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Normie — 10/10/2023 13:26

I set it up now, succesfully, why do all the Roman factions start with a huge food deficit?


Also alot of the units are missing parts such as faces and arms

Lord Otto — 10/10/2023 17:17

So for the Chapter One mod I can't load up the campaign it keeps on having the grand
camapign be the ancient campaign mod am I doing something wrong?


This is the order


Also alot of the units are missing parts such as faces and arms

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 10/10/2023 18:08

in which chapter you have missing models?

@Lord Otto

So for the Chapter One mod I can't load up the campaign it keeps on having the grand
camapign be the ancient campaign mod am I doing something wrong?

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 10/10/2023 18:09

are you using any other mod?

11 de octubre de 2023

@XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum

in which chapter you have missing models?

Normie — 11/10/2023 16:27

year of the five emperors


Some things like lancers missing their lances and some infantry models missing elbows and


One thing I think it might be is while I was editing the pfm file it had a subpart which was called
3c, I deleted it since the video said to delete everything except meshes

12 de octubre de 2023


One thing I think it might be is while I was editing the pfm file it had a subpart which was called
3c, I deleted it since the video said to delete everything except meshes

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 12/10/2023 5:03

did you delete variant models?

@XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum

did you delete variant models?

Normie — 12/10/2023 9:45

this is how it appears in my pfm, unedited, I deleted 3c, animations and db

Normie — 12/10/2023 12:14

I just tried it with the 3c file, and it still has missing models


this is how it appears in my pfm, unedited, I deleted 3c, animations and db

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 12/10/2023 17:33

when did you download the sol invictus models?

Normie — 12/10/2023 17:34

2 days ago

13 de octubre de 2023

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 13/10/2023 5:20

You are doing everything right, the point is that they have updated the file and now lacks some
models that my mod needs, so im talking to them to see if i can use them

14 de octubre de 2023


2 days ago

XxRedHornetxX/Resonare Romanorum — 14/10/2023 7:14

To all the ones that have missing helmets for chapter that need sol invictus models: Im quite
sure that the issue is that the update they made to the mod this summer has deleted one of
the helmets that i was using, but as i still keep the old file, this is not hapenning to me. Im
going to ask them again if i can implement their models directly. I think that downloading this
and eliminating the db tables will fix the problem for you all until im allowed to use the
models. Probablt you dont have to delete any archive/table of the file, simply load it in the
bottom of my mods

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