Task 1 - How Much Do I Know - Evaluation Quiz - Revisión Del Intento

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Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS B1 - (900003B_1144) / Evaluation

/ Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz

Comenzado el martes, 30 de agosto de 2022, 14:32

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 30 de agosto de 2022, 14:58
Tiempo 26 minutos 40 segundos
Calificación 21,0 de 25,0 (84%)
Comentario - <p>Muy bien</p>

Pregunta 1

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Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text and choose the answer that best completes each space in the paragraph.

On _____ typical day, I wake up early to make my breakfast. I _____ eggs, coffee with milk, and bread. I don’t
have orange juice. I go to the office ___ bike. I don’t take a bus or drive a car.

a. a-have-by  Well done!!You used the correct form the article "a" to refer to a noun,
the verb "to have" in first person singular and the preposition "by" to
show the person does something.

b. an-has-in

c. the-having-on

La respuesta correcta es: a-have-by

Pregunta 2


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Grammar in context
Select the word that best completes the sentence:

¡Hello, classmates!, My name ___ Fernando and I _____ in Bogotá.

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a. is not / moved.

b. are / from.

c. is / live.  Great!, these are the best possible options regarding the statement
since the helping verb “is” fits with the situation and the verb “live”
makes sense in context.

La respuesta correcta es: is / live.

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 2,0 sobre 2,0

Reading Informative Texts

Choose the correct answer according to the text:

The drive to work takes about one hour. Going back home in the evening after work takes even longer, maybe
around 70 minutes. Lately I’ve been thinking about trying to take the train to work instead of driving. That way, I
could still listen to my music with headphones.
What other option is he thinking instead of driving?

a. Taking the train.  Congratulations! This answer corresponds with the

statement because you can infer according to the

b. Living closer to work.

c. Walking, it's relaxing.

La respuesta correcta es: Taking the train.

Pregunta 4


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Language in context
Choose the option that best completes the conversation
A: Do you like riding a bike?

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a. I don’t like motorbikes.

b. Not yet. I’m still riding bike.

c. Yes, I do. I often do it in the mornings.  That's correct. It specifies the time when
the action has taken place.

La respuesta correcta es: Yes, I do. I often do it in the mornings.

Pregunta 5

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Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.

Jo Sixteen - What now?

You are 16 years old, and finally you can leave school! You need to think carefully about what to do next. If you
want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. There are many options in the
district of Northacre. St. Leopold’s School offers a great variety of subjects in humanities and sciences. It is a
private school. Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so you don't need to pay. However, you’ll have to pass
an exam to be accepted. Wyle River Academy is a place where you can study subjects like Business Studies,
Management and Economics. Northacre College is good for arts. Here you can study woodwork, art, textiles and
much more. Milldown College for outdoor activities is a great idea! There are courses in Farm Mechanics, Land
Management, Animal Management and much more. Finally, getting an apprenticeship with a local or national
company can be another possibility. You will get training, gain certificates or diplomas and start earning at the
same time. Find out more at the Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre College.
Based on the reading, What information is incorrect?

a. People have to pay in State Schools

b. You have to go to a University to get a degree

c. With an apprenticeship you get train and get paid  Consider this answer. This
information is correct

La respuesta correcta es: People have to pay in State Schools

Pregunta 6


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Reading Informative Texts

Choose the correct answer according to the text:

My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers and three sisters. My
grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or
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cousins living in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother
is a computer programmer. Although, he lives with us, right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one
year. We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.

How many brothers and sisters does Sangeeta have?

a. She has three brothers and three sisters.

b. She has two brothers and three sisters.  Your answer is correct according to the text. She
has two brothers and three sisters.

c. She has two brothers and two sisters.

La respuesta correcta es: She has two brothers and three sisters.

Pregunta 7

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 2,0

Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text and choose the answer that best completes each space in the paragraph.
We shouldn’t decide to eat something based _____ the enjoyment factor. We just need to judge its health benefits before
eating something. That’s ______ food habit. If you get a good food habit then it’s _____ good for your health.

a. about-calls-honestly

b. at-have called-in fact  Consider this answer. The preposition "at" doesn't apply with the meaning of
sentence, the verb conjugation "have called" isn't correct grammatically and
the adverb "in fact" doesn't complement the meaning of the text.

c. on-called-really

La respuesta correcta es: on-called-really

Pregunta 8


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Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text and choose the answer that best completes each space in the paragraph.
_____ summer I went to Spain. On the first day, I _____ to a restaurant with a wonderful view of the city. On the second
day, I visited museums and saw many pictures. Third and last day, I spent a ______ day in a beautiful beach called
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a. On-visits-all

b. Ago-spent-a little

c. Last-went-whole  Well done!! You used correctly the determiner "last" to refer to a noun before
the present one, the verb conjugation "went" Concords with the first-person
singular and the determiner "whole" Concords with the sense of the text.

La respuesta correcta es: Last-went-whole

Pregunta 9

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Grammar in context
Select the word that best completes the sentence:

I ___ travelling to San Andrés, because there ___ many places to visit.

a. dislike / is not

b. like / are  These answers are inferred correctly since the verb pattern “like” in
simple present fits with the statement and the helping verb “are”
makes sense in context.

c. hate / is

La respuesta correcta es:

like / are
Pregunta 10


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.

John Bull is a literary and cartoon character created to personify Britain by Dr. John Arbuthnot in 1712 and
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popularized first by British print makers and then overseas by illustrators such as American cartoonist Thomas
Bull is usually portrayed as a stout man in a tailcoat with breeches and a Union Jack waistcoat. He also wears a
low topper (sometimes called a John Bull topper) on his head and is often accompanied by a bulldog. John Bull
has been used in a variety of different ad campaigns over the years, and is a common sight in British editorial
cartoons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The cartoon image of stolid stocky conservative and well-meaning John Bull, dressed like an English country
squire, sometimes explicitly contrasted with the conventionalized scrawny, French revolutionary sans-culottes
Jacobin, was developed from about 1790 by British satirical artists James Gillray, Thomas Rowlandson and
George Cruikshank.
John Bull was also one of the names of a series of British periodicals.
Based on the reading, it is possible to say that:

a. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's father.  Your answer is Good according to the text. John Bull is a literary
and cartoon character created to personify Britain by Dr. John

b. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's cousin.

c. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's uncle.

La respuesta correcta es: Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's father.

Pregunta 11


Puntúa 2,0 sobre 2,0

Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text and choose the answer that best completes each space in the paragraph.
Lady Gaga is ____American female singer. Many people know her around the world. Right now, she is in Asia. She ____
her first concert in South Korea ___ April 27th and then she goes to Hong Kong, Japon, Taiwan, Philippines and Thailand.
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a. an-has-on  Well done!! You used the correct form of the article: "an" to refer to a
singular noun, the verb "to have" in third-person singular and the
preposition "on" to show when something happens.

b. a-had-in

c. the-having-at

La respuesta correcta es: an-has-on

Pregunta 12

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Grammar in context
Select the word that best completes the sentence:

Welcome to El Dorado International Airport. Please ____ the instructions carefully. For your safety, ________ _______ to
strangers or people you don’t know.

a. pay / don't jump

b. read / don’t talk  These answers fit correctly with the statement since the verb “read” is
related with the statement and the verb in negative “don’t talk”
makes sense of the situation.

c. send / don’t dance

La respuesta correcta es:

read / don’t talk
Pregunta 13


Puntúa 2,0 sobre 2,0

Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text and choose the answer that best completes each space in the paragraph.
_____ is Mary. She's eighteen. She's got medium length and brown hair and brown eyes. Her ears are small, and her
cheeks are chubby. Mary _____ lots of freckles, and her skin is tanned. She wears glasses. She is _____ and her legs are
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a. It-have got-tall

b. this-has-thin  Well done!! You used "this" to introduce someone, the verb conjugation
"to get" concords with the third person singular and the adjective "thin"
is proper with the description.

c. she-gotten-fat

La respuesta correcta es: this-has-thin

Pregunta 14

Puntúa 2,0 sobre 2,0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.
Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales. Located on the south coast of the country, it is administered as a unitary
authority. It is in the historic county of Glamorgan and is recognized as one of the more appealing cities in the UK.
It was a small town until the early nineteenth century, and came to prominence as a major port for the transport of coal
following the arrival of industry in the region. It eventually grew to become the largest city in Wales and serves as a major
center of culture, sport and history in the United Kingdom.
Cardiff was made a city in 1905, and proclaimed capital of Wales in 1955. Today, it is the 14th largest city in the United
Kingdom. Cardiff Urban Area includes most of the city, along with the adjoining settlements of Dinas Powys, Penarth and
Radyr, and is the 21st largest urban area in the UK.

Based on the reading, it is possible to say that:

a. Dinas serves as a major center of culture, sport and history in the United Kingdom.

b. Cardiff serves as a major center of culture, sport and  Your answer is according to the Reading. Cardiff eventually grew to
history in the United Kingdom. become the largest city in Wales and serves as a major center of culture,
sport and history in the United Kingdom.

c. Powys serves as a major center of culture, sport and history in the United Kingdom.

La respuesta correcta es: Cardiff serves as a major center of culture, sport and history in the United Kingdom.
Pregunta 15


Puntúa 2,0 sobre 2,0

Match the words and the definition or use:

When you talk about a sport in which a person jumps from an aircraft and falls for as long as possible before opening
a parachute. You talk about:
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a. Skydiving  Right! This sport fits perfectly in the

description given.

b. Badminton

c. Ice skating

La respuesta correcta es: Skydiving

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