Writing Excercise Rodrigo Olguin

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My name is Rodrigo Olguin, and today I’m going to talk about how people should balance
their work life with their actual life, outside their duties.

So, to start this text I would love to give some context into what is the topic that we are going
to talk about today. Having a balance in life has always sounded necessary, however most of
us aren’t really aware of what a balanced life means.
Well, it means to consider all the aspects in your life and take care of them. Work, family,
friends, entertainment, etc. You must fulfill all of these responsibilities in an equal way. Not
only because they are responsibilities, but also because keeping a healthy and balanced
way of living will take off a lot of the pressure we ourselves feel every single day.

But, how do we do this? Is there a magical formula which is going to make our lives so much
easier and happier? As you would have imagined, there is no such thing as that, however
after doing some research, I found out that there are some tips and recommendations that
may help in your process of finding and creating a healthier and more balanced life.

Recommendation Number One: Establishing some boundaries

The first tip into having a healthier relationship between all aspects in your life, is learning
how and when to put boundaries in each aspect. If sometimes you have to stay more hours
than usual in work, or maybe your relationships are taking away a lot of time that you want to
invest in other things, you have to stop it. Learn to say “no”, and it will change your life.

Recommendation Number Two: Working out and eating healthy

The second recommendation it’s one that everybody in this world has suggested to us at
least once in our lives. And I mean, there is a reason behind why everybody recommends it.
It makes you have a more healthy life, you have the energy to react and work as good as
new, so if you adopt these healthy habits, then your life will be better.

Thank you.



In the name of all of those students and alumni who struggle with getting a job right after
college, I’m making this paper. I am going to talk about some actions that can be taken in
school for preparing the students for a life outside it, where they are going to be the ones
responsible for themselves, speaking in health and economic aspects.

The first idea and recommendation is making diverse workshop’s for the students to enroll
in. This will make them learn a lot about special aspects of work that may help them in their
future jobs. Also, by implementing this kind of workshop, the student’s can start their first
jobs together, as a team. It only has advantages. I know it costs a lot of money hiring new
and specialized teacher's for this workshop, however I think it’s a cost that is worth it.
The second option it’s to make deals with small businesses in town so they can offer
internships in their locales for the students to learn how some jobs work. Despite this may
require a lot of good organization and permissions, I don't think there is a better way to teach
students about working life than with working life itself.

I understand that this institution does not have a unlimited amount of money for this kind of
projects, furthermore I don't know if there is a budget for this topic in specific, however if
there is room for only one of this two options, then i think the ideal option to pick would be
making partnerships with local businesses in order for the students to learn in first hand what
it like to actually work in an actual job. I propose to start with businesses that are focused on
the countability sector, and then pass to more specific sectors.

Thank you for your time.


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