Academic Board Instruction

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From : Superintendent


Ref: (a) U.S. Code Title 10, Armed Forces, Subtitle C, Navy and Marine Corps, Part 111, Chapter 603 ,
United States Naval Academy, Sec. 6956(b), 6958 (a), 6962 (a and b), and 6963
(b) SECNAV memo dtd 1 Nov 07
(c) MILPERSMAN 1531-020, Disposition of Midshipmen Disenrolled from the Naval Academy
(d) Physical Mission Review Decision Directive Serial 002 , Subj : Physical Education
Requirements for Graduation from the United States Naval Academy
(e) ACDEANINST 1531 .598
(f) ACDEANINST 1531 .60
(g) USNAINST 1531.498

Encl : (1) Sources of Authority

(2) Academic Board Procedures
(3) Deficiencies and Probation
(4) Notional Academic Board Schedule

1. Purpose. To establish the policy and procedures for the U.S. Naval Academy Academic Board.

2. Cancellation . USNA Instructions 5420.24F

3. Background . The duties and authority of the Academic Board is established in reference (a) .
Reference (b) and (c) provides additional information concerning policies which pertain to the
administration of the Academic Board. Relevant information from each reference may be found in
enclosure ( 1).

4. Composition of the Academic Board

a. The Academic Board should normally consist of the Superintendent and perm anent votin g members
including the Academic Dean and Provost, Commandant of Midshipmen, the Director of Engineering &
W eapons Division , the Director of Mathematics & Science Division and the Director of Humanities &
Social Sciences Division.

(1) Representatives of Permanent Members. Representatives of the Academ ic Dean and Provost,
Commandant of Midshipmen , th e Director of Engineering & W eapons Division , the Director of
Mathematics & Science Division and the Director of Humanities & Social Sciences Division , Director of
Professional Development may serve as a voting member in the absence of the principal with th e
approval of the Superintendent.

(2) Additional Members. The Superintendent may also appoint add itional board voting members
from the Naval Academy Staff. Additional members designated by the Superintendent are meant to
broaden board membershi p in order to assure a broad representation of warfare specialties,
backgrounds, experiences, and expertise to support the mission of the Naval Academy in graduating
leaders who are developed morally, mentally and physically who meet th e demands of th e naval service.

b. Presiding Officer. The Superintendent is a member of the Academic Board and is the Presiding
Officer on all matters before the Academic Board. The Superintendent may designate a presiding officer
in his absence.

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c. Chairman of the Academic Board. The Chairman of the Academic Board runs the board, calls for
votes, and communicates recommendations to the Presiding Officer and decisions of the board to the

(1) Academic Dean and Provost shall serve as Chairman of the Academic Board in Academic
Deficiency cases, re-admission cases, and matters relating to academic matters.

(2) Commandant of Midshipmen shall serve as Chairman of the Academic Board in Physical
Education deficiency and Professional Training deficiency cases

(3) The Superintendent shall serve as Chairman of the Academic Board in Insufficient Aptitude for
Commissioning cases under 20 USC 6962(a)(2).

d. The following individuals or their representatives should be present to assist the Academic Board :

(1) Dean of Admissions. The Dean of Admissions will act as Secretary of the Academic Board
and will :

(a) Prepare the Academic Board agenda, and ensure that supporting documents are available
to the members.

(b) Inform Board members and others concerned of the place and time of meetings.

(c) Prepare the minutes of the meeting.

(d) Maintain the Academic Board files.

(e) Coordinate attendance of outside observers.

(f) Coordinate and conduct periodic training sessions for Academic Board members.

(2) Recorder. An officer appointed by the Academic Dean and Provost will serve as the Recorder.
The Recorder will :

(a) Ensure the Academic Board meeting room is available and prepared for the Board.

(b) Coordinate the execution of the Board's agenda.

(c) Enter Academic Board results into the Midshipmen Information System (MIDS) .

(3) Legal Advisor. The Superintendent's Staff Judge Advocate or approved representative wil l
advise the Academic Board concerning legal matters and provide information concerning the
circumstances regarding specific conduct records of midshipmen , including former midshipmen seeking
readmission where the separation was based on conduct offenses, honor offenses, insufficient aptitude,
or qualified resignations .

(4) Commandant's Aptitude Officer. The Commandant's Aptitude Officer will direct midshipmen
and others to appear before the Academic Board, providing midshipmen early (at least 24 hours)
notification to prepare for an appeal in accordance with paragraph 1d of enclosure (2).

(5) Other Advisors . The Senior Medical Officer, th e Director of the Academ ic Center, and the
Chairman of the Physical Education Department, or their approved representatives will act as advisors
and provide information to the Academic Board concerning matters within th eir respective areas of

5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Acad emic Board. The duties and responsibil ities of the Academic
Board are specified by references (a) through (c). They are listed briefly below:

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a. Act on all cases of academic deficiency. Unless the Academic Board recommends otherwise,
midshipmen found deficient at the end of an academic term will be discharged from the U.S. Naval
Academy (USNA) and from the Naval Service in accordance with 1O USC § 6963.

b. Act on all cases of physical education deficiency. Unless the Academic Board recommends
otherwise; midshipmen found deficient will be discharged from USNA and from the Naval Service in
accordance with 10 USC§ 6963.

c. Act on all cases of professional training deficiency. Unless the Academic Board recommends
otherwise, midshipmen found deficient will be discharged from USNA and from the Naval Service in
accordance with 10 USC § 6963.

d. Act on all requests for reconsideration submitted by midshipmen in cases where the midshipman
was found deficient for academics, physical education, professional training or aptitude and was not
recommended for continuation at USNA by the Academic Board.

e. Act on all requests for readmission submitted by former midshipmen, and where readmission is
approved, determine the appropriate class and date for reentry.

f. Prescribe policies concerning the criteria for admission and, with the advice of the Faculty Senate,
the course of instruction.

g. Recommend candidates found qualified for Secretary of the Navy appointments under 10 USC §

h. Act on appeals of decisions of the Academic Advisory Board. The appeal should be in the form of
a statement addressed to the Secretary of the Academic Board. The appeal should include reasons for
reconsideration. The Academic Board will be guided by the needs of the Naval Service in its decision
regarding appeals on assignment to majors.

i. Establish minimum standards of proficiency for awarding degrees.

j. Prescribe coefficients to determine the Whole Person Multiple used in the admissions process.

k. Approve candidates recommended for award of a baccalaureate degree.

I. Take cognizance of annual reports of the relative standing of midshipmen and approve the order of
merit of the graduating class.

m. In accordance with 10 USC§ 6962, determine whether a midshipman referred to the Academic
Board by the Commandant of Midshipmen possesses sufficient/insufficient aptitude to become a
commissioned officer in the Naval Service.

6. Policy. Reference (a) requires that all midshipmen who are found to be deficient in academic, physical
education, or professional training requirements as described herein shall be separated unless retained
by the Academic Board. In addition, reference (a) mandates that if a midshipman is recommended for
separation by the Commandant due to insufficient aptitude for commissioning, the Academic Board will
determine whether to forward such a recommendation to the Secretary of the Navy. Additional
discussion of each deficiency, as well as academic probation, is provided in enclosure (3).

a. In considering each case of deficiency or insufficient aptitude, the Academic Board is guided by the
mission of the USNA and must answer two basic questions:

(1) Is there reasonable evidence that this midshipman will be able to meet the academic, physical
education and professional requirements by the scheduled date of graduation?

(2) Is there reasonable evidence that this midshipman has the attitude and personal characteristics
needed to become an officer in the Naval Service?

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b. Academic Board meetings will be scheduled at periodic times during the academic year to review
deficiencies. Scheduling the Academic Board at periodic times assists in addressing deficiencies
promptly and promotes efficiency in the Academic Board process. To this end , a notional schedule is
provided in enclosure (4 ). It is important to note, for example, that First Class PE and aptitude
deficiencies are normally addressed at the February session of the Academic Board vice May. This
assures that deficiencies are identified and addressed earlier than commissioning week and reduces
Board workload in May.

c. The Academic Board will also consider cases of former midshipmen requesting readmission to the
USNA. Former midshipmen desiring to reenter USNA are normally considered eligible to apply for
readmission one year following separation from the Academy. Former midshipmen desiring readm ission
must requalify medically, pass a recent Physical Readiness Test (PRT) that meets USNA standards , and
must be of an age so as not to pass their 27th birthday on July 1 of the year of their graduation, if
readmitted .

7. Procedures . Academic Board procedures are provided in enclosure (2). They are designed to ensure
efficiency in the Academic Board process and to ensure that each midshipman or former midshipman
whose case is reviewed is provided adequate consideration for retention or readmission.

8. Meetings . The Academic Board will meet at the call of the Superintendent, or in the Superintendent's
absence , at the call of the presiding officer designated by the Superintendent. Members of the Academ ic
Board may also request meetings . For matters other than those involving separation of midshipmen
where it appears that an exchange of views may be necessary, a vote by telephone or email may be
secured by the Secretary of the Academic Board , as long as no member requests that a meeting be
called . The agenda will be prepared by the Secretary of the Academic Board . Any member may submit
items to be included in the agenda .

a. A schedule of meetings of the Academic Board called for the purpose of reviewing cases of
midshipmen who are deficient in academics , professional training requirements, physical education, or
who exhibit insufficient aptitude will be published in a memorandum prepared by the Secretary of the
Academic Board . A notional Academic Board schedule is provided at enclosure (4).

b. Quorum . A majority of the voting members of the Academic Board w ill constitute a quorum at a
meeting of the Academic Board .

c. Voting

(1) The usual ru les of deliberative bodies, subject to the modifications discussed in the following
paragraphs, will govern, but no question shall be voted upon until each member has had a reasonable
opportunity to express his or her views .

(2) A member seated at the Board should vote on every recommendation of the Academic Board
unless excused by the Academic Board . With the exception of the Superintendent, all permanent
members or their representatives, and additional members appointed by the Superintendent in
accordance with paragraph 4a(2) above will have one vote each . The Superintendent will not normally
cast a vote on matters pertaining to duties of the academic board outlined in paragraph 5a through 51
above unless there is a tie of the voting members .

(3) In all votes pertaining to Academic Board duties outlined in paragraph 5a th rough 51 , a majority
vote of those members present will determine the recommendation that is forwarded to the
Superintendent. The Superintendent has the authority to approve/disapprove a recommendation of the
Academic Board . However, a majority vote by the Academic Board that results in retention of a
midshipman cannot be overturned by the Superintendent.

(4) The vote will be by secret ballot unless otherwise agreed to unanimously by the members
present , in which case the vote will be as directed by the Chairman of the Academic Board.

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(5) All Academic Board members or their representatives present along with the Superintendent
will vote on all cases of insufficient aptitude based on 10 USC 6962(a)(2) and outlined in paragraph 5m
above. Per reference (a), a unanimous vote of those members present is required to recommend
separation of a midshipman for insufficient aptitude.

(6) With the exception of votes pertaining to insufficient aptitude for commissioning under 10 USC
6962(a)(2), any voting member may request a revote regarding a matter on which the Board has
rendered a decision or recommendation, if the Academic Board has not yet adjourned.

(7) Minority Views. Dissenting members of the Academic Board may present their views in a report
which, after being presented to the members of the Academic Board, will be attached to the minutes of
the meeting.

d. Minutes of the Academic Board. The minutes will list the members present and contain a record of
the decisions of the Academic Board. Members of the Academic Board are entitled to have their views
incorporated in the minutes in abbreviated or verbatim form if specifically requested. The minutes will be
submitted to the chairperson for approval.


All Non-Mids (electronically)

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A. U.S. Code Title 10

1. Section 6956 (b) "If it is determined that upon the admission of a new class to the Academy, the
number of midshipmen at the Academy will be below the authorized number, the Secretary may fill the
vacancies by nominating additional midshipmen from qualified candidates designated as alternates and
from other qualified candidates who competed for nomination and are recommended and found qualified
by the Academic Board."

2. Section 6958 (a) "Each candidate for admission to the U.S. Naval Academy ... (2) shall be
examined according to such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy prescribes, and if rejected at one
examination may not be examined again for admission to the same class unless recommended by the
Academic Board."

3. Section 6962

(a) "The Superintendent of the Naval Academy shall submit to the Secretary of the Navy in writing
a full report of the facts ."

(1) "Whenever the Superintendent determines that the conduct of a midshipman is

unsatisfactory; or"

(2) 'Whenever the Academic Board unanimously determines that a midshipman possesses
insufficient aptitude to become a commissioned officer in the naval service."

(b) "A midshipman upon whom a report is made under subsection (a) shall be given an opportunity
to examine the report and submit a written statement thereon . If the Secretary believes, on the basis of
the report and statement, that the determination of the Superintendent or of the Academic Board is
reasonable and well founded, he may discharge the midshipman from the Naval Academy and from the
naval service ."

4. Section 6963 "Midshipmen found deficient at any examination shall, unless the Academic Board
recommends otherwise, be discharged from the Naval Academy and from the naval service."

B. MILPERSMAN 1531-020

6a.(5) "Is found deficient at any examination and recommended for discharge from the Naval
Academy for failure to meet academic requirements "despite determined efforts" as recommended by the
Naval Academy Academic Board ...... Midshipmen not recommended for discharge and waiver obligation
because they failed to meet academic requirements "despite determined efforts" will be processed as
given elsewhere by this article."

Enclosure ( 1)
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This section discusses procedures followed by the Academ ic Board for reviewing deficiencies in
academics , physical education, professional training requirements , insufficient aptitude, and readmission.
Generally, procedures followed by the Academic Board are similar regardless of the type of case.
Therefore, to provide clarity and simplify discussion, procedures followed for academic cases will be
provided in detail, and procedures for other cases that follow will address the differences that apply for
each respective deficiency. Just as the "whole person evaluation" is applicable in the admissions process
to the Naval Academy, a midshipman's performance in all areas is relevant to the Academic Board's
decision, regardless of the specific deficiency that led to the midshipman's consideration by the Academic

1. Academic Deficiency

a. The Registrar will identify those midshipmen who are academ ically deficient as discussed in
enclosure (3) and forward copies of their records to the Academic Dean and Commandant.

b. Prior to convening the full Academic Board, the Academic Dean and the Commandant, acting on
behalf of the Board, will jointly review the records of midshipmen identified as being deficient in
academics. If both agree that a midshipman clearly would be retained by the Academic Board, that
midshipman will be retained and waived from further review by the full Academic Board . The purpose of
this preliminary review is to dispense with marginal cases and promote the efficient use of the Academic
Board's time . Midshipmen retained in this manner are subject to the same rules as those retained upon
review by the full Academic Board , and the Academic Board will approve the list of those retained at the
Academic Dean/Commandant review. Upon completion of the Academic Dean/Commandant review, the
list of all midshipmen whose records are to be reviewed by the full Academic Board is made available to
faculty and staff. Thereupon , Midshipman Academic Performance Reports (MAPRs) and Company
Officer Military Performance Reports (COMPRs) are entered in a computer data base program or
submitted in writing by the faculty, officers assigned to the staff of the Superintendent and Commandant,
and athletic coaches who have observed each midshipman in class or other activities during the
academic year or summer training periods. The Senior Medical Officer, the Director of the Academic
Center, and the Chairman of the Physical Education Department may submit comments in a similar
manner where issues involving their particular expertise are involved or when requested by the Academic

c. The records of the academically deficient midshipmen not retained via the Academic Dean/
Commandant review will be forwarded to the Academic Board which will conduct a complete record
review to determine which midshipmen to recommend for retention . This record review does not involve
a personal appearance by the midshipman being reviewed .

(1) Academic Board members will assess the information contained in the record as a part of their
review but shall not add hearsay information or discuss information about which they have no direct
knowledge and is not contained in the record. Academic Board members may enter comments for use by
the Academic Board process in the same manner as other faculty or staff officers when they have had
personal observations of the midshipman.

(2) The Academic Board will decide whether it is in the best interest of the Naval Service and the
USNA to retain each deficient midshipman. The Academic Board may also stipulate certain specific
conditions under which a midshipman may be continued . Some conditions frequently stipulated are:

(a) A specific QPR may be required by the end of the next semester.

Enclosure (2)
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(b) Certain courses must be taken, and passed during a subsequent regular semester.

(c) Certain courses must be taken , and passed during the summer.

(d) A reduced program (less than 15 credit hours) may be prescribed to allow the
midshipman to demonstrate an ability to raise the quality of his or her academic work. This does not
constitute a commitment to extend the date by which the midshipman must have completed all graduation

(3) Where a midshipman's academic achievement has been weak in spite of superior effort, and
where the midshipman has shown positive evidence of high military performance, the Academic Board
may retain the midshipman, and allow a summer or one additional regular fall semester (beyond the
normal eight) to complete the requirements for graduation .

(4) Military performance and conduct have a bearing upon the decision to separate or retain
midshipmen who are academically deficient. If the Academic Board members are convinced that a
midshipman has the desire and the ability to become a good officer, they may vote to recommend
retention as long as there is a reasonable likelihood of successful completion of the academic program
within limits determined by the Academic Board . Factors to be considered include, but are not limited to,
specific efforts made and assistance sought, demonstrated study habits , and involvement in distracting
activities . Evidence of a good attitude, strong motivation , and determined effort are valuable factors . A
lack of these qualities will frequently be considered a detriment.

(5) In those instances in which a decision is made not to retain a midshipman who has begun his or
her second class year, the Academic Board must make a recommendation concerning recoupment of the
educational costs incurred from the midshipman, either through active duty enlisted service obligation or
monetary repayment as agreed by the midshipman under 10 USC § 6959 (reference (a)) . The Academic
Board shall decide whether the record demonstrates that the academic deficiency occurred despite a
determined effort on the part of the midshipman . If the Academic Board finds that the midshipman has
put forth a determined effort, the Academic Board may recommend that the Secretary of the Navy waive
recoupment. The report of the Academic Board shall indicate whether recoupment is recommended to be
waived .

d. Midshipmen found deficient and not recommended for retention, may request reconsideration of
the Academic Board's decision if there is relevant information that was not available, despite the exercise
of due diligence , at the time of the original decision , or if the midshipman desires to make a personal
appearance before the Academic Board. The request is to be addressed to the Secretary of the
Academic Board via the Commandant of Midshipmen .

(1) A midshipman appearing before the Academic Board will:

(a) Be given a minimum of 24 hours to prepare for an appearance before the Academic Board.
This notification normally will be made by the Commandant's Staff when the midshipman has been
identified at the Academic Dean/Commandant review .

(b) Be allowed to examine or be provided a copy of all materials considered by the Academic
Board during its initial record review.

(c) Be present during the oral presentation to the Academic Board of any facts concerning his
or her academic and military performance.

(d) Be entitled to present any facts in his/her own behalf, including documentary evidence and
written statements of third parties, and oral statements of witnesses concerning his/her academic and
military performance.

2 Enclosure (2)
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(e) Be allowed to have a single character witness present to speak on his/her behalf in person
at the appeal hearing . The character witness must be a member of the faculty or staff of the Naval
Academy. Examples of appropriate representatives include faculty advisors, officer/enlisted faculty or
staff, a varsity coach/officer representative, or Extra-Curricular Activity (ECA) staff representative .
Examples of persons not authorized to act as character references are: other midshipmen, lawyers
retained by the midshipman, persons external to the USNA faculty or staff, family members, sponsors,
and Blue and Gold Officers.

(f) Be given the final decision in person by a representative designated by the Superintendent.

(2) The midshipman's Battalion Officer, Company Officer, Senior Enlisted Advisor and
representative from the midshipman chain of command (i.e. squad leader) normally will accompany a
midshipman requesting a personal appearance before the Academ ic Board. In conjunction with the
Senior Medical Officer, Director of the Academic Center, and Chairman of the Physical Education
Department, they may provide information to the Academic Board relevant to any case under
reconsideration . Such information shall normally be provided at the proceedings conducted by the
Academic Board with the midshipman present.

(3) Unofficial observers may be permitted to attend an Academic Board but must request
permission to attend via the Academic Board Secretary. Observers are limited to faculty advisors,
officer/enlisted faculty or staff, a coach/officer representative, or ECA staff representative. Other
midshipmen, lawyers retained by the midshipman, persons external to the USNA faculty or staff, fam ily
members, sponsors, and Blue and Gold Officers will not normally be permitted to observe Academic
Board sessions. Observers are not permitted to be present during sessions when Academic Board
members are deliberating on an individual case.

2. Physical Education . Academic Board procedures for physical education deficiencies follow the same
procedures as the Board uses in considering academic deficiencies with the following exceptions :

a. In accordance with reference (c), the Physical Education Review Board (PERB) chaired by the
Head, Physical Education Department will identify those midshipmen who are deficient in physical
education and forward copies of their records to the Athletic Director and Commandant.

b. The Athletic Director and Commandant, acting on behalf of the Academic Board , will jointly review
the records of midshipmen identified as being deficient in physical education . If both agree that a
midshipman would clearly be retained by the Academic Board, that midshipman will be retained and
waived from further review by the full Academic Board.

c. A list of those midshipmen who have been retained by the Director of Athletics/Commandant review
will be forwarded for approval by the Academic Board.

d. Midshipmen who are deficient in physical education will be given a minimum of 24 hours to prepare
for an appearance before the Academic Board. This notification will normally be made by th e
Commandant's Staff when the midshipman has been identified as deficient at the PERB (reference (c)).

3. Professional Training Requirements. Academic Board procedures for deficiencies in meeting

professional training requirements follow the same procedures as the Board uses in considering
academic deficiencies with the following exception :

a. The Director, Professional Development will identify to the Commandant those midshipmen who
are deficient in professional training requirements discussed in enclosure (3).

3 Enclosure (2)
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b. The Commandant will forward those records to the Academic Board for a complete record review
to determine which midshipmen to retain.

4. Insufficient Aptitude. A grade of "F" will be assigned by the Commandant to midshipmen who have
demonstrated insufficient aptitude for commissioned service, either by long term unsatisfactory military
performance after thorough and continued counseling, or a sudden adverse turn in attitude or
performance that renders the midshipman unsuitable for commissioning .

a. A midshipman referred by the Commandant to the Academic Board for consideration of

disenrollment for insufficient aptitude will be entitled to consult with anyone, including counsel, in
preparation for appearance before the Academic Board . Upon request, counsel may attend the
Academic Board, but may not represent the midshipman at the Academic Board. The midshipman m ust
present his or her own case.

b. A midshipman who has been referred by the Commandant to the Academic Board for consideration
of disenrollment for insufficient aptitude will be given a minimum of 24 hours to prepare for an appearance
by the Academic Board .

c. When considering the case of a midshipman referred by the Commandant for insufficient
aptitude, sessions of the Academic Board will be considered private and official. All unofficial observers,
including witnesses, except when called, will be excused from the room . Counsel for the midshipman and
the midshipman's Battalion Officer, Company Officer, and Senior Enlisted are considered official
observers . When the Academic Board closes to deliberate and vote, only the Academic Board members,
the Secretary, and the Recorder will be present. The midshipman and official observers will be excused
until recalled for announcement of a decision .

5. Readm ission

a. Former midshipmen desiring readmission shall submit a written request to the Secretary of the
Academic Board . The request should include the date separated, reason for separation , steps that have
been taken to correct any deficiency and/or improve their potential to succeed as m idshipmen , and why
the Academic Board should consider the readm ission request. Requests should be received at least 30
days prior to convening of the Academic Board and include:

(1) Written request to the Dean of Admissions.

(2) Statement of Present Health, DD Form 2372 .

(3) Results of a recent Physical Readiness Test observed by a commissioned or non-

commissioned officer in the Armed Forces of the United States.

(4) Transcripts of any classes taken since separation.

(5) Letters of reference (not more than three).

b. The Dean of Admissions will coordinate with the staff of the Academic Dean an d the Director,
Professional Development to determine the following:

(1 ) Recommendation for date of return if readmitted.

(2) Recommended class .

(3) Specific academic courses needed.

4 Enclosure (2)
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(4) Summer training requirements.

(5) The Dean of Admissions will brief all readmission cases and provide a recommendation
regarding approval or denial for all those former midshipmen requesting that the Academic Board readmit
them. A majority vote by the Academic Board is required for readmission.

5 Enclosure (2)
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This section defines deficiencies in academics, physical education, professional training

requirements, and officer aptitude. Unless otherwise specified in subsequent paragraphs, a deficiency
exists at the end of an academic term (fall, spring or summer), regardless of the prospect for future
improvement. Probation is defined within an academic context; probation is not normally imposed for
other types of performance.

1. An academic deficiency results from one of the following:

a. Academic course failure:

(1) Failure of two or more academic courses taken to fulfill graduation requirements in the fall or
spring semester.

(2) Failure of a single academic course when taken to fulfill graduation requirements in the

(3) Failure of any academic course whenever this brings the total of all academic courses failed
to three or more. Successfully repeating a course previously failed does not diminish the count of course
failures .

(4) Failure of a remedial course such as HE101, SM005, or HE344 when the latter is assigned
because of a writing deficiency.

b. Inadequate level of academic performance. See also 1e(2)(a) and 1e(2)(b) below:

(1) Failing to earn a semester QPR (SQPR) of at least 1.50 in the fall or spring semesters.

(2) Failing to earn a cumulative quality point ratio (CQPR) of at least 2.00 for all courses taken in
the summer, whether enrolled voluntarily or not.

c. Inadequate Progress Toward Graduation. Falling two or more courses behind the number
required by the assigned major at the end of the fall or spring semester unless this is part of a program for
delayed graduation approved by the Academic Board . When the Academic Board (with or without
interview) retains a midshipman who is two or more courses behind his or her major matrix, this does not
constitute a commitment to extend the midshipman beyond his or her scheduled graduation date.
Separation or retention will be determined according to performance in each subsequent academic term.

d. Failure to Meet Graduation Requirements. Failure to successfully complete all academic

requirements for graduation by the end of the academic term in which the midshipman was scheduled to
graduate (reference (e) ).

e. Failure to remove probation (reference (f)):

(1) Failure to remove probation at the end of the fall or spring semester following the academic
term in which probation was imposed . Academic probation cannot be removed as the result of summer
school performance.

(2) Condition (1) above with paragraph 2 implies that the following are academic deficiencies :

(a) three consecutive semesters (fall or spring) with SQPRs below 2.00, or

Enclosure (3)
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(b) two consecutive semesters (fall or spring) with CQPRs below 2.00 .

2. Academic Probation. The purpose of academic probation is to warn midshipmen that their academic
performance is below the required standards and significant improvement will be required to justify further
retention at the Naval Academy. A midshipman, his or her advisers, and his or her company officer will
be notified whenever the midshipman is placed on probation and when the midshipman succeeds in
removing himself/herself from probation.

a. Academic probation resulting from weak academic performance. If a midshipman's CQPR is

below 2.00 at the completion of a fall or spring semester, probation for the following semester is imposed.
A midshipman is also on probation for the semester following two consecutive semesters in which his/her
SQPR is below 2.00, even if the CQPR remains above 2.00.

b. Academic Probation as the Result of Academic Deficiency. A midshipman is automatically on

probation for the following semester (fall or spring) when retained by the Academic Board after having
been subject to discharge for an academic deficiency.

c. Removal of Academic Probation . Academic probation may be removed only at the end of the
next fall or spring semester and not be removed as the result of performance in summer school. If
probation was imposed because of a CQPR below 2.00, removal requires raising the CQPR to at least
2.00 in the following fall or spring semester. If the probation was imposed because of two consecutive
SPQPRs below 2.00, removal requires the achievement of an SQPR of at least 2.00 in the next fall or
spring semester.

3. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance. Midshipmen who are not deficient, under the categories
defined above, but who fail (earn a grade of Fin) a single academic course, are behind in their assigned
majors, and/or have unsatisfactory CQPRs may be referred to the Advising, Counseling, Validation and
Majors Committee (the Advisory Board), which may direct one or more of the following actions:

a. Retain the F by not repeating the course.

b. Repeat the failed course.
c. Take an equivalent course in the same discipline to be treated as a repeat of the failed course.
d. Attend summer school.
e. Alter registration to sequence courses more advantageously.

4. A deficiency in physical education exists when :

a. A midshipman fails to successfully complete the physical education graduation requirements

during the timeframe scheduled for each midshipman class in accordance with reference (c).

b. A midshipman fails to pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) in a given semester.

5. A deficiency in professional training exists when a midshipman has failed to complete his/her
professional training requirements by the beginning of their first class year unless an extension has been
previously been approved by the Commandant of Midshipmen in accordance with reference (f).

6. Insufficient Aptitude . Midshipmen are subject to discharge when the Commandant of Midshipmen
recommends to the Academic Board that they be assigned an "F'' in military performance and be
discharged for insufficient aptitude .

7. Failure to Meet Academic Board Directive . A midshipman is subject to separation from the Naval
Academy and discharge from the Naval Service if he/she fails to fulfill any condition prescribed by the
Academic Board when imposed as the result of a previous deficiency.

2 Enclosure (3)
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Type of Academic Board

August Academic Board Training

Summer Academic Boards

- Aptitude
- Physical Education
- Academic

November Fall Academic Boards

- Aptitude
- Physical Education
- Readmits

December Academic Board Training

January Fall Academic Boards (continued)


February Spring Academic Boards

- First Class Physical Education
- First Class Professional Training
- Aptitude
- Readmits

April Academic Board Training

May Spring Academic Boards (continued)

- Underclass Physical Education
- Aptitude
- Academic

Enclosure (4)

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