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• Exposure to modern ideas and institution such as Rationalism, liberalism,

humanism, Parliament, etc led to social reforms in Indian society in form of

Abolition of sati, widow remarriage, girls’ education, etc
• It also led to growth of a nationalist and anti-colonial consciousness.
• The knowledge of English has given Indians an edge in the global
market, was introduced during colonial period. Though, English continues to be mark
of privilege in some pockets of India, it has become necessity and an important
tool of communication.

• Industrialization in India was started with the setup of cotton mills
in India
• Railway construction was started on large scale to extend the Indian
market for British Goods.
• New urban centers sprawled up like Bombay and Madras, which was at the
cost of decline of old urban centers such as Surat and Masulipatnam.

• The Colonialism of the West could not last long. During the World War
I, it got a severe jolt. The Press, education and political consciousness which
grew in these colonies made the people conscious about their rights. On the other
hand, the capitalist countries could not fulfil the social and political needs of
the people of different colonies. Nationalism grew in these countries and after
World War II, the colonies declared their independence one after another.

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