What To Do Before

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What to do before, during, pulmo-respiratory diseases if inhaled 4.

If you are driving a vehicle, pull to the

over prolonged period. side of the road and stop if there is a
and after a volcano eruption heavy ashfall.
4. Prepare all necessary things to bring in
Before case of evacuation: gas mask or clean 5. As soon as the ashfall tapers, scrape off
1. Know the signs of an impending cloth, candles, matches, flashlights, the ash that has accummulated on roof
eruption such as the increase in the extra batteries. Don’t forget to prepare tops to prevent collapse.
frequency of volcanic quakes your disaster kit ahead of time.
6. When notified, immediately evacuate
accompanied by rumbling sounds, 5. Know which areas are covered by the to safer grounds. Stay in the evacuation
change in color of steam emission from danger zones. center until further instructions. Do not
white to gray, and drying up of attempt to leave the place unless told
vegetation, springs, and wells around to do.
the volcano. During
7. Thoroughly wash utensils before eating.
1. Stay calm. Cover your nose and mouth Cover water containers and food to
2. Know the community’s safety plans by with mask or clean cloth and wear avoid contamination with ash.
monitoring the latest advisories and protective goggles.
warnings, knowing the location of the 8. Keep your pets in their shelter or inside
evacuation site, and preparing your 2. If you are outside, immediately seek the house to prevent them from
family’s go bag. cover in case of ash or rock falls. Wear inhaling ash.
glasses to protect your eyes and avoid
3. Each person should be aware of the 9. Stay away from rivers and streams for
all low-lying places.
dangers that volcanic possible lahar flow.
eruptions. Volcanic eruptions are 3. If you are inside a house, listen to the
expected to cause ash falls which in radio for updates and developments
turn could harm humans, animals, regarding the volcanic eruption. Close
plants, equipment’s, and structures. all windows and doors of the house and
Beyond that, fine volcanic ash is also your car to prevent ashes from getting
often respirable which can cause inside.
After FACTS: Although gases usually blow away rapidly, it is
possible that people who are close to the
1. Wear masks when cleaning. volcano or who are in the low-lying areas
2. After removing the ash, clean the roof Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, downwind may be exposed to levels that may
and gutter with water to prevent lava, and rock that are powerfully destructive. affect health.
corrosion. People have died from volcanic blasts.
Volcanic eruptions can result in additional
3. Shake loose the ash from plants, threats to health, such as floods, mudslides,
furniture, and windows before cleaning
them with water. Cover your nose while
power outages, drinking water contamination,
and wildfires.
cleaning. A volcano is an opening in the earth’s surface
4. Wait for further announcements that allows magma (hot liquid and semi-liquid
related to the volcanic eruption. Exposure to ash can be harmful. Infants, rock), volcanic ash and gases to escape. They
elderly people, and people with respiratory are generally found where tectonic plates
While we cannot stop volcanic eruptions, the conditions such as asthma, emphysema, and come together or separate, but they can also
public, through informed action, can minimize other chronic lung diseases may have occur in the middle of plates due to volcanic
its adverse effects. problems if they breathe in volcanic ash. hotspots. A volcanic eruption is when gas
and/or lava are released from a volcano—
sometimes explosively. Volcanoes provide a
Most gases from a volcano quickly blow away. number of environmental benefits, for
However, heavy gases such as carbon dioxide example: fertile soils, hydrothermal energy,
and hydrogen sulfide can collect in low-lying and precious minerals. But they also pose
areas. The most common volcanic gas is water several hazards: volcanic ash, gases, lahars
vapor, followed by carbon dioxide and sulfur (mud flows), landslides, lava flows, and
dioxide. Sulfur dioxide can cause breathing pyroclastic flows (fast-moving currents of hot
problems in both healthy people and people gas). Volcanic eruptions can be deadly and
with asthma and other respiratory problems. often cause population displacement and
food shortages.
The six most
active volcanoes
in the Philippines
Mount Mayon

Taal Volcano

Mount Canlaon

Mount Pinatubo


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