Abi's Indonesian Kingdom Research

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Indonesian Kingdom Research

1. Create Google docs to put your research
2. Start researching about Sriwijaya (Srivijaya), Majapahit, and the Singosari (Singhasari)

Sriwijaya Kingdom
1. The area that they control. Find out in detail which area they controlled
The Srivijaya kingdom began in the 7th and the 13th centuries, and what is now
Indonesia. The kingdom itself originated at Palembang on the island of Sumatra and
soon controlled the Strait of Malacca.
2. Main power. What do they have so they managed to control a huge area
The Srivijaya Kingdom developed and maintained power through the control of
international sea trade. The trade was established not only with the states in Malaysia
but also with China and India.
3. Rivals. Find out who was their biggest rival, and explain their rivalry
Sriwijaya Kingdom's biggest rival was the Mataram Medang Kingdom. Their rivalry
became more hostile until the Mataram kingdom collapsed because In 1006, Srivijaya
attacked and destroyed the palace and killed most of the royal family. This rivalry may
have also been caused by the Srivijaya kingdom's attempt to seize the land in Java.
4. Religious beliefs. Explain their religious belief and how they spread it across their
Srivijaya Kingdom’s religious belief is Buddhism which originated in India but became
popular in the Srivijaya kingdom. There is a possibility that trade connections between
the two regions may have influenced each other's religions
5. Economy. Explain their economic power (how do they got money, what do they sell?)
The Srivijaya kingdom became wealthy and powerful through their economic power of
trading which helped them survive and get money. Some of the goods that have been
traded included ivory, tin, nutmeg, sandalwood, and strong-smelling camphor, and aloes
that were used for medicinal purposes.

Majapahit Kingdom
6. The area that they control. Find out in detail which area they controlled
The Majapahit kingdom existed between the 13th and 16th centuries. The kingdom itself
controls the area around Java island which are Bali, Madura, Malayu, and Tajnjungpura.
7. Main power. What do they have so they managed to control a huge area
The Majapahit kingdom became one of the powerful kingdoms in the 14th century when
the kingdom was under the leadership of King Hayam Wuruk and his prime minister,
Gajah Mada. Furthermore, Majapahit became a significant power in the region,
maintaining relations with China, Champa, Cambodia, Annam, and Siam.
8. Rivals. Find out who was their biggest rival, and explain their rivalry
Majapahit’s biggest rival is Mongol troops. This rivalry happened when the Mongol
troops came to Java to avenge an insult to the emperor of China. The founder of the
Majapahit Empire, Raden Wijaya, who is the son-in-law of Kertanagara, and also the last
ruler of the Singhasari kingdom succeeded in defeating both his father-in-law’s principal
rival and the Mongol troops.
9. Religious beliefs. Explain their religious belief and how they spread it across their
In this kingdom, their three religions include Buddhism, Shiva, and Resi. This was their
religious belief since they were assigned by the government who is responsible for
managing religious orders when they appointed officials who regulated religious life.
These officials were known as the Dharmadhyaksa
10. Economy. Explain their economic power (how do they got money, what do they sell?)
The Majapahit kingdom gets their money through their extensive trades with Southeast
Asia and China by selling natural resources and foods. But, some were also fueling the
growing European demand for Indonesian spices.

Singosari Kingdom
11. The area that they control. Find out in detail which area they controlled
The Singosari kingdom began in the 13th century and is located in the area of Eastern
12. Main power. What do they have so they managed to control a huge area
The Singosari Kingdom controlled the Malayan strait, the ‘Maritime Silk Road’ which is
where the main trading route from all the in India and China which is why they can
survive for many years and manage to control the kingdom.
13. Rivals. Find out who was their biggest rival, and explain their rivalry
One of the Singosari empire’s rivals was the great khan of the Mongols and the emperor
of China. The backstory was that the Mongols and the emperor of China sent an envoy
to Singosari demanding homage, but king Kertanagara refused and also insulted Kublai’s
ambassador. Soon thereafter the ruler of Kadiri, Jayakatwang, rebelled against Singosari
and killed Kertanagara, which was how the Singosari kingdom fall.
14. Religious beliefs. Explain their religious belief and how they spread it across their
The Singosari kingdom main belief was mainly Hindu and Buddhist, but the temples that
were built during Singosari’s rules are considered a great example of Hindu-Javanese art.
They mark the gradual transformation of Hindu architecture into Javanese forms and
also reflect the increasing syncretism of Hinduism and Buddhism.
15. Economy. Explain their economic power (how do they got money, what do they sell?)
The Singosari kingdom was a powerful kingdom through their economic power of
controlling the Maritime Silk Road which is where the main trading route comes from
India and China which helped them survive and get money. There is no specific thing
that they sell, but possibly they sell similar things like other kingdoms such as natural
resources or food.


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