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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Final semester test

Literary form 2
Level one

Q1 Define the following terms , then write an example for each one:-
1- Tone 2- Irony 3-Metonymy
Q2 Read this stanza carefully ,then try to explain it clearly:-
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high over and hill
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake , beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Q3 Write true ( √ ) or false ( × ) for the following , then correct the false statement :-
1-Oliver Twist Novel was written by an American writer called Charles Dickens ( )
2-The poem '' Break , break , break is a love poem. ( )
3-The unseen Worm moves to attack the rose at night. ( )
4-Crimson is used as a symbol of Water. ( )
5-Verse means novel ( )
Q4 Answer the following questions :-
1-What is the main theme of the poem '' Daffodils '' ?
2-Who is the poet of the poem '' sick rose'' ?
3-What do the daffodils represent in the poem ?
4-Why did Dickens write his novel '' Oliver Twist ''?
5-What is a stanza ?
Q5 Choose the best answer:-
1-Break , break , break ( simile –repetition- metaphor)
2-Beside the lake , beneath the trees. (Alliteration - metaphor – repetition )
3-I wandered lonely as a cloud ( simile – Alliteration – personification )
4-Ten thousand saw at a glance (hyperbole – symbolism - personification )
5-Cowards die many times by their death . ( paradox - metaphor - Alliteration )
Q6 From '' Oliver Twist novel , answer these questions :-
1-What is the main theme of the novel '' Oliver Twist '' ?
2-What kind of conflict that you find in the novel '' Oliver Twist '' ?
3-Write short information about Oliver Twist as a novel ?
4-Do you like the novel ?Why or why not ?
5-Why did Charles Dickens write the novel ?

Best of Luck

Mr∕ Hussein Damoom

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