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First Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024


Read the following directions carefully:

1. Before you begin answering, read, understand, and analyze each moral case carefully.
2. You can answer this moral case using Filipino or English language. Just choose one.
3. This should be answered individually.
4. Answer the case coherently, substantially, and logically.
5. On your answer sheet, a mere Yes or No answer will not gain full credit. So, you need
to justify and defend your answer.
6. Each case is worth 25 points.
7. For every moral case, the answer should be composed of a maximum of 400 words only,
including the articles.
8. Write your answer on a short bond paper using Arial Font-12.
9. Submit your answers in MS word-format. PDF is not allowed.
10. AI-generated answers will not gain ANY Credit and will be sanctioned based on the
existing rules and policies of the university and class (refer to the syllabus).
11. Do not plagiarize. Cite your sources. Cite them using APA 7th Edition.
12. Any violation of these instructions may lead to a deduction of points or, in more
severe cases, render the exam ineligible for merit.
13. Refer to Annex A for the rubrics.
14. Good luck.

***Midterm Exam Starts here***

Case 1: Department X
Department X, a government agency, was allocated a substantial amount of confidential funds to
enable the effective execution of its public service mandates while maintaining the necessary
confidentiality. However, over time, issues emerge about the misuse and mismanagement of
these funds within the said office. Irregular and potentially unconstitutional expenditures, like
spending millions of pesos in just a few days, have cast doubt on taxpayers on the actual purpose
for which these funds were intended. Given their confidential nature, the public lacks access to
detailed expenditure information, which fuels suspicions of corruption.

In the next year's budget allocation, Department X requested a higher amount of confidential
funds, arguing that these funds are essential for the successful implementation of their programs
and projects. Considering the issue above and the argument that “public office is a public trust,”
do you think it is morally justifiable for the government or Congress to grant Department X the
confidential funds that they are requesting? Also, discuss the moral accountability of Department
First Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Case 2: SK Elections
In a certain municipality, Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) candidates, named A, B, C, and D, are busy
campaigning to win the election. SK provides an opportunity for the youth to participate in local
governance and develop their leadership skills. SK provides a platform where youth can raise a
voice in local decision-making and empowers youth on issues, concerns, and needs involving
them. However, the election presents certain moral issues. A and B, despite their promise of good
and clean governance, create propaganda that spreads false information about C and D, bribe
voters, and use unethical campaign practices to gain an advantage. If winning is their goal despite
their claims of reforms on governance, do you think that it is morally justifiable for them to use
and engage in the campaign practices mentioned, like bribing voters and spreading false
information? Also, as a youth voter, what is your moral accountability when it comes to your
knowledge that certain candidates do those campaign practices?

“Annex A”



10 points and 10-15 points 15-20 points 20-25 points


The answer The answer shows The answer is The answer is perfect.
shows flaws in the clearly written and The ideas presented are
major flaws in content, substantially argued, concise, direct to the point,
the content, organization of but has minor logical or coherent, and has
organization of ideas, and issues with the excellent organization of
ideas, and grammatical content, ideas and
grammatical constructions and organization and grammatical construction.
constructions has demonstrated grammar.
and has not little knowledge
demonstrated about
any knowledge the question.
of the question.

Prepared by:


Faculty, BUCSSP Philosophy Department
GEC 18: Ethics

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