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Isabela Paiva

HEAL 451

Program Planning

Assignment Instructions: Needs Assessment – Chapter 4

Step 1: Purpose and Scope

The effects of poor sleep on health is undeniable. Every physical function depends on sleep,

including our capacity to fight off illness, build immunity, regulate our metabolism, and reduce

our chance of developing chronic diseases. Sleep also has an impact on how we will feel and

think the next day. Those in high stress jobs, such as restaurant workers, often sacrifice their

sleep in order to do long hours, however this has proven to continuously be unsustainable. The

purpose of collecting this data is to gauge what resources would be most helpful to restaurant

workers so that they can be supported in making healthy decisions.

Step 2: Gathering data

Both primary and secondary sources were collected for the needs assessment. A primary

data source includes a survey given out and observation. Surveys are great for quick quantitative

and even some qualitative data. It can provide a good sense of what workers are doing for their

sleep habits, but it would leave room for some follow-up questions, which is why observation

would also be utilized. Observation would gather primary data by watching how employees

handle their lengthy hours and potential changes in their physical and emotional health

throughout the day. In contrast to the computerized survey, a walk-through strategy that involves

obtaining participants' permission in a predetermined location at a predetermined time would

probably provide greater response rates and less self-reporting bias than any of the previous

methods. A comprehensive picture of the behaviors that employees are displaying could be

obtained through observation.

The sources on the annotated bibliography would also be utilized as secondary resources.

Those sources include the effects of sleep deprivation on long term health, which would be

helpful in developing an understanding of the importance of sleep. The resources also explore

how different demographics are affected by sleep deprivation, including those who work in high

stress jobs. Some sources also explore negative effects of dealing with sleep deprivation with

caffeine, which many workers are currently doing. These secondary sources provide long term

data that shows just how important taking care of sleep is.

See Appendix A for survey copy

Step 3: Analyzing data

Based on the results of our primary survey, it is clear that there is a significant problem

with lack of sleep among workers at Nosh and Grog. Of those surveyed, 72% reported getting

less than 7 hours of sleep per night on average. Additionally, 60% of workers reported feeling

tired or fatigued during their shift, indicating that lack of sleep is having a negative impact on

their work performance.

The survey also revealed that workers may not fully understand the consequences of lack

of sleep. When asked which of the following were true regarding lack of sleep, 65% of workers

selected mental fog, 55% selected anxiety, and 40% selected memory loss. 30% selected

substance use and 25% selected hypertension. However, 5% of workers chose the option "there
are no issues with lack of sleep," suggesting that there may be some misconceptions around the

importance of sleep.

When asked how they cope with feeling tired, 50% of workers selected consuming

caffeine, while 35% selected sleeping in and 30% selected sleeping early the following day.

Other strategies included taking naps, doing exercise, or listening to music. This indicates that

many workers are relying on caffeine to stay awake, which could be exacerbating the problem of

sleep deprivation.

The importance of sleep to workers varied widely, with 10% selecting "not at all" or "1"

and 40% selecting "9" or "10". When asked what stops them from having a good night of sleep,

the most common responses were working long hours (60%), stress/anxiety (50%), and difficulty

falling asleep once in bed (45%). Other factors included being distracted in bed or having

physical discomfort.

Finally, the survey asked about average hours of sleep and all-nighters. 25% of workers

reported getting 5-6 hours of sleep per night on average, while 40% reported getting 7-8 hours

and 35% reported getting 8 or more hours. However, 15% reported pulling all-nighters

frequently (more than once a week), which could be contributing to their sleep deprivation.

When asked what helps them fall asleep, workers cited a variety of strategies, including reading,

watching TV, and listening to music. However, some workers reported difficulty falling asleep

even with these strategies.

Overall, the survey results suggest that lack of sleep is a significant problem among

workers at Nosh and Grog, with many workers experiencing fatigue and relying on caffeine to

stay awake. The survey also highlights some misconceptions around the importance of sleep, as

well as factors that may be contributing to sleep deprivation, such as long work hours and stress.
By addressing these issues, the restaurant can improve the health and well-being of its employees

and create a more productive and positive work environment.

4. Step 4: Identify the Risk Factors Linked to the Health Problem

The restaurant industry is known for being highly stressful and demanding, which can be

mentally draining for workers. A major issue in the industry is sleep deprivation, which can

cause insomnia and excessive daytime drowsiness (Robbins et al., 2022). Employees who work

late shifts often struggle to maintain a regular sleep schedule and feel disconnected from their

social support system due to their work schedule (Williams et al., 2016). This can lead to

difficulty maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a nutritious diet. The

prevalence of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and suicide, is high among

restaurant workers (Robbins et al., 2022).

The importance of sleep for mental health cannot be overstated. Poor sleep hygiene over

an extended period of time has been linked to mental health issues such as depression and

anxiety (Goldstein-Piekarski et al., 2018). In fact, just one night of sleep restriction can have a

significant negative impact on mood the following day. Conversely, poor mental health can also

affect sleep, creating a reciprocal relationship between the two (Goldstein-Piekarski et al., 2018).

To address the challenges faced by restaurant workers, a tailored approach to sleep health

education has been developed, which uses web-based resources to promote healthy sleep habits

and improve overall health and well-being (Williams et al., 2016). Additionally, workplace

health programs, such as "The REST of Your Life," have been developed to improve employee

sleep, health, energy, and productivity (Robbins et al., 2022). Such programs can play a crucial

role in addressing the negative impact of sleep deprivation on mental health and overall

well-being in the restaurant industry.

Step 5: Identifying the Program Focus

Sleep is a critical factor that can impact the overall productivity of employees and have a

significant influence on business culture. According to Goldstein-Piekarski et al. (2018), sleep

deprivation can lead to increased anxiety and negatively impact mental health. As stated by

Williams et al. (2016), a tailored approach to sleep health education can help improve sleep

hygiene and reduce the negative effects of sleep deprivation. Robbins et al. (2022) suggest that

providing opportunities for employees to take breaks outside in natural light and incorporating

naturally lighted areas into office spaces can also positively impact mood and energy levels,

ultimately contributing to better sleep hygiene and overall health. This type of workplace health

program can lead to improved employee performance, increased job satisfaction, and reduced

turnover rates (Robbins et al., 2022). By prioritizing employee health and sleep, companies can

attract and retain top talent and create a positive work culture that values employee well-being.

In order to effectively address sleep deprivation in the workplace, clear communication is

essential. According to Robbins et al. (2022), a workplace health program should involve

communication with all staff members to ensure that they understand the detrimental effects of

sleep deprivation. Additionally, an individualized approach is crucial, as not all employees have

similar lives or schedules. A tailored approach to sleep health education, as proposed by

Williams et al. (2016), can help identify and address individual factors that may be contributing

to poor sleep hygiene. Encouraging employees to take breaks outside and incorporating naturally

lighted areas into the workplace can also help improve mood and energy levels, ultimately

leading to better sleep hygiene (Robbins et al., 2022). Providing opportunities for staff members

to experience different environments and boost their energy and attitude can also contribute to
better sleep hygiene and overall health. By prioritizing sleep and employee well-being,

companies can create a culture that values the health and productivity of its employees.

Step 6: Validating the Prioritized Need

Based on the results of the survey, it is evident that lack of sleep is a significant issue among
workers at Nosh and Grog. Therefore, addressing this problem should be a top priority for the
program. The following needs should be validated and prioritized:

1. Educating workers on the importance of sleep: The survey revealed that some workers may
not fully understand the consequences of lack of sleep, and a small percentage even believe
that there are no issues with lack of sleep. Therefore, the program should prioritize educating
workers on the importance of sleep, the negative effects of sleep deprivation, and the benefits of
getting enough sleep.

2. Addressing misconceptions around sleep: The survey revealed that workers have some
misconceptions around sleep, with many relying on caffeine to stay awake. Therefore, the
program should prioritize addressing these misconceptions and providing workers with accurate
information about sleep and its impact on health and well-being.

3. Reducing work hours: The survey revealed that working long hours is a significant factor
contributing to sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, the program should prioritize
reducing work hours, providing breaks during the workday, and encouraging workers to take
time off when needed.

4. Managing stress: Stress was identified as a significant factor contributing to sleep deprivation.
Therefore, the program should prioritize providing stress-management techniques, such as
meditation or yoga, and encouraging workers to seek help when they feel overwhelmed.

5. Providing sleep-promoting strategies: The survey revealed that workers are using caffeine to
stay awake and are having difficulty falling asleep. Therefore, the program should prioritize
providing workers with strategies to promote sleep, such as creating a relaxing sleep
environment, avoiding electronic devices before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques.

Overall, the program should focus on educating workers on the importance of sleep, addressing
misconceptions, reducing work hours, managing stress, and providing sleep-promoting
strategies to improve the health and well-being of workers and create a more positive work

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