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Proyecto Integrador S.

“The importance of scientific literature in the medical
field, (Scientific medical articles, journals, essays,


Medical English.
2º Semestre
Grupo A
Alejandra Daniela Briones Rodríguez.
Mat.: 1823338028
Docente: Lic. Ana Paulina Nájera Soto.
Viernes 06 de Octubre de 2023.

The importance of scientific literature in the medical field.
Scientific literature is the collection of written works that report the results of scientific research,
such as articles, journals, essays, books, reviews, and dissertations. Scientific literature is
essential for the advancement of medical knowledge and practice, as it allows researchers,
clinicians, students, and policy makers to access, share, and evaluate the latest evidence and
innovations in the field. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of scientific literature in the
medical field from three perspectives: (1) its role in generating new knowledge and discoveries,
(2) its role in informing clinical decision making and improving patient outcomes, and (3) its role
in influencing health policy and systems.
Firstly, scientific literature plays a crucial role in generating new knowledge and discoveries in
the medical field. Through scientific literature, researchers can communicate their findings,
methods, hypotheses, and implications to the scientific community and the public. Scientific
literature also enables researchers to build on existing knowledge, identify gaps and challenges,
and propose new directions for future research. For example, a systematic review of
methodological frameworks for assessing the impact of healthcare research found that research
impact can be measured in five broad categories: primary research-related impact, influence on
policy making, health and health systems impact, health-related and societal impact, and broader
economic impact. This review provides a comprehensive summary of existing frameworks and
metrics for evaluating research impact, which can help researchers design and conduct more
impactful studies.
Secondly, scientific literature plays a vital role in informing clinical decision making and
improving patient outcomes in the medical field. Through scientific literature, clinicians can access
the most up-to-date and reliable evidence on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and
management of various diseases and conditions. Scientific literature also helps clinicians to
compare the effectiveness, safety, and cost-effectiveness of different interventions and to tailor
their practice to individual patient needs and preferences. For example, a literature review on the
use of literature in medical teaching found that literature can improve essential professional
competencies for medical students, such as communication skills, empathy, critical thinking,
ethical reasoning, and cultural awareness. This review suggests that literature can enhance the
quality of medical education and practice by facilitating a better understanding of illnesses and
human experiences.
Thirdly, scientific literature plays a significant role in influencing health policy and systems in
the medical field. Through scientific literature, policy makers can access relevant and timely
information on the current state of health and health care, the needs and priorities of different
populations and stakeholders, and the potential impacts and implications of various policy options.
Scientific literature also helps policy makers to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and
sustainability of existing policies and systems and to design and implement new ones that are
based on sound evidence and best practices. For example, a news article on the latest nuclear
fusion experiment from South Korea reported that scientists achieved temperatures nearly seven
times hotter than the core of the sun for 30 seconds for the first time. This article highlights the
potential benefits of nuclear fusion as a clean and renewable source of energy for health care and
other sectors.
In conclusion, scientific literature is of paramount importance to the medical field, as it
contributes to the generation of new knowledge and discoveries, the improvement of clinical

decision making and patient outcomes, and the development of health policy and systems.
Scientific literature is also a valuable resource for medical students, educators, researchers,
clinicians, policy makers, patients, and the general public who are interested in learning more
about medicine and health. Therefore, it is essential to promote the production, dissemination,
access, use, and evaluation of scientific literature in the medical field.

Bibliography/ References
• Baños, J. E., & Guardiola, E. (2018). Literature in medical teaching: The crucial importance of
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• Cruz Rivera, S., Kyte, D. G., Aiyegbusi, O. L., Keeley, T. J., & Calvert, M. J. (2017). Assessing the
impact of healthcare research: a systematic review of methodological frameworks. PLoS
medicine, 14(8), e1002370.
• Malik, K. (2022). Assessing the impact of healthcare research: A systematic review of
methodological frameworks. Transactions on Latest Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 3(3).
• Viale, P. H. (2009). Health economic analysis of the burden of infusion reactions on patients,
caregivers, and providers. Oncology, 23(2), 31.
• Rousseau, G. S. (1981). Literature and medicine: the state of the field. Isis, 72(3), 406-424.
• Kuper, A. (2006). Literature and medicine: a problem of assessment. Academic Medicine, 81(10),

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