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HEAL 451

Program Planning

Assignment Instructions: Implementation Plan – Chapter 12

Description: Implementation – putting your plan into action!

Format: In this section of the paper you will discuss how you will put your planning into
action. You can break up this section with headings that follow each Phase of
1. Phase one: Adoption of the Program
a. Talk about your needs assessment and marketing.
- Poor sleep has a significant impact on physical and mental health, including
immunity, metabolism, and chronic diseases. Restaurant workers often sacrifice
sleep for long hours, leading to a decline in their mental and physical health, as
well as long-lasting effects. The program will focus on individualized solutions,
such as encouraging breaks outside and taking meetings away from the office, to
improve the sleep quality of staff.
- Sleep deprivation causes insomnia and excessive daytime drowsiness, leading
to a decline in mental health and productivity. A lack of natural light affects mood
and energy levels, making it important to encourage workers to take breaks
outside and utilize naturally lighted areas. An innovative business culture that
focuses on improving employee performance by promoting healthy sleep habits
can attract and retain new talent.
- Nosh and Grog is a small restaurant that operates seven days a week and is facing a serious
staffing problem, with some employees working seven-day weeks and leaving late to open

early. Although caffeine helps with attentiveness, it also interferes with sleep when

employees leave work. However, the restaurant's priority is efficiency and there is no

discussion of the negative health effects of sleep deprivation. It is crucial to identify habits

that can be changed and build a plan to improve the workplace's health. The restaurant will

implement a program to inform staff of the harm caused by lack of sleep and provide flexible

individual and group efforts to increase sleep duration. The aim is to empower staff to adjust

their nighttime routines and work uninterrupted, physically and psychologically.

2. Phase two: Identifying and Prioritizing the Tasks to be Completed
a. Talk about length of program and refer to a timeline you will create
in the appendix. Refer to chapter 12 in the text for timeline examples.
3. Phase three: Establishing a System of Management
a. Talk about resources and who will run the program
4. Phase Four: Putting plans into Action
a. Discuss how you will pilot test, phase in, and administer total
implementation. What will you do for a kick off to start the program?
5. Phase Five: Ending and Sustaining the Program
a. Talk about how you will mark the end of the program
b. What will you do for evaluation?
c. Plans for running the program again? Sustaining it?

Length: Approximately 2 - 4 pages in length, with timeline in Appendix.

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