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+ #3

By Nicolas Dessaux

20 more creatures
Curated and somewhat liberally adapted from
Nicolas’ Unknown World Creatures by Eric Nieudan.

ARACHNEA (1d3). BAWA (1d4).

dAC 12 (chitin), HP 3d8 (14), +2 bite (1d6, dAC 13 (fast), HP 1d6 (4), +0 claws (1d4,
paralysing poison), S 14, ML 7— Fast on hallucinatory poison), S 14, ML 6 — Fast
webs. Wants food, magic, and power. flyers, stealthy (5-in-6 when in shadows).
Arachneas are a very old folk, among Wants to serve.
the most ancient. They once had cities and Cat sized, bat-winged monkeys with
high civilization standards, but very little long poisonous claws, Bawas are some-
remains from their lacy hardened-web ar- times found as magicker familiars. If they
chitecture. The size of a pony, they look like seem like animals, they’re clever, long-
any giant spider, with a very large abdomen lived creatures, knowing a lot of forgotten
and ten eyes. Males are tiny, short-lived stories and secrets. Their venom gives
creatures, lacking the enormous brain of paranoid hallucinations: friends become
females, who only live to mate and feed dangerous monsters to fly from or kill.
females. Bawas only use it if they can’t avoid a fight
Even now, living in small groups in caves – they will mostly fly away when attacked.
and jungles, arachneas have a strong com- Bawas are very stealthy, which makes
mand of magic. One out of ten individuals them good spies and thieves for their
is able to use spells like a 3rd rank magicker masters.
(they use knotted pieces of web as spell
books). Some arachneas achieve powerful BLOOD ROSE (1d8).
levels of wizardry to enslave other creatures dAC 12 (wood), HP 4d8 (18), +3 (entangle,
and ensure their security and needs (includ- then 1d8 continuous blood drain), hypnotic
ing sacrifices). These magickers often seek poisonous (save or remain entangled until
to regain some power for their civilisation, death), S 12, ML 12 — Very slow. Wants
but even with their knowledge of lost and nourishment.
forgotten lore, their lack of understanding Nothing distinguishes this sentient,
of other people leads them to underestimate blood-draining plant from any other rose
threats from sentient beings. bush… until it slowly elongates its thorny

branches to entangle and drug a victim. KRYSTAL (1d6).
Its flowers are white roses, unless the dAC 17 (crystal, duh), HP 7d10 (40), +4
bush drank in the last day. Larger bushes spikes (1d8, 1d8), S 10, ML 9
exist (with more HP), especially in the See invisible and magic (vibrations sense),
gardens of powerful magickers and necro- telekinesis (fast hover). Wants to watch the
mancers. clockwork of the universe.
Crystalline creatures, looking like a group
CHIONOX (1d4). of translucent multicoloured crystals. They
dAC 17 (pincer shields), HP 9d8 (40), are sentient and intelligent people, living
+6 pincers (1d10, 1d10, 1d10), S 10, in growing, centuries spanning colonies.
ML 9 — Fast swimmers, see invisible, f Peaceful and quiet, they live slowly and
reeze water, choral ice storm (5 chionox regard faster-paced lifeforms with distance
must cast it together). Wants to be left to and coldness. They could be warm friends,
their philosophical research. but few creatures have a lifespan long
Chionox are intelligent, blue crabs 3m enough to gain the friendship of a Krystal.
across with three pincers and six legs. They communicate by telepathy and use
They’re able to hide most of their body with telekinesis to move and manipulate objects.
their large pincers. They live in underwater
ice complexes in polar oceans, and seldom LEGENDARY HORSE (1d4).
interfere with other folk’s affairs. dAC 15 (swift), HP 5d8 (25), +4 hooves (1d6,
1d6) or weapon (1d8), S 12, ML 10 — Wants
DEWA (3d6). the good of all horsekind.
dAC 12 (leather harness), HP 1d6 (4), +0 Shape-changers dedicated to helping
javelin (1d6) or claws when gliding (1d4, horses and their kin. They can turn into any
1d4, 1d4, 1d4), S 14, ML 8 — Good climbers, equine creature, including centaurs, pegasi,
fast gliders. Wants peace and prosperity. and unicorns. They can call for the assis-
Dewas are 1m high flying squirrel human- tance of any horses in the vicinity. They
oids. Their fur varies in colouration from speak any of the tongues of the plains and
black to red, with some white spots. They forests.
glide from tree to tree with great agility, and
their villages are scattered inhabitations LIQUID HORROR (1).
that are difficult to access and navigate for dAC 14 (water), HP 3d8 (15), +2 water pseu-
ground dwellers. While not a very warlike dopod (drowning, 1d6 per turn), S 14,
culture, dewas can show surprising military ML 12 — Hard to kill with weapons (see
organisation when it is needed. Some are below), water and fire spells especially
renowned warriors (up to 8th rank). efficient, cold spells slows its but doesn’t do
any damage. Wants to drown you.
Transparent elemental made of the same
dAC 10 (it’s just a fish), HP 2d6 (7), +1 bite
water it lives in. Liquid Horrors dislike
(1d4), electric shock (stun, drown), S 14,
running water, although it is their main
ML 7 - Fast swimmers. Wants what a fish
way of travel. They’re never found in salt
water. When attacking, they shove their
The electric eel is a 3m long fish. Its touch water pseudopods into their victim mouth
launches an electrical shock, which may to drown them or pull them underwater.
stun the victim, which is likely to drown Piercing or slashing weapons only deal one
during this time, taking 1d6 damage per damage to a liquid horror, only magic can
turn underwater. kill it.

dAC 10 (slow), HP 1d4 (2), +0 suffocate dAC 12 (natural armour), HP 1d6 (4),
(1d4 and lose one memorised spell), S 16, +0 short sword (1d6), S 14, ML 7 — Put
ML 9 — Wants magic. to sleep by cold-based magic. Wants new
50cm floating sphere of colourful energy friends.
living in clusters and feeding on magic. Neskakari are chameleon-folk; medi-
They always attack magickers first. Some um-sized, stocky humanoids with scaly
suspect they originally resulted from spells skin, large round eyes and a long, sticky
gone wrong. tongue. They live in hidden cities in the
heart of dangerous jungles. Sociable and
MANTIS STATUE (1d6). pacific, they are good merchants who enjoy
dAC 14 (stone), HP 2d12 (13), +1 sabre-arms meeting different cultures. Their skin co-
(1d8, 1d8), S 13, ML 11 — Fast flyer. Wants lour can match their surroundings in three
to obey. turns. Their rotating eyes make them very
hard to surprise (1-in-6).
Human-sized paring mantis grey-green
stone sculpture with a thin body, multi-fac-
eted eyes, crystalline wings supported by PEGATAUR (2d10).
metal nervures, and incredibly sharp arms. dAC 14 (breastplate), HP 4d8 (18), +3
They are constructs following orders given halberd (1d8), +3 hooves when hovering
by their long dead masters. Some scholars (2d6), S 14, ML 8 — Wants to soar above the
argue that mantis statues look exactly like clouds.
the ancient Mekanes. A hybrid of a centaur and a pegasus,
with wings attached to the horse shoul-
MUJINA (1d4). ders. These creatures are rarely seen, as
dAC 12 (leather armour), HP 1d10 (6), +0 they live in very remote places and rarely
duel wielded axes or swords (1d8, 1d8), S pay attention to the affairs of groundlings.
14, ML 9 — Fast, shapechanging. Wants to
slack off. PETROS (2d6).
dAC 19 (small, stone), HP 1d12 (7), +0 butt
Mujinas are mischievous but good-heart-
(1d6) or +0 tiny weapon (1d4), S 14, ML
ed shape-changers. In their true form,
8, hide (5-in-6) — Wants to worship and
they’re stocky humanoids, with short,
white fur on their body and a smooth,
egg-like face. They can change into any hu- The tiny petros are turtle-like boul-
man-size humanoid (but not into a specific der-folk. When immobile, they are
individual). Mujinas are ambidextrous and indistinguishable from rocks, but they are
fight with two weapons. Often confused really bipeds in a rocky shell about 10cm
with doppelgängers, mujinas are wander- in diameter, with tiny arms and legs, and
ers who often associate with pilgrims, mer- large eyes. Intelligent and curious, they
chants, or even adventurers. They’re too live in small semi-nomadic communities.
lazy to work and prefer to use their abilities Petros are religious people who follow
to steal from their fellow travellers. their priests with great fervour. They
speak their own language, but some of
them speak foreign languages as well.

SWIMROCK. in the stone age. As it quickly switches phil-
dAC 12 (soft), HP 2d6 (7), +1 touch (paralys- osophical stances, a tribe could be pacifist
ing slime), S 14, ML 8, swallow (takes 1d6 and vegetarian one day and warlike and
turns, then 1d8 damage from digestive acids cannibalistic the next.
every turn) — Wants food.
Probably linked to liquid horrors, swim- VODDI (2d4).
ming rocks are large, soft, muddy rocks. dAC 13 (small and fast), HP 3d6 (10), +2
Their helium bladders let them swim claws (1d6, 1d6 and transformation), S 14,
or even levitate. Swimrocks have some ML 12 — Wounded victim becomes a voddi
control over their movement when the in 1d6 hours unless fully healed, moves by
water’s current or wind is slow. They feed leaping up to 2m, stunned by blunt weap-
by bringing paralysed prey towards the ons. Wants to multiply.
teethy mouth hidden under their body. A small zombie-like undead creature with
long, sharp claws. During the transforma-
TENTACLE CHAOS (1). tion process, the corpse shrinks down to
dAC 12 (rubbery), HP 4d8 (18), +3 acid- half its size.
ic tentacles (1d6), S 12, ML 10 - Fearful
appearance (save or unable to act until hit). WIND OF MADNESS (1d6 x 10).
Wants to destroy. dAC 15 (tiny), HP 1d4 (3), +0 bite (1d4), S
This nightmare creature looks like a ball 16ML 9, fast flyer, confusion - Wants to
made of four 12m tentacles wrapped spread fear and pain.
around a small body studded with ten These marine creatures appear as a dark
lidless eyes. cloud over the waves. Then the cloud turns
out to be made of black as night, demon-
UBUNK (3d10). ic bats. Creatures within the swarm are
dAC 12 (skins), HP 3d8 (15), +2 three weap- affected by a confusion effect (save cancels).
ons (1d6, 1d4, 1d6 – weaker middle arm), When either the wind creatures or their
S 14, ML 3 — When wounded: 1-in-6 chance victim have lost half their numbers, the
of heads getting into an argument. Wants to wind of madness flies away and vanishes
understand what this is all about. under the sea.
Ubunks are tall, three-headed creatures,
with three arms and three legs. Their heads
are generally human-looking, but other
humanoids and even animal heads regu-
larly occur within a community. Chaotic in
outlook and demeanor, ubunks don’t mind
differences. Individuals often have heads
of different genders, and their females are
Ubunk society is loosely organized;
customs, religion, and political systems
change often. They spend too much time
discussing nonsensical and paradoxical
philosophy (the most intense debates
happening between heads belonging to the
same individual), and never bothered with
building a true civilization, thus remaining

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