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The Behavior Analyst 1984, 7, 183-187 No.

2 (Fall)
As Schoenfeld (1969) has noted in his
retrospective Conceptual
appreciation ofContributions
Kantor's of Kantor's
work, "Sometimes when the work of a
man of scholarship and Interbehavioral
intellectual dar- Psychology
ing plunges ahead of the learned com-
munity he is addressing, it does not Jayim-Moore
mediately receive University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
the honor it deserves.
Instead, as it blends unmarked into the
Kantor's landscape,
interbehavioral it becomes
psychology some- by its conceptual emphases upon (a) naturalism,
may be characterized
(b) how taken
scientific for granted.
pluralism, Something like
(c) organism-environment interactions, and (d) integrated event fields of contin-
uously has happenedand interrelating factors. of
to the writings Despite
J. R.differences between Skinnerian and Kantorian clas-
Kantor" schemes, the conceptual
(p. 329). Kantor'sfeatures of interbehaviorism are compatible with those of Skinner's
contributions and taken together the two provide a firm theoretical foundation for an authenticially
to a science of behavior are
behavioristic psychology.
not generally appreciated, even among
the large majority of behavior analysts.
Again, Schoenfeld comments: "he was a
breaker of intellectual chains inherited it from the classic S-R behaviorism that
from the past and a clearer of intellectual was dominant in the second quarter of
paths into the future; he could detect an the century. Yet, he offers his readers
incorrect direction, and point to the one much more than simply a quaint new
to take. He was a critic and an analyst; vocabulary. He offers insight into an un-
he could see what was to be avoided, and derstanding of what science means, what
what to be done. He was a summoner to a science of behavior means, and how
work and an architect ofideas; but, while one might orient oneself toward making
he might hint at how something was to scientific contributions. As Verplanck
be done, he too infrequently went on to (1983) has noted, these insights might be
do it himself.... He invented no de- expressed in the context of four impor-
vices, recorded few numbers, drew no tant conceptual contributions derived
graphs, used no statistics, programmed from the work of Kantor: (a) naturalism,
no computers, demonstrated no animal (b) scientific pluralism, (c) the recogni-
performances, beguiled with no anec- tion that the subject matter of psychology
dotes. All this he left to his readers" (p. is the interaction between organisms and
330). Kantor called his position inter- stimulus objects, and (d) his rejection of
behaviorism, presumably to distinguish traditional, linear, antecedent causal for-
mulations in lieu of an integrated event
field. We may now turn to a brief dis-
Reprints may be obtained from the author at the cussion of each of these contributions, in
following address: Department of Psychology, Uni- an attempt to acknowledge their signifi-
versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 53201.
cance with respect to an understanding
of behavior.
Of all conceptual emphases, probably
none is more basic to interbehaviorism
than one ofnaturalism. As Kantor ( 1950)
says, "our universe consists of nothing
but our natural habitat plus our civili-
zational artifacts" (p. 321). Insofar as no
scientist has even investigated anything
other than an event in which various fac-
tors come together in space and time, our
accounts of such events must be couched
in factors derived from spatiotemporal
factors. Of course, scientists engage in

construction. However, as Kantor (1938) quence that Plotinus, Augustine, Aqui-

put it, all constructions must "be con- nas, Descartes, Locke, Newton, Liebniz,
nected with the primary data or events Berkeley, and eventually Kant institu-
by a substantial link of observation and tionalized the dichotomization of nature.
observational procedure. The exigencies Regardless, for Kantor and Skinner the
of scientific work may be such as to at- traditions and methods of science have
tentuate the thread binding the construc- been corrupted in pursuit of mentalistic
tion with events to a very thin calibre. doctrines to the detriment of a science of
But it is an established maxim that this behavior. A truly naturalistic, behavior-
thread can never be broken" (p. 12). istic psychology has yet to come into pre-
The non-naturalistic approach is eminence within the culture.
known by many names: mental, psychic,
supernatural, transcendental, and lately, SCIENTIFIC PLURALITY
cognitive. Distinctions concerned with
subjects and objects, with reality and ap- Science in general is an enterprise for
pearance, with internal and external ascertaining the structure, operation, and
worlds, with facts and values, are simi- interrelation of things and events. The
larly products of non-naturalistic con- activity we call science is to be taken as
cerns. For Kantor, there is no difference continuous with any other activity in
among any of these terms; they are all which we engage. Moreover, the knowl-
indicative of dualism and of attempts to edge derived from scientific endeavors is
smuggle spooks into psychology. What not to be held superior in quality to
was the origin ofthis practice? The origin knowledge produced by any other means.
was to be found in the historical devel- All too often theorists hold that the pro-
opment of psychology. Any scientist cedures of science are somehow better
studying any subject matter has always because they map better onto the under-
been embedded in a social-cultural ma- lying mental processes responsible for
trix of influences that defines problems knowledge. The interbehaviorist argues
and procedures for addressing them. In that the basic assumption is false; there
psychology, owing to the pervasive influ- are no underlying mental processes re-
ence of philosophical and theological in- sponsible for any kind of knowledge, sci-
stitutions, the tendency has been to at- entific or otherwise. The methods of sci-
tempt to insulate these social-cultural ence may be more useful in that they
preconceptions, rather than critically ex- promote more effective contact with the
amine them for their authenticity. Thus, world, but not because they better reflect
psychology has been afflicted with a dis- some aspect of psychological function-
astrous bifurcation of its subject matter, ing. To argue that the methods of science
a bifurcation that is to be staunchly op- are superior because they somehow re-
posed on each occasion it is detected. flect an underlying psychological process
For Skinner, the origin of mentalism responsible for knowledge acquisition is
lies in a primitive animism that has ex- an unfortunate legacy of our dualistic cul-
isted since the days humans lived in caves; tural heritage, ultimately traceable to no-
the Greeks and others since have per- tions of a rational soul as the seat of
petuated the mentalistic doctrines, and it knowledge.
has now become virtually instictive, ow- Moreover, the sciences deal with se-
ing to this lengthy tradition, to look in- lected subject matters and are not reduc-
side for a cause of something outside. ible. There is no one underlying science
Kantor's analysis of the problem is slight- that is propaedeutic to others, and in par-
ly different, although it ends up at the ticular, psychology is not reducible to
same place. For Kantor, the problem be- physiology. Doctrines that the brain is
gan after the Greeks and Romans, with the cause of behavior are to be opposed
the decline of civilization in the period just as resolutely as are doctrines that the
400-500-600 A.D. Various theological soul is the cause of behavior. The brain
influences stepped in, with the conse- is involved as a component in behavior,

but is not appropriately identified as a Attention and perceptual interactions are

causal agent in behavior. not psychic processes but rather are con-
This is not to say that there are no tinuous with other forms of interbehav-
common features among the sciences, but ior, in that they originate via direct con-
rather that the common features should tact with things and promote adjustment
not be taken as indicative of a reduc- with respect to the world of stimulating
tionistic position on subject matter. Sci- objects.
entists investigate the existence of events, Language too is a behavioral phenom-
they investigate the nature of events, they enon. Matters of phonology, morpholo-
perform operations in the form of ex- gy, syntax, and semantics are behavioral
periments, they investigate interrelations matters. Furthermore, language and logic
among factors participating in events, and are clearly linked as behavioral phenom-
they formulate relations among those ena. They are linked not because lan-
factors in the form of laws, theorems, guage somehow reveals ultimate, uni-
equations, and so on. No scientist has versal, transcendental categories, either
even done more, not because there is logical or grammatical in nature, but
more to be studied that is beyond the rather because logic is a system-making
reach of science, but because there is endeavor that is carried out in the context
nothing more to be concerned about. of language by real people. Logic is not
to be viewed as a superordinate, disem-
INTERBEHAVIOR bodied system that operates above and
beyond behavioral laws, of which ob-
The subject matter for psychology is servable behavior is mere evidence.
interbehavior. Stimulus objects are to be Rather, logic is a particular, specific hu-
emphasized as much as responses. In man enterprise that operates in a partic-
Kantor's notation, there is a bidirectional ular, specific frame of reference.
arrow between S and R to indicate the
reciprocal exchange between stimulating INTERBEHAVIORAL FIELDS
environment and behaving organism. In
physics, there is a simple exchange of en- According to an interbehavioral posi-
ergy between two entities. In biology, one tion, the appropriate analytical frame-
entity receives stimulation from another work for any science is a field of partic-
in a way that entails more than just a ipating factors. Accordingly, it is
commutative exchange of energy. In psy- distinctly inappropriate to cast an event
chology, interactions are differential, in- in terms of one factor that causes an event
tegrative, variable, modifiable, delaya- to occur. The way is then open for spe-
ble, and inhibitive (e.g., Kantor and cious forces and powers to enter into the
Smith, 1975, p. 8), in ways that inter- picture. What is of concern is how the
actions pertaining to physics or biology constituent factors of things, their prop-
are not. Psychological events depend erties, and their conditions are initially
upon a preceding history of interaction, organized in an event situation and then
called the reactional biography. Indeed, how they come to be rearranged in the
Kantor and Smith (1975) sum up the event field. To be rejected are traditional
principle of modifiability by noting that mechanistic, push-pull modes of expla-
"the successive contacts of an organism nation, as well as classical deterministic
with objects culminate in the develop- systems.
ment of new modes of interactions based Furthermore, all science is inevitably
on the results or conditions of prior con- probabilistic, based upon the precision of
tacts" (p. 10). our contact with the factors constituting
Interbehavioral events involve the the event field. We may have limited
whole organism and are inappropriately knowledge of those factors, or the con-
fractionated. Sometimes responses may ditions of the participating factors may
be implicit, orientational phenomena, but themselves be undergoing change. Ac-
they are nevertheless of behavioral ilk. cordingly, we are conspicuously limited
in the scope of our statements. As we because it is the vehicle by which to pur-
identify more precisely the factors in the sue another topic, namely, the organo-
field, the less probabilitic we need to be centric entity that is presumed to be the
in our statements of the relations we ob- "real cause" and of which the behavior
serve. In any case, it is distinctly inap- is a mere manifestation. Rather, inter-
propriate to characterize our statements behavior is all there is to study. The terms
as certain because they follow from some that many behaviorists find convenient
infallible logical system; such a position to use, such as operant, respondent, re-
is derived from transcendental assump- inforcement, and so on, are not terms in
tions of an underlying soul or mind re- Kantor's vocabulary. The omission is not
sponsible for knowledge, as in the sys- one of oversight, but is rather systematic.
tems of Descartes or Kant. The terms are burdened in Kantor's es-
With special reference to psychological timation by subjective powers and forces,
events, the appropriate analytical frame- by satisfiers and annoyers, and by their
work is the event field called the inter- connotation of mentalistic ways ofthink-
behavioral segment. Behavior itself is a ing. Whether or not the terms are so bur-
continuous process, but psychologists dened is a matter worthy of considerable
may examine just one portion of it. To attention, especially among behaviorists
deal adequately with the event, psychol- who tend to reify the process of rein-
ogists need to know at least the following forcement as a thing having some sort of
five things about the intervehavioral seg- mystical power to strengthen responses
ment: (a) the behavioral history of the that have already occurred. Kantor's
organism, (b) the medium by which the point is not that the matters identified by
organism makes contact with the object persons who use the terms operant, re-
of current interest in its environment, (c) inforcement, and so on are undeserving
the function that the stimulus object has of analysis, but rather that these events
in the organism's life, (d) what the re- should not circumscribe the domain of
sponse achieves in the organism's life, events to be studied and the discrimi-
and (e) any general, contextual, back- nations we make when we analyze them.
ground factors relevant to a particular in-
teraction. As previous analyses have not- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
ed (e.g., Morris, 1982), there is some
similarlity to the conceptual schemes For Kantor, the world of events was a
employed by other behaviorists who use homogeneous plenum to be approached
such terms as classes ofstimuli that exert without preconception or commitment
stimulus control, response-reinforcer to absolutist dogma of any kind. Human
contingencies, reinforcement histories, behavior was conditional, that it is, it
and so on. Such distinctions as between depended upon how factors came togeth-
operants and respondents by other be- er in particular event situations.
haviorists are fully accommodated in in- Throughout the interbehavioral ap-
terbehavioral psychology by differences proach was the rejection of behavior as
between stimulus functions and response indicating the operation of intra-organ-
functions. Indeed, the notion of reac- ismic faculties, powers, and forces, not
tional biography includes both the op- because such issues were beyond the reach
erant and respondent history of the or- of science, but rather because talk of such
ganism, rather than only its history of issues was attributable to historical influ-
reinforcing and punishing events. ences in our largely dualistic culture.
The treatment of behavioral events in Kantor was a natural scientist, and res-
terms of fields of interacting factors pre- olutely expounded his position for nearly
vents even the inadvertant invocation of 75 years. He leaves behind neither arti-
specious forces and powers and the in- facts nor technology, but rather stimulus
appropriate formulation of principles that control in the form of guiding assump-
exist only by dint of human linguistic ma- tions. Verplanck (1983) has noted that
nipulation. Behavior is not to be studied for Kantor, Aristotle was the first natural
scientist, he (Kantor) was a second, and REFERENCES
Skinner might be the third. Although the
similarities between Kantor and Skinner Kantor, J. R. (1938). The operational principle in
the physical and psychological sciences. Psycho-
seem to outweigh their differences, they logical Record, 2, 1-32.
never reached the kind of professional Kantor, J. R. (1950). Psychology and logic (vol-
compatibility that appeared originally ume II). Bloomington: Principia Press.
possible. As is often the case with two Kantor, J. R., & Smith, N. W. (1975). Thescience
of psychology: An interbehavioral survey. Chica-
intellectual giants, each seemed content go: Principia Press.
to go his separate way. It is somewhat Morris, E. K. (1982). Some relationships between
difficult to specify the reasons for an at- interbehavioral psychology and radical behav-
traction to intervehaviorism. Clark Hull iorism. Behaviorism, 10, 187-216.
named no Kantor box; Kantor himself Schoenfeld, W. N. (1969). J. R. Kantor's Objective
Psychology of Grammar and Psychology and
published only one experimental study. Logic: A retrospective appreciation. Journal of
Perhaps therein lies the basis for the the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 12, 329-
greatest contribution of all: a supremely 347.
systematic orientation that facilitates an Verplanck, W. S. (1983). Preface. In N. W. Smith,
P. T. Mountjoy, and D. H. Ruben (Eds.), Reas-
abstract understanding of behavioral sessment in psychology: The interbehavioral al-
events. ternative. Washington, D.C.: University Press. Pp.

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