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Blog Post #2 Questions:

1) What have I accomplished so far? (Give specific details. Include the research you
have done to date. Include sources of information you have used for research,
people you have spoken to, videos you have watched, books you are reading, etc.)

So far, I have researched 9 animals using books, prior knowledge and websites and
videos. I have written down the criteria of each animal to learn about and research. I
have created a few sample pages of what the final product could look like. I talked to
my aunt about looking into helping at the BCSPA to gain a more hands-on experience
with the animals I am not as familiar with, to make sure that their pages are accurate
and truthful, not just told from a website.

2) What have I learned? Give specific examples of your learning, whether is has been
positive or negative. Some of our best learning comes from our struggles.)

I found a new website of a familiar brand of food I personally use for my animals as I
know it is trustworthy and has the animal's best interest at heart (oxbow foods). I
found a few faulty sights and that was easy to discover, they had the wrong things
listed for what the diet of a Chinchilla was. After reading that misinformation, I find
myself triple checking sources. I have also learned that I need to be better at tracking
all the websites and books I use, because when I realize I forgot to write it down, I
spend like 20 minutes trying to look for it again and it wastes time.

3) What still needs to be done? (Create a specific list of objectives/tasks you want to
accomplish over the next two weeks. Be detailed and realistic.)

• Research and write about the other animals (about 10 more to go, finish 5 in
the next 2 weeks)
• Complete a final draft of what a page could possibly look like on Canva
• Re-reading the other 9 animals I researched and making sure the information
is coherent and makes sense (making it more concise if needed)

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