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1) Find parametric equations for the line in which the planes x + 2y + z = 1 and x − y + 2z =

8 intersect.
○ z=1-x-2y, z=4-(x/2)+(y/2) ⇒ 1-x-2y=4-(x/2)-(y/2) ⇒ (-x/2)=3+(3y/2) ⇒ -x=6+3y⇒
x=-3y-6 ⇒ z=1+3y+6-2y, z=y+7, (x+6)/(-3) = y, z=y+7=(-x+15)/3=t ⇒
2) Find an equation of the plane through the line of intersection of the planes x − z = 1 and
y + 2z = 3 and perpendicular to the plane x + y − 2z = 1.
○ perpendicular to the plane x + y − 2z = 1 ⇒ normal vector <1,1,-2>
○ intersection of the planes x − z = 1 and y + 2z = 3 ⇒ z=x-1, z=(3-y)/2 ⇒
x-1=(3-y)/2=z=t ⇒ <1,-2,1>t +<1,3,0>
○ Plane containing <1,1,-2> and <1,-2,1>, <1,1,-2> cross <1,-2,1> = <-3,-3,-3> ⇒
-3x-3y-3z=d, use point (1,3,0), -3-9-0=d=-12, -3x-3y-3z=-12
3) Evaluate the following limits. Show all of your work.
○ a) limt->0<(sin t)/ t , (1 − cost)/ t , e1-t> ⇒ limt->0(sin t)/ t= 1⇒ 1-cost = 0, t=0, use
L’Hopital’s Rule, limt->0(sint/1) = 0⇒ e1-0=e ⇒ <1,0,e>
○ b)limt→∞ <sin t /t , (e2t − 2t)/(3e2t + πt) , e-t ln t > ⇒ limt→∞ sin t/t = 0, lim t→∞
(e2t − 2t)/(3e2t + πt)= lim t→∞ (e2t)/(3e2t) = ⅓ ⇒ limt→∞ lnt/(et) = 0 ⇒ <0,⅓,0>
○ c)limt⇒0+ <sin(3t)/sin(2t), ln(sin t)/ln(tan t), t ln t> ⇒ t= 0, sin(3t)=sin(2t) = 0, use
L’Hopital’s Rule, 3cos(3t) = 3, 2cos(2t) = 2, 3/2 ⇒ ln(sin t) approaches -∞, ln(tan
t) approaches -∞,
4) Find r’ and r” for the following vector functions.
○ a) r(t) = <t,t2,2t>
i) r’(t) = <1,2t,2>
ii) r”(t) = <0,2,0>
○ b) r(t) = <t ln t, ecos^2 (t),arctan(2t)>
i) r’(t) = <ln t +1, -2cos(t)(sin(t))ecos^2 (t), (ln(2)(2t))/(1+22t)>
ii) r”(t) = <1/t, ecos^2 (t)(2sin2(t)-2cos2(t)+4cos2(t)(sin2(t))),
○ c) r(t) = <sinh t, cosh(ln t), |t2-t|>
i) r’(t) = <cosh t, sinh(ln t)/t, (1/(|t2-t|))(t2-t)(2t-1)>
ii) r”(t) = <sinh t, (cosh(ln t)-sinh(ln t))/t2,
5) Find the following vector integrals
○ a) ∫ (sin t (cos t))i + (tln t)j + (tet )k dt = (sin2(t)/2 +C1)i + ((t2ln(t)/2)-(t2/4)+C2)j
i) (t2ln(t)/2)-∫t/2 dt = (t2ln(t)/2)-(t2/4)
○ b) ∫[(t3-t)/√(t) i + (1/(t2+3t+2))j + (cos2 t)k ] dt = [(2t7/2/7)-(2t3/2/3) + C1] i +
[-((2t+3)/(t2+3t+2)) + C2] j + [½(t-(sin(2t)/2) + C3] k
i) cos2(t) = ½(1-cos(2t))
○ c) ∫ (sinh t)i + (cosh t)j + (arctan 2t)k dt = [cosh t + C1]i + [sinh t + C2]j + [(t)
arctan 2t - [(1+4t2)-2/4] + C3] k
i) (t)arctan 2t + ∫2t/(1+4t2) dt =(t) arctan 2t - [(1+4t2)-2/4]
6) Consider the surface given by x2 − 4x + y2 = z3 . (a) Describe the traces of the surface in
z = k. (b) What is the minimum value of k such that z = k intersects the surface. Explain.
(c) Find all points of intersection of the surface with the curve r(t) = <t2 , −t, t>
○ a)x2-4x+y2 = k3, (x-2)2+y2=k3+4 ⇒ When z= k, the xy trace is a circle with center
(2,0) and a radius of √(k3+4).
○ b) z= -41/3, The plane that intersects the surface is where the xy trace of a circle
has a radius of 0, which only occurs at z=-41/3
○ c) (t2)2-4(t2)+(-t)2=(t)3 ⇒ t4-4t2+t2=t3 ⇒ t4-t3-3t2=0 ⇒ t2(t2-t-3)=0 ⇒
t2(t-(1+√(13))/2)(t-(1-√(13))/2) = 0 ⇒ t = 0 Or (1±√(13))/2 ⇒ intersections at
(0,0,0), (7+√(13),-(1+√(13))/2,(1+√(13))/2), and (7-√(13),-(1-√(13))/2,(1-√(13))/2)

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