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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject:___EDUC 3508_______ Unit:_________Pinterest____________ Lesson Duration:__10min___

General Learning Outcomes: Learn how to use Pinterest to curate and share ideas with peers.

Specific Learning Outcomes: Learn how to create boards, share boards, and add to boards.

Students will:
1. Students will practice creating and editing boards on Pinterest
2. Students will establish a Pinterest account
3. Students will familiarize themselves with the idea sharing tools Pinterest provides
Observations: Who has used Pinterest Key Questions: What is the purpose of Pinterest?
before? What is Pinterest?

Written/Performance Assessments: Where students able to create, share, and add to Pinterest boards
by the end of the lesson?


Resource #1: Pinterest app / website


* Students will require access to a personal device
* Students will require an internet connection
Introduction (__min.):
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
Who knows what Pinterest is?
Who already has a Pinterest account?
Expectations for Learning and Behavior:
Students will learn how to use the features Pinterest has, including board creation, sharing, and
Transition to Body: Nick does the intro, Tyra does the body.
Body (__min.):
Learning Objective #1:
Pinterest overview. What are the most important features to point out?
Identify important tools.
Learning Objective #2:
Creating a profile.
Do people already have one?
Learning Objective #3:
Creating a board that can be shared with the class.
Can everyone join and see the board?
Can everyone add to the board?
Closure ( __min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Was a Pinterest board successfully created?
Feedback From Students:
Was the technology effectively used in attaining the learning outcomes?
How else could the technology be integrated?
Feedback To Students:
How well did everyone use the site?
Do you think you will be able to use this in your classroom?
Were students able to curate ideas?
Transition To Next Lesson:

• place the names of your team members at the top along with a title for your lesson.
Tyra, Nick (Pinterest)
• begin with a brief overview of the lesson.
Our lesson was an overview on how to use Pinterest. Nick did the intro; he got people to create an
account if they didn’t have one, then went over the main terms used on the site (Pins and Boards). Next
Tyra shared her screen and showed the students how to navigate the website, search for pins, create
boards, then finally how to add pins to the boards. She showed a board we created and for our activity
we had everyone add a pin to the board that involved teaching, then had them comment on a pin so
they could learn how and answer our feedback questions.
• provide a rationale for the selection of the technology.
We chose Pinterest because it is a fantastic resource for teachers. Multiple of our teachers have
recommended using it for idea generation and lesson planning so we felt it was beneficial to teach to
the class in a mini lesson.
• evaluate the effectiveness of the technology.
Pinterest is a super effective technology for teachers and students to use. It is an engine that helps with
curating ideas so being familiar with it will help us as teachers needing lessons, while also being
beneficial for students who want to use it as well.
• reflect on the lesson delivery.
Our delivery was good. We did not make any PowerPoint presentation, instead we created speaker
notes and shared our screen while giving a step-by-step tutorial so people could see us use the site. I
think this worked better than a PowerPoint or equivalent because we could show how to use the site,
instead of trying to explain it with a graphic. The people that watched our presentation had no
problems using it, even if they had never used Pinterest before.
• Are there other tools that may be more effective?
Pinterest seems to be king of its niche. Google can be used to find collections of lesson and activity
ideas like Pinterest although Pinterest makes things faster by a scrollable platform that can use its
technology to find other similar ideas. It also minimizes time and effort finding and reading sources
because of its use of images and boards.
• What would you change?
If we were going to do it again, we would have made a PowerPoint just for the intro, then changed off
it when we needed to showcase the Pinterest website. The other change was to the Pinterest account we
used to host the board. Since the account was created specifically for this project the account and
associated board were not visible in the search results. It would have been ideal for our students to find
the board through search, but we had to settle for providing a link and having them search for pins
• What went well?
Our activity felt like it went well. We had to accept edit requests from people which ate some time, but
the activity was a success and people seemed to understand the website and were able to add pins to
our board without much issue. They were also able to provide us feedback through the Pinterest

• What setup or prep must you do?
We did not make a PowerPoint, but we did spend time planning out the lesson. We both wrote rough
scripts to guide us through the lesson, and we spent time practicing the lesson before presenting it to
the class.
• What classroom management strategies will you use?
Before starting our lesson, we asked the students to create a Pinterest account. This provided the
students with a hook to get them excited for our lesson to keep engagement levels high. Asking
students to create an account first had also allowed us to avoid going off task during the lesson in case
students had tech problems or trouble creating an account.

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