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Juanito is born a grumbler. He always grumbles whenever he is asked to do something. He

grumbles when he is called to eat especially when he’s playing. He grumbles when he is told to change
his clothes, to take a bath, or even to brush his teeth. He grumbles at everything he does.
One night, his mother told him to study his lessons. He was so sleepy that he began to grumble.
As he started to write, his ball pen refuse to move. When he used his pencil, the lead broke. He tried to
open his book but it remained closed. He was so angry that he slammed the door. Then he came to his

Dishwashing is a house chore that should be done carefully and well. Dishes should be cleaned
immediately after use. In washing, the least dirty things should be washed first. Glassware, silverware,
chinaware and utensils should be washed in that order.
The sink should not be left dirty. It should be tidied with cleanser and scalded with boiling water
to prevent clogging.
After washing, the glasses should be drained and dried. Silverware, chinaware and utensils
should be wiped and arranged in their proper places.

The wind is our friend and helper. A gentle breeze cools and refreshes us during warm or hot
weather. It is always welcomed especially when one is working in the open fields and under the hot
A stronger gale turns windmills which in turn runs the mills that grind corn rice. It makes water
wheels turn and irrigate our farms.
The wind can be an enemy, too. Strong winds become storms which uproot even big trees and
destroy houses and food plants.
However, without wind which contains the oxygen we need, there will be no plant or animal life
on this Earth.


What the peoples in the world need is love, and plenty of it; love of God, fellowmen and
People need to love God. Loving God means respecting and obeying God’s commandments. All
religions in this world: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism and all others, teach love of God
and of fellowmen.
Loving our fellowmen means that there are no more wars, no more aggression. Instead, every
nation and every race should help one another for the good of all.
Loving one’s country means that all people should respect and obey the laws of their country.
Love of God, fellowmen and country can bring peace to the world.

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