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Topic: storage devices,operating system

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,systeme d exploitation

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: en

environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,

Topic: environnement informatique

Title: environnement informatique
Description: supports de stockage,
Topic: environnement informatique
Title: environnement informatique

IT Project Manager|||
[[Category:Software project management]]
[[Category:Systems analysis and design]]
[[Category:Computer systems and networking]]


Introduction to Computer Storage

What is Computer Storage?

Storage is where we keep our files. You can think of it like a filing cabinet - you store files in
folders in the filing cabinet, and you can retrieve them again when you need them.

How do we store files in a computer?

There are several different types of storage, but the most common are hard disks and solid state
disks. A hard disk is a magnetic storage device that uses the same technology as a traditional
hard drive. A solid state disk is a non-magnetic storage device that uses the same technology as
a USB stick or SD card.

Both of these types of storage are used as "secondary storage" meaning that they are slower and
less reliable than RAM (random access memory) but they are much cheaper.

The Operating System stores the file system in RAM, but it writes the contents of the RAM to the
hard disk or solid state disk when it shuts down or reboots.


Let's say you downloaded a movie called "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" on your computer.

To play the movie, the computer will have to read the movie from the disk, which takes more time
than reading it from RAM. However, it's much cheaper to store the movie on a hard disk or solid
state disk than in RAM.

When you turn off the computer or close the program, the operating system will have to save the
file to the disk. It will take some time to do this, but it is much faster than writing to RAM and it's
much cheaper than writing to a faster storage device like a solid state disk.

Which storage device should I use?

Most users should use a hard disk because it is much cheaper than a solid state disk.

Some users who are working with large files, or who are working with a lot of files at the same
time, might want to use a solid state disk because it is faster than a hard disk. For example, you
might use a solid state disk to store the file system of your operating system, or to store a

What is a file system?

A file system is a set of rules and procedures that define how data is organized and stored in a

A file system can be thought of as a bunch of folders or boxes that contain files and other folders
or boxes. In computers, files and folders are normally represented by letters and numbers. For
example, in the file system on your computer, the letter C is normally used to represent the OS
(operating system) and the letter D is normally used to represent your documents folder.

How do I store and organize my files?

There are several different file systems that you can use in your computer. The most common
ones are FAT32 and NTFS, which are normally used for hard disks and solid state disks

, and exFAT, which is normally used for SD cards and USB sticks.

There are also several different ways of storing and organizing files in a computer. The three
most common are:

1) Folders: A folder is a container for files. You can think of it like a physical folder you might
have in a filing cabinet. In a computer, you can have folders inside other folders, creating a
hierarchy of folders and files.
2) Directories: A directory is a special type of folder that contains the names and locations of
other folders and files on your computer. In some file systems, a directory is also called a folder
or a catalogue. In Windows, a directory is also called a "folder".

3) Paths: A path is the full name and location of a file or folder in a computer. For example, in the
file system on your computer, the path C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\BookReport.docx would
be the full name and location of a file called "BookReport.docx".

Directories and paths are normally represented by a list of letters and numbers separated by
slashes (e.g. C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\BookReport.docx).


Let's say you downloaded a movie called "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" on your computer. You could
store the movie in a folder called "Movies" on your Documents hard disk. To access the movie,
you could use the path C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Movies\Star Wars The Last Jedi.mkv.

Note that if you ever moved or renamed the movie (e.g. to Star Wars The Last Jedi (2017).mkv)
then the path would have to be updated to reflect the change.

What is a file?

A file is a collection of related data that has been saved in a computer. For example, in the "Star
Wars: The Last Jedi" movie example, the movie itself would be considered a file.

Files can be stored in folders, and they can also be stored directly on the file system in a

What is a file extension?

A file extension is the part of a file's name that comes after the last period (e.g. .mkv). Most file
systems (e.g. FAT32 and NTFS) require files to have file extensions, but some newer file systems
(e.g. exFAT) don't require them.

File extensions are normally used to identify the type of a file or the program that can be used to
open or view the file. For example, the file extension .mkv indicates that the file is a movie in the
Matroska media file format, and can be opened and viewed using VLC or PotPlayer.

What is

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