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Risk Analysis and Identification of Potential Hazards

in the Warehouse Area PT XYZ with Failure Mode

and Effect Analysis Methode

Abdan Doifurrahman1, Fandy Bestario Harlan2

{ abdand143@gmail.com1 , }

Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl. Ahmad Yani Batam Centre 29461, Indonesia 1,

Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl. Ahmad Yani Batam Centre 29461, Indonesia 2

Abstract. The research conducted aims to identify the risk of hazards in receiving
activities at PT XYZ Warehouse. Data collection is carried out by field observation and
interviews. Implemented using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method in
analyzing potential risks and hazards to obtain a risk priority number (RPN) value as a
risk control priority. The results obtained 10 potential hazards with 11 risks that can
cause work accidents. The highest RPN is obtained in the process of physical checking
work of goods with the potential danger of using cutter tools. The RPN value obtained is
32. Potential hazards can be avoided by controlling the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE), monitoring, and increasing self-awareness that safety and health at
work are important.

Keywords: Receiving, FMEA, Identification of Potential Hazards.

1 Introduction
The significantly developed industrial sector exerts an influence on human life. One that needs
to be considered is the risk to occupational health and safety. Factors of limited facilities, lack
of self-awareness of everyone are the causes of work accidents. Workers' self-awareness is
one of the efforts that safety and health care needs (Ningsih & Hati, 2019). Labor is an
important human resource that is an asset that supports the success of a company. The
company must be able to manage and provide facilities for the maintenance of labor in
accordance with applicable laws. In (Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan,
2003) says that "every company is obliged to implement an occupational health and safety
management system that is integrated with the company's management system". In
(Regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permenaker) Number: 03/Men/1998, 1998) that
work accidents are unwanted and unexpected events or events that can cause human and / or
property casualties.
PT XYZ is one of the manufacturing industry companies that produces electronic components.
PT XYZ stores raw materials to finished products in warehouses. This causes the warehouse
to become an area that has a high potential for danger. Based on facts, various cases of work
accidents that cause back injuries or low back pain due to lifting goods manually or damage
to facilities occur in shrimp (Nurdiansyah, 2018). Therefore, it is very necessary to identify the
potential that can cause danger and conduct a risk assessment of the hazards that arise.
Table1: Accident Data in the Receiving Section

Tools / Accidents that

Machines occur
Lifting or moving The forklift used hit
Forklift heavy items when the wall causing a
unloading containers crack
Lifting or moving The short circuit that
Reach goods on pallets to occurred caused one
Truck be moved to higher reach truck unit to
racks. catch fire
As a base to
facilitate the transfer Nails on pallet
Pallet of goods using fractures puncture
forklifts or reach employees' legs
Based on the table above, various cases of work accidents that occur become losses for the
company. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the potential hazards in each work process
in the receiving section. The research was conducted using qualitative methods and analysis of
potential hazard data using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

2 Analysis Methods

The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods conducted with observation
and interview approaches. The method for data analysis uses FMEA (failure mode and effect
analysis) which aims to identify potential hazards from each work process in the receiving
section. FMEA is a forward-looking risk management technique to improve the reliability and
safety of products, processes, structures, and systems (Ogbonnaya et al., 2021). The stages
carried out using the FMEA method are as follows:
Mengamati proses pekerjaan

Menganalisis risiko yang mungkin akan terjadi

Mendata potensi efek yang ditimbulkan dari setiap risiko

Menentukan tingkat severity dari setiap risiko yang ditimbulkan

Menentukan tingkat occurrences dari setiap risiko yang ditimbulkan

Menentukan tingkat detection dari setiap risiko yang ditimbulkan

Menghitung tingkat RPN

Membuat tingkatan prioritas dari setiap efek risiko

Menentukan level risiko menggunakan matriks risiko

Membuat langkah tindakan untuk meminimalisir atau mengurangi setiap efek risiko

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational safety and health is a factor that affects labor efficiency and also company
production efficiency because basically the purpose of implementing K3 is to protect workers'
rights to safety and create a healthy and productive environment for the workforce (Elphiana
et al., 2018). According to OHSAS 18001: 2007 states that occupational safety and health as
conditions and factors that affect safety and health for workers and the surrounding

Identify Potential Hazards

Identification of potential hazards is an effort made to determine the hazards of a system or
procedure and analyze how they occur (Husen, 2021). This is done to catch problems that
cause work accidents. Hazard identification aims to find hazard points that can cause work
accidents in each work process. In conducting data collection at PT XYZ, direct observation
and interviews are carried out.

Risk Assessment Analysis

The data obtained after conducting interviews and direct observations will then be
analyzed using the FMEA method. Risk analysis carried out in the FMEA method is by
determining severity (S), occurrences (O), and detection (D). After that, RPN will be
calculated by multiplying S O D to get a value that will become a priority scale for handling.
RPN is a mathematical product of severity, incidence, and detection. The number is used to
identify the most critical failure modes, leading to corrective action (Ebrahemzadih et al.,
Severity is the first step in analyzing risk by calculating how much impact occurs from a
potential hazard caused. The determination of the severity table is described in the following
Table2: Determination of Severity Value

Effect Criterion Ranking

Dangerous Non-compliance with
without regulations produces
warning or very harmful effects. 10
with (Death of some
warning individuals)
Non-compliance with
regulations produces
very harmful effects. 9
(Causing the death of
the individual
Make a big Non-compliance with
impact regulations produces
very harmful effects. 8
(Causing the death of
the individual
Treated for more than
12 hours, blood vessel 7
rupture wounds, heavy
losses, etc.
Cause Treated for more than
moderate 12 hours, fractures, 6
impact burns, difficulty
Sprains, sprains, minor
cracks or fractures, 5
cramps, or spasms.
The impact Minor burns, scratches, 4
received is bruises
small Mild sprains, light slips,
blisters 3

Lightly scratched, cut 2

No Impact No effect 1
(Source: FMEA Handbook, 2011)
After the severity assessment is carried out, it calculates occurrences, which is how often the
risk occurs. Assessment occurrences are described in the following table:

Table3: Determination of Occurrences Values

Possible Event Rate Value

1 Events/shifts 10
Very high
1 Occurrences/day 9
High 1 Occurrence / 2-3 days 8
1 Occurrence / week 7
Keep 1 Occurrence / 2 weeks 6
1 Occurrence / month 5
Possible Event Rate Value
1 Occurrence / 4 months 4
1 Occurrence / 1/2 year 3
1 Occurrence / year 2
Very Low 1 Occurrence / >1 year 1
(Source: FMEA Handbook, 2011)
The next stage is the determination of the Detection value. Detection is how likely the
accident is to be detected. The higher the hazard can be detected, the lower the value given.
Assessment using detection is described in the following table:

Table4: Determination of Detection Values

Detection Possibility of detection Rating

Uncertain No controller can detect 10
Very small Controllers are currently very difficult to 9
detect forms of accidents and potentially
Small 8
damaging causes
The ability of controllers to detect
Very low accidents and potentially damaging causes 7
is very low
The ability of controllers to detect
accidents and potentially damaging causes 6
Low is low
The ability of the controller to detect the
Keep form of accidents and potentially damaging 5
causes is moderate
The ability of controllers to detect
moderate to high forms of accidents and 4
potentially damaging causes
The ability of the controller to detect
accident forms and potentially damaging 3
causes is high
The ability of controllers to detect
Very high accidents and potentially damaging causes 2
is very high.
The ability of controllers to detect accident
forms and potentially damaging causes is 1
almost certain
(Source: FMEA Handbook, 2011)

Risk Matrix is carried out to determine the level of risk that occurs. The risk matrix table
used to determine risk levels based on references from journals (Yosaka & Basuki, 2022) is
described in the following table:

Table5: Determination of risk levels

Significant 1-4 5 6 7-8 9-10
Very small Small Intermediate Big Very high
9-10 Very often

7-8 Often
6 Moderate
5 Infrequently
1-4 Very rare
(Source: Yosaka &; Basuki, 2022)

Green color indicates a low level of risk. Which means no additional controls are needed, the
activity can continue, and low priority. The yellow color indicates a risk with medium level.
which means the activity can only be continued with additional controls, the controls have to
be implemented at the specified time period. And the red color indicates a high level of risk.
which means it must be followed up immediately, high risk categories must be reported
immediately to the safety team, and implement further controls.

3. Results and Discussion

Container Unloading

Pallet Transfer to receiving area.

Pallet pulled using hand jack.

Physical checking of goods

Goods delivered to IQC department.

Goods are arranged into the warehouse


The flow of the work process in the receiving section is carried out to identify hazards for
further analysis using FMEA. FMEA is a method of finding potential problem points for
prioritizing repairs by looking at the consequences, how often they occur, and how easy they
are to detect (Ford Motor Company, 2011).

Stages of the Identify Potential Risk Assessment

Risk Risk Level
Work Process Hazards S O D RPN
Physical checking Cut and cause injury to 4 4 2 32 Low
Use of cutter tools
of goods the employee's hand
Transfer or There can be Causes swelling or injury 2 3 5 30 Low
Stages of the Identify Potential Risk Assessment
Risk Risk Level
Work Process Hazards S O D RPN
placement of accidents in the
pallets to the form of run over
to the feet
receiving area legs or hit by hand
using Hand Jack jacks.
Short circuit in Short circuit in 7 2 2 28 High
Engine on fire
reach truck engine reach truck engine
The preparation of 3 3 2 18 Low
goods exceeds the
Physical checking Overwriting employees
height of workers,
of goods due to falling goods
and the goods are
not balanced
Fell due to Sprained due to falling 3 2 3 18 Low
climbing onto the from forklift fork due to
forklift fork loss of balance
lifting too heavy a 2 4 2 16 Low
Deliver goods to load manually Pain in the back of the
IQC for quality (without using body (back) or the item
checking assistive devices falls and falls on the legs
such as trolley)
Transfer or Transporting goods 7 1 1 7 High
placement of too high off the
pallets to the surface or may crash into the
receiving area obscuring the surrounding environment
using forklifts / operator's view
reach trucks
Hand pinched seal 4 2 1 8 Low
There are scratches or
container cutting
swelling due to pinching
Sprained due to falling 3 2 1 6 Low
unloading Dropped or
from the top of the
slipping off the top
container because it did
of the container
not use a ladder
Falling off the shelf both 3 1 2 6 Low
Arrange goods into
Putting items onto up and down
the warehouse
higher shelves The items that were 2 3 1 6 Low
without using steps lifted fell and fell on the
employees around
(Source: Author's Data Processing Results, 2023)

Based on the table above, potential hazards are obtained with RPN values which are
multiplications of severity, occurrences, and detection. Determination of value is obtained by
interviewing sources. The results of data processing using the FMEA method, several
potential risks that can cause work accidents in the receiving section are obtained. Therefore,
it is necessary to take risk control measures aimed at reducing the value of RPN to minimize
or reduce the potential risk of work accidents. The following are risk controls proposed as
measures to prevent work accidents.

Risk Identification
Risk Assessment Risk Control
Risk Assessment
Risk Level
Stages of Identify
the Work Potential Risk S O D RPN S O D RPN
Process Hazards
Physical Use of cutter Cut and 4 4 2 32 Low - Use thick 2 2 1 4
checking tools cause injury cloth fiber
of goods to the gloves when
employee's doing the job.
hand - Make sure
the cutter eye
is closed or
Risk Identification
Risk Assessment Risk Control
Risk Assessment
Risk Level
Stages of Identify
the Work Potential Risk S O D RPN S O D RPN
Process Hazards
does not arise
when finished
using it
Transfer There can be Causes 2 3 5 30 Low - Use safety 2 1 2 4
or accidents in swelling or shoes and
placement the form of injury to the know the
of pallets run over legs feet handling
to the or hit by process using
receiving hand jacks. hand jacks.
area using - Provision of
Hand Jack pedestrian
Short Short circuit Engine on 7 2 2 28 High - Auto-shutoff 4 1 1 4
circuit in in reach truck fire installation of
reach engine the charger
truck machine
engine - Charger
only during
- The use of
to extinguish
Physical The Overwriting 3 3 2 18 Low - Create 2 2 1 4
checking preparation employees policies for
of goods of goods due to falling the maximum
exceeds the goods height limit
height of of the
workers, and preparation of
the goods are goods.
not balanced - Make SOPs
for the
preparation of
goods neat
and well
Container Fell due to Sprained due 3 2 3 18 Low - Make written 1 1 1 1
unloading climbing to falling rules as a
onto the from forklift strict
forklift fork fork due to prohibition so
loss of that actions
balance are not taken

Deliver lifting too Pain in the 2 4 2 16 Low - Use the 1 2 1 2

goods to heavy a load back of the trolley
IQC for manually body (back) - Create SOPs
quality (without or the item written
checking using falls and manual
assistive falls on the handling
devices such legs
as trolley)
Transfer Transporting may crash 7 1 1 7 High - SOP for the 1 1 1 1
or goods too into the use of
placement high off the surrounding forklifts or
of pallets surface or environment reach trucks.
to the obscuring the - Ensure siren
Risk Identification
Risk Assessment Risk Control
Risk Assessment
Risk Level
Stages of Identify
the Work Potential Risk S O D RPN S O D RPN
Process Hazards
receiving operator's bells and
area using view forklift or
forklifts / reach truck
reach flashlights
trucks turn on
- Provision of
- Provides
mirrors at
every bend
Container Hand There are 4 2 1 6 Low - Using gloves 2 1 1 2
unloading pinched seal scratches or
container swelling due
cutting tool to pinching
Dropped or Sprained due 3 2 1 6 Low - Use of 2 1 1 2
slipping off to falling portable
the top of the from the top ladders to
container of the climb into
container containers
because it
did not use a
Arrange Putting items Falling off 3 1 2 6 Low - Provide stairs 2 1 1 2
goods into onto higher the shelf in each part
the shelves both up and of the
warehous without using down warehouse
e area steps area.
- Make written
rules for the
prohibition of
The items 2 3 1 6 Low - Make sure 1 2 1 2
that were there are no
lifted fell and other workers
fell on the in the
employees surrounding
around area.
- Make sure
items are
closed or
(Source: Author's Data Processing Results, 2023)

4. Conclusion and acknowledgements

4.1 Conclusion

This research was conducted to determine the magnitude of the potential dangers and risks
caused. Based on the results of data processing, several conclusions were obtained as follows:
1. 10 potential hazards were obtained in the work process in the receiving section with
11 potential risks that could cause work accidents.
2. The highest RPN can process work, namely physical checking of goods with
potential hazards, namely the use of cutters. With the potential risk posed is cut and
can cause injury to workers. The RPN value is 32 with a low risk level. Then the
work can continue and there is no need for additional control. However, the
recommended risk control is to use gloves when doing the work and ensure the cutter
eyes are closed or do not arise when finished using. Risk assessment after control
obtained severity of 2, occurrences 2, and detection 1. Then the RPN value is 4.
3 Potential hazards that can pose a high level of risk are a short circuit in the reach
truck engine which can cause the risk of the engine catching fire and the transfer or
placement of pallets to the receiving area using a forklift or reach truck. A short
circuit in the reach truck engine that can cause the engine to burn has an RPN value
of 28. Because the risk level is high, it must be followed up immediately and
additional controls must be carried out. So, the recommended risk control is the
installation of auto-shutoff of the charger machine, charging procedures only during
working hours, and the use of fire extinguishers to extinguish fires. The risk
assessment obtained is severity of 4, occurrences of 1, and detection of 1. The RPN
value obtained is 4. Meanwhile, in the process of pallet removal work using a forklift
or reach truck gets an RPN value of 7. Due to the high level of risk, additional
controls are needed and must be followed up immediately. So the recommended risk
control is the SOP for the use of forklifts or reach trucks, ensuring the bell siren or
flash lights of forklifts or reach trucks turn on perfectly, providing paths for
pedestrians, and providing convex mirrors at every bend. The severity value obtained
after control is 1, occurrences are 1, and detection is 1. The RPN value after control is
4 In the RPN value comparison table, with risk control, the previously high RPN value
has dropped significantly.
4.2 Acknowledgments
Based on the conclusions obtained, there are several suggestions that are expected to provide
benefits for PT XYZ as follows:
1. The company can control the risks of the potential posed. Because hazard control is
important in maintaining occupational Safety and Health for workers in minimizing work
2. The company is expected to maintain performance in maintaining occupational safety and
health such as fulfilling facilities, providing danger signs in places of danger, maintaining
tools and machines, monitoring the work process carried out, and conducting briefings
before carrying out work


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