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Saint John’s School

Social Studies Department

Name: Gabriel Escalante-Vega Date: 9/12/2023

Mr. Pedro De Jesús Introduction to Sociology

Topic: Bell Ringer - Causation and Variables in Sociological Research

Directions: While watching the video “Social Learning Theory: Bandura’s Bobo Beatdown
Experiments” answer the following questions.

1. How did Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment aim to understand the relationship between
exposure to aggressive behavior and children's imitation of that behavior?

That if a child observes an aggressive action, he or she is likely to imitate that action
which implies that children learn by observation

2. What was the causal relationship that Bandura was investigating in this experiment?

The causal relationship between the adult beating the Bobo doll and the child's imitation
of that action.

3. What was the dependent variable in Bandura's study? How did he measure it?

The dependent variable is the child's behavior and reaction.

4. How did Bandura measure the influence of exposure to aggressive behavior on children's
subsequent behavior?

He measured the aggressive behavior of the children based on gender and situation.

5. What was the independent variable in Bandura's experiment?

The independent variable in Bandura’s Experiment was the adult and the behavior they
6. How did Bandura manipulate the independent variable to observe its effects on the
dependent variable?

By having the variable play with the child or partake in aggressive behavior.

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