Tenses Scheme

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Present Simple TENSES, ACTIVE VOICE (laiki, darāmā kārta)

vienkāršā tagadne Past Simple

vienkāršā pagātne
Present Continuous
I / you / we / they + nenoteiksme (bez to)
he / she / it + nenoteiksme +(e)s ilgstošā tagadne 2.pamatforma
? do/does / - don't/doesn't nenoteiksme + (e)d
am / is / are + ing
? did / - didn't

often Darbība, kas notiek now yesterday

Pabeigta darbiba
always šajā brīdī. just now last year / month / week...
pagātnē. Pagātnes
every day/month/year... Plānota nākotnes at the / this moment (4 days) ago
Vienkārša, ierasta, notikumi.
usually darbība. Nepārtrauktas always (if it is often & in (1990)
atkārtota darbība. Īsas darbības, kas
never pārmaiņas. unplanned) when
Fakti. Norādes. pārtrauc garākas.
seldom then
rarely He is writing. just now = a moment ago
I am writing. Is he writing?
I write. He writes. Are you writing? Yes, he is. I wrote.
Do you write? Does he write? Yes, I am. Did you write? He wrote.
No, he is not.
Yes, I do. Yes, he does. No, I am not (I'm not). Yes, I did. Did he write?
(No, he isn't. No, he's not).
No, I do not (don't). No, he does not (doesn't). I am not (I'm not) writing. No, I did not (didn't). Yes, he did.
He is not (isn't) writing.
I do not (don't) write. He does not (doesn't) write. I did not (didn't) write. No, he did not (didn't).
He did not (didn't) write.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
saliktā tagadne saliktā pagātne
Past Continuous
has / have + had + 3.pamatforma ilgstošā pagātne
was / were + ing
already Darbība, kas
just notikusi vēl pirms tās
for (3 days...) Darbība beigusies, pagātnes darbības,
after Darbība konkrētā laikā
since bet sekas jūtamas par kuru runājam.
at 5 o'clock yesterday pagātnē. Ilgākas
yet (-/?) tagad. Rezultāti, Kaut kas jau bija
this time last Monday darbības, kuras pārtrauc
ever (?) jaunumi. noticis / bija
while īsāka darbība. Pagātnes
never pabeigts.
situāciju apraksti.
recently I had written. He had written.
in my life Had you written? Had he written?
before Yes, I had. Yes, he had.
I was writing. He was writing.
so far No, I had not (hadn't). No, he had not (hadn't).
Were you writing? Was he writing?
this year / month... I had not (hadn't) written. He had not (hadn't) written.
this is the first/second... time Yes, I was. Yes, he was.
No, I was not (wasn't). No, he was not (wasn't).
I was not (wasn't) writing. He was not (wasn't) writing.
I have written. He has written.
Have you written? Has he written? Past Perfect
Yes, I have. Yes, he has.
No, I have not (haven't). No, he has not (hasn't). Future Simple
saliktā ilgstošā pagātne
I have not (haven't) written. He has not (hasn't) written. vienkāršā nākotne
had been + ing
will + nenoteiksme
Present Perfect
Continuous Darbība, kas bija
saliktā ilgstošā tagadne sākusies agrāk un
after tomorrow Neplānota
turpinājusies līdz tam nākotnes darbība.
has / have been + ing pagātnes mirklim, par next day / month / year
in a few minutes Mūsu domas,
kuru runājam. minējumi par
in (2020)
How long...? Darbība, kas sākās nākotni.
for (3 hours) pagātnē, un vēl I had been writing. He had been writing.
since joprojām turpinās. Had you been writing? Had he been writing?
Uzsvars uz pašu Yes, I had. Yes, he had. I will write. He will write.
darbību, procesu. No, I had not (hadn't). No, he had not (hadn't). Will you write? Will he write?
I had not (hadn't) been writing. He had not (hadn't) been writing. Yes, I will. Yes, he will.
No, I will not (won't). No, he will not (won't).
I have been writing. He has been writing. I will not (won't) write. He will not (won't) write.
Have you been writing? Has he been writing?
Future Perfect
Yes, I have. Yes, he has.
saliktā nākotne
No, I have not (haven't). No, he has not (hasn't).
I have not (haven't) been writing. He has not (hasn't) been writing.
will have + 3. going to
pamatforma plānota nākotne

by this time tomorrow Nākotnes darbība, going to + nenoteiksme

Future Continuous
by 5 o'clock next day kas būs beigusies
ilgstošā nākotne when līdz konkrētam tomorrow
brīdim nākotnē. next day / month / year
will be + ing Plānota nākotnes darbība.
I will have written. He will have written. in a few minutes
Plāni, lēmumi, nodomi.
in (2020)
Nākotnes Will you have written? Will he have written? Nākotnes paredzēšana,
this time darbība, kas Yes, I will. Yes, he will. balstoties uz tagadnes
tomorrow notiks konkrētā No, I will not (won't). No, he will not (won't). pierādījumiem.
at 5 o'clock next laikā nākotnē. I will not (won't) have written. He will not (won't) have written.

I am going to write. He is going to write.

I will be writing. He will be writing. Are you going to write? Is he going to write?
Will you be writing? Will he be writing? Yes, I am. Yes, he is.
Future Perfect No, I am not (I'm not). No, he is not (isn't).
Yes, I will. Yes, he will.
Continuous I am not (I'm not) going to write. He is not (isn't) going to write.
No, I will not (won't). No, he will not (won't).
I will not (won't) be writing. He will not (won't) be writing. saliktā ilgstošā nākotne

will have been + ing

Nākotnes darbība, kas

pasaka, cik ilgi kaut kas
next būs turpinājies līdz
konkrētam brīdim nākotnē.

I will have been writing. He will have been writing.

Will you have been writing? Will he have been writing?
Yes, I will. Yes, he will.
No, I will not (won't). No, he will not (won't).
I will not (won't) have been writing. He will not (won't) have been writing.

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