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1 Most people think that the Middle East is only .............

2 You can find trees ........................ in winter.

3 If you’re lucky, you may see a ............. or a .................., two

species that live there.

4 The air is fresh, and you can .................... lakes.

5 Seeing the birds through ........................... makes them

seem ............ .

6 You should learn about .................... first. That

means ..................... .

7 You can identify them if you ................................ .

8 The Main Hall has got seating for ................. people.

9 The ..................Room has got seating for up to one hundred


10 We're organising a dinner ................................, and we’re hoping

for ......................... people.

11 There’s also ................ of £250, ............................ of course as

long as there’s no damage.

12 You can pay the .......................... however you like though –

cash, credit card, cheque...
13 You’ll have to ..........................if you want to use that.

14 You’ll have to see about ...................................... if you’re

planning to have any music .................... .

15 About ................... before your event you’ll need to contact the

caretaker, that’s Mr Evans, to ................................

Exercise 1:
Read the questions first before you listen to the recording.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

1. Prince Harry came home with three .................... .........................


2. Prince Harry thinks that to him we are all the same and the people
he worked with know him as ......................... ................................... not
just as a prince.

3. They want an ................................. to ............................... to

themselves that they are the same people.

4. Prince Harry wants to make sure that the mood

is ........................................... and that everyone .................................. it.

Exercise 2:
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Studying with the Open University demanded a great deal of
27 ....................

Studying and working at the same time improved Rachel’s

28 ....................

It was helpful that the course was structured in 29 ....................

She enjoyed meeting other students at 30 ....................


Exercise 1.
Exercise 2.

Complete the notes. Write ONE WORD ONLY in each gap.

The Statue of Liberty

• represents freedom
• 1865 – Édouard de Laboulaye wanted to celebrate America’s
independence and its ..................1................... with France

Practical matters
• was a gift from France
• the Americans were in charge of making the pedestal
• the purpose of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper advertisement was to
request .................2....................

From construction to completion

• 1875 – construction of the statue began in France under Frédéric-
Auguste Bartholdi
• the outside of the statue is made of ................3.....................
• .................4.................... were used to transport the statue pieces
to New York
• 1885 – arrival of the statue in New York
• the main material used in the pedestal
was ..................5...................
• reassembly of the statue

• October, 1886 – the statue was officially opened

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