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Matching words, crea ng meaning

Culture: ways to celebrate!

Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t MATCH with the verb.

Ex: You can eat candy, but you can’t eat a mask.

Verbs Words and Phrases

01 EAT candy sweats a mask out

02 GIVE presents a party money help

03 THROW a ball a bone a party a new movie

04 HAVE a picnic lunch a meal beach

05 PLAY games music candles the violin

06 GO to a wedding decora ons the mall a party

07 GO on an adventure a journey a boat a cruise

a whatsapp
08 SEND a barbecue flowers cards
09 WATCH a parade a birthday fireworks birds
tradi onal
10 WEAR costumes sunglasses invita ons
11 HOLD* a celebra on a mee ng his hand the World Cup

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