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Gonzales Iman Jose Luis Yandery Neylin Masias Estrada

U2222930 U22230016



Task: Assignment:

 A Peruvian Legend


A long, long time ago, the sun god, also known as the God Inti, lived on the celestial summit. In

the first place, it is related that a young man of great posture and extremely kind named Rimac,

who from time to time came down to the world of humans to tell them beautiful stories, for

which he was much loved and revered. One day, when he was looking at the earth through the

windows of the golden palace with the other gods, he saw that the plains by the sea were

being stricken by a severe drought; Grasses, flowers, and trees withered, and men and animals

died of thirst.

In the second place, the gods were alarmed and went to the god Inti, his father, to ask him to

deliver the men of the coast from that terrible drought. Likewise, the Inti told them that it was

impossible, because according to the heavenly laws only by sacrificing one of them on the altar

of fire could they get water. For this reason, however, the gods were silent, to the surprise of

all, Chaclla, the fairest and most virtuous of the daughters of the sun; Standing before his

father, he bravely offered himself before the sacrifice. But Rimac insisted, therefore, at the

request of both of them and in the face of Inti's resignation, the two went to the altar of fire for

the sacrifice. Therefore, the Sun God was thus able to rain down the earth.

Finally, legend has it that those who usually sit on the banks of the Rimac River and listen

attentively clearly perceive the murmur of its waters as it dissolves into a human voice that tells

beautiful stories of this and ancient times, that is why it is called "TALKING RIVER".

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