders and lengthen the case.
The documentary paints that even the most vibrant and growing communities in the
world, a growing, dark side that doesn‘t get the same press, and is subsequently lying

The film wants us to learn and gain knowledge of the case of Richard Ramirez, as well as
how that affected people involved and the whole, surrounding city during this time.

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