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Akuntansi Sektor Publik

Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba

Semester Genap 2022/2023
Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) adalah sebuah yayasan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
NHN menyusun laporan keuangan setiap tahun sesuai dengan ISAK 35. Pendapatan NHN dapat
diperoleh dari sumbangan, penjualan barang bekas, ataupun penjualan tiket dalam rangka
penggalangan dana. Sedangkan beban diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 jenis yaitu: Program service
(recreation program; community service) dan Supporting service (management & general; fund
raising). Diketahui data laporan posisi keuangan per 31 Desember 2021 sebagai berikut (dalam $):

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Statements of Financial Position
31 Desember 2021
Assets Liabilities and Net Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $14,000 Liabilities
Inventories 1,600 Account payable $2,300
Contribution receivable-net 400 Grant payable 1,550
Short term investments 1,000 Mortgage payable 3,000
Land,buildings and equipment- 37,000 Interest payable 50
Assets restricted for endowment 5,000 Total liabilities 6,900

Net Assets
Without restrictions 18,400
With restrictions 33,700
Total net assets 52,100
Total assets $59,000 Total liabilities and net assets $59,000

Selama tahun 2022 terjadi transaksi sebagai berikut:

1. As part of its fund raising effort in 2022, NHN distributed decals to all residents in the
community. The decals cost NHN $145. As a result of the campaign, the organization received
unrestricted cash contributions of $4,000 and unconditional promises to give totaling $6,000
contribution receivable, $2,000 is not collectible until 2023. A presumption exists that $2,000
due in 2023 is restricted for use in 2023. NHN estimated that 10% of the pledges will be
uncollectible and makes the following entries in 2020:
Expenses-supporting services-fund raising 145
Cash 145
(to record payment for decals used in fund raising)
Cash 4,000
Unrestricted support-contributions 4,000
(to record cash contributions)
Contribution receivable 6,000
Allowance for uncollectible contributions 600
Unrestricted support-contributions 3,600
Restricted support-contributions 1,800
(to record unrestricted promises to give, promises restricted
for use in 2021 and estimated uncollectible)

2. NHN collected $3,600 of the contributions receivable due in 2022 and wrote off the remaining
$400 as uncollectible.
Cash 3,600
Allowance for uncollectible contributions 400
Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023
Contributions receivable 4,000
(to record collection of contributions receivable)

3. A donor gives NHN $1,000 that is restricted for a playground project. NHN purchase supplies
for the playground project for $900 and reports the expenses as changes in unrestricted net
assets. The organization makes an entry to reclasify $900 of restricted net assets. The
raclassification is entered even though unrestricted resources were used to pay for the
playground supplies:
Cash 1,000
Restricted support-contributions 1,000
(to record a gift restricted for a special project)
Expenses-program services-community service 900
Cash 900
(to record purchase of supplies used in the playground project)
Restricted net assets-reclassifications out 900
Unrestricted net assets-reclassifications in 900
(to reclassify net assets restricted for the playground project for
which the restriction has been met)

4. NHN has a policy of implying a time restriction on donated fixed assets over the life each asset.
On January 1,2022, Martin Construction donated a used van to the organization. The fair value
of the van is $1,500 and it has a three-year remaining useful life. The van will used in the
organization’s community service program.
NHN initialy records the donated van as restricted support. Later, NHN records depreciation
expense on the van a program expense.The amount of depreciation expenses is reclassified
from restricted net assets to unrestricted net assets, because all expenses decrease
unrestricted net assets.
Vehicles 1,500
Restricted support-contributions 1,500
(to record receipt of donated van)
Depr. expenses-program services-community service 500
Accumulated depreciation-vehicles 500
(to record depreciation)
Restricted net assets-reclassifications out 500
Unrestricted net assets-reclassifications in 500
(to reclassify net assets for which the restriction is satified)

5. A fund-raising event for NHN featured a dinner and dance. Ticket sales for the dinner totaled
$950, and expenses of the fund-raiser amounted to $650. NHN generally report gross
revenues and expenses for special events related to the major ongoing activities of the
organization in which attendees receive benefit. If the special event is incidental to the
activities of the organization, the organization may report the proceeds of the special event
as gains net of direct costs.
Cash 950
Unrestricted gains-special event 950
(to record proceeds from a fund raising event)
Unrestricted gains-special event
(to charge cost of fund raising event againts support from the 650

Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023
6. Throughout the summer, NHN receives donations of used housewares and furniture that are
then sold at rummage sale held in August. Fair values for the donated items cannot be
reasonably determined, but the cost of storing and moving the items to the rummage sale
location is $550. Proceeds from the sale are $6,595. Because the fair value cannot be
determined, NHN cannot record the items as contribution:
Cost of goods sold 550
Cash 550
(to pay cost of storing and moving rummage sale items)
Cash 6,595
Unrestricted revenues-sales 6,595
(to record proceeds from rummage sale)

7. Alternatively, if the fair value of donated items can be reasonably determined, the gifts in kind
are recorded as contributions. Office-Mate Company donates office supplies with a fair value
of $390 to NHN. Office-Mate puts no restrictions on the use of the donated items.
Materials and supplies inventory 390
Unrestricted support-contribution 390
(to record receipt of office supplies)

8. Membership give members certain benefits, such as the right to receive the organization’s
newsletters. Dues from members may represent exchange transactions, contribution or both,
depending on the benefit provided to members. Revenue from exchange transactions are
classified as unrestricted and are recognized as revenue as benefits are provided. Dues
received when member benefits are negligible are recognized as contributions when received
with a credit to “unrestricted support-contributions”.
In cases in which the fair value of member benefits is less than the amount of dues, NHN divide
the transfers between contributions and revenues. An organization may have different level
of memberships, but more-expensive memberships do not necessarily entitle the members
to additional benefits. The excess payments are classified as contributions.
NHN offers regular memberships for $10 and sustaining memberships for $50 and over. All
members are entitled to the same newsletter and local discount coupons that are distributed
when the dues are received. NHN received 500 regular memberships ($5,000) and 130
sustaining memberships ($6,500).
Cash 11,500
Unrestricted revenues-dues 6,300
Unrestricted support-contributions 5,200
(to record revenue and support from the sale of membership)

9. NHN received securities (fair value of $5,000) with a stipulation that they endow a park
enchancement project. Income earned on the securities is restricted to use for the park
enhancement project. Dividend income is $475.
Securities 5,000
Restricted support-contribution 5,000
(to record receipt of securities permanently restricted for a park
enhancement project)
Cash 475
Restricted revenue-investment income 475

Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023
(to record investment income restricted for a park enhancement

10. NHN had supplies on hand of $1,600 at January 1, 2022. The organization purchased supplies
for $1,500 during the year and received donations of supplies that had a fair value of $2,050
in addition to the $390 already received. At the end of 2020, the inventory on hand was $750.
The supplies used were allocated to recreation programs, $2,000; community service
programs,$1,400; fund-raising expenses, $600 ; and management and general $790.
Materials and supplies inventory 3,550
Unrestricted support-contributions 2,050
Cash 1,500
(to record donated materials and supplies and to record purhase
of supplies)
Expenses-supporting services-management and general 790
Expenses-program services-recreation programs 2,000
Expenses-program services-community service 1,400
Expenses-supporting services-fund raising 600
Materials and supplies inventory 4,790
(to record allocation of supplies expense)

11. An accounting firm donated its services to audit the books of NHN. The audit would have cost
the association $1,200 if the services had not been donated. NHN also paid salaries allocated
to program services and supporting services as follows: recreation program, $6,000;
community services,$4,000; management and general, $1,500; and fund rasing $500.
Expenses-supporting services-management and general 1,200
Unrestricted support-donated service 1,200
(to record donated services allocated to management and
general expenses)
Expenses-program services-recreation programs 6,000
Expenses-program services-community service 4,000
Expenses-supporting services-management and general 1,500
Expenses-supporting services-fund raising 500
Cash 12,000
(to record salaries allocated to program services and supporting

12. Equipment owned by NHN is used to travel through the neighborhood and provide park
programs. The are no explicit or implicit donor imposed restrictions on the fixed assets, so the
equipment has been recorded as unrestricted asset. The organization allocates the $8,000
depreciation expense on the equipment to its program services and supporting
services.(recreation $3,000, community $4,000, management and general $1,000)
Depr.expenses-program services-recreation programs 3,000
Depr.expenses-program services-community service 4,000
Depr.expenses-supporting services-management and 1,000
general 8,000
Accumulated depreciation
(to record depreciation allocated to program services and
supporting services)

13. NHN purchased equipment costing $4,000. The equipment was financed by $3,000 from
contributions with donor imposed resctrictions that were accumulated for the purchase of
Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023
the equipment. The funds have been received previously. The other source $1,000 from NHN

Equipment 4,000
Cash 4,000
(to record payment for the purchase of equipment)
Restricted net assets-reclassifications out 3,000
Unrestricted net assets-reclassifications in 3,000
(to record reclassification of temporary restricted is net asssets)

NHN’s closing entries for 2022 are as follows:

Unrestricted support-contributions 15,240
Unrestricted revenues-dues 6,300
Unrestricted support-donated services 1,200
Unrestricted revenues-sales 6,595
Unrestricted gains-special event 300
Unrestricted net assets-reclassifications in 4,400
Expenses-program services-community services 10,800
Expenses-program services-recreations program 11,000
Expenses-supporting services-fund raising 1,245
Expenses-supporting services-management and general 4,490
Cost of goods sold 550
Unrestricted net assets 5,950
Restricted support-contributions 9,300
Restricted revenue-investment income 475
Restricted net assets-reclassifications out 4,400
Restricted net assets 5,375

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Statements of Financial Position
December 31, 2022
Cash and cash equivalents $22,375
Inventories 750
Contributions receivable (less allowance of $200) 2,200
Short term investments 1,000
Land, buildings, and equipment 34,000
(less accumulated depreciation of $16,500)
Assets restricted for endowment 10,000
Total assets $70,325

Liabilities and Net Assets

Account payable 2,300
Grants payable 1,550
Mortgage payable 3,000
Interest payable 50
Total liabilities $6,900
Net Assets
Without restrictions
With restrictions 24,350

Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023
Total net assets 39,075
Total liabilities and net asset 63,425

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Statement of Comprehensive Income
For The Year Ended December 31,2020
Without Restrictions
Revenues and gains
Contributions $15,240
Membership dues 6,300
Donated services 1,200
Sales, net 6,045
Special event 950
Less: Direct cost 650 300
Total unrestricted revenues and gains $29,085
Expenses and losses
Program services
Community service 10,800
Recreation programs 11,000 21,800
Supporting services
Fund raising 1,245
Management and general 4,490 5,735
Total expenses and losses 27,535
Surplus 1,550

With Restrictions
Contributions 9,300
Income on investments 475
Surplus 9,775

Total of Comprehensive Income 11,325

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Statement of Change in Net Assets
For The Year Ended December 31,2020
Net Asset Without Restrictions
Beginning balance 18,400
Current year surplus 1,550
Net assets released from restrictions
Satisfaction of program restriction 900
Expiration of time restriction 3,500
Total net assets released from restriction 4,400
Ending balance 24,350

Net Asset With Restrictions

Beginning balance 33,700
Current year surplus 9,775
Net assets released from restrictions (4,400)
Ending balance 39,075
Total Net Asset 63,425

Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)
Akuntansi Sektor Publik
Jurnal Organisasi Nonlaba
Semester Genap 2022/2023

Beams, Floyd; Anthony, Joseph; Bettinghaus Bruce; Smith. (2015). Advance Accouting, 12th. Pearson.
Chapter 22 Accounting for Not for Profit Organization (Setelah disesuaikan dengan ISAK 35)

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