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Advanced Review

Subgroup discovery
Martin Atzmueller∗
Subgroup discovery is a broadly applicable descriptive data mining technique for
identifying interesting subgroups according to some property of interest. This arti-
cle summarizes fundamentals of subgroup discovery, before that it also reviews
algorithms and further advanced methodological issues. In addition, we briefly
discuss tools and applications of subgroup discovery approaches. In that con-
text, we also discuss experiences and lessons learned and outline some of the
future directions in order to show the advantages and benefits of subgroup
discovery. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2015, 5:35–49. doi: 10.1002/widm.1144

INTRODUCTION discovery. After that, we discuss state of the art algo-

rithms. In the following sections, we outline methods
ubgroup discovery1–5 has been established as
S a general and broadly applicable technique for
descriptive and exploratory data mining. It aims at
for subgroup set selection, discuss applications and
experiences, and provide an outlook on future direc-
tions and challenges. Finally, we conclude with a sum-
identifying descriptions of subsets of a dataset that
show an interesting behavior with respect to cer-
tain interestingness criteria, formalized by a quality
function, e.g., Ref 2. This article summarizes fun- FUNDAMENTALS OF SUBGROUP
damental concepts of subgroup before it provides DISCOVERY
an advanced review on algorithms, methodological
issues, and applications. Overall, subgroup discov- Subgroup discovery1,2,3–5,9 has been established as
ery and analytics are important tools for descrip- a versatile and effective method in descriptive and
tive data mining. They can be applied, for example, exploratory data mining. Similar to other methods for
for obtaining an overview on the relations in the mining supervised local patterns, e.g., discriminative
data, for automatic hypotheses generation, and for patterns,13 contrast sets,14 and emerging patterns,15
data exploration. Prominent application examples subgroup discovery aims at identifying interesting
include knowledge discovery in medical and technical groups of individuals, where ‘interestingness is defined
domains, e.g., Refs 3, 4, 6, 7. Typically, the discovered as distributional unusualness with respect to a certain
patterns are especially easy to interpret by the users property of interest’.2 Subgroup discovery has been
and domain experts, cf., Refs 6, 8. Standard subgroup well investigated concerning binary and nominal tar-
discovery approaches commonly focus on a single tar- get concepts, i.e., properties of interest with a finite
get concept as the property of interest,1,3,8 while the number of possible values.1,2,16 Furthermore, numeric
quality function framework also enables multi-target target concepts have received increasing attention in
concepts, e.g., Refs 9, 10. Furthermore, more complex subgroup discovery recently, and several approaches
target properties11,12 can be formalized as exceptional for using numeric attributes have been proposed, e.g.,
models, cf., Ref 12. Refs 7, 17, 18, 19. In the scope of this paper, we
The remainder of this article is organized as will adopt a broad definition of subgroup discovery,
follows. First, we present fundamentals of subgroup including single binary, nominal, and numeric target
variables, but also extending to multi-target concepts,
∗ Correspondence to: and to exceptional model mining,11,12 as a variant of
Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, University of Kassel, subgroup discovery that especially focuses on complex
Kassel, Germany target properties.
Conflict of interest: The author has declared no conflicts of interest In the remainder of this section, we first sum-
for this article. marize the idea of local exceptionality detection

Volume 5, January/February 2015 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 35

Advanced Review

employed by subgroup discovery. After that, we pro- A subgroup is described using a description lan-
vide some necessary definitions and notation, before guage, cf., Ref 2 typically consisting of attribute–value
we formally tackle quality functions, optimistic esti- pairs, for example, in conjunctive or disjunctive nor-
mates, and top-k pruning strategies. mal form. Below, we present an exemplary conjunc-
tive pattern description language; internal disjunctions
can also be generated by appropriate attribute–value
Local Exceptionality Detection construction methods, if necessary, cf., Ref 16. A sub-
Subgroup discovery is based on the idea of local excep- group description or (complex) pattern P is then given
tionality detection, i.e., how locally exceptional, rel- by a set of basic patterns P = {sel1 , … , sell }, seli ∈ Σ,
evant, and thus interesting patterns can be detected, i = 1, … , l, which is interpreted as a conjunction, that
so-called nuggets in the data (cf., Ref 1). Local pat- is, P(I) = sel1 ∧ … ∧ sell , with length(P) = l. A pattern
tern mining, e.g., Refs 20, 21 aims to detect such can thus also be interpreted as the body of a rule. The
locally interesting patterns, in contrast to global mod- rule head then depends on the property of interest.
els. Related approaches include, for example, frequent A subgroup SP := ext(P) := {i ∈ I|P(i) = true}, i.e., a pat-
pattern mining,22 mining association rules,23,24 and tern cover is the set of all individuals that are covered
closed representations.25,26 In contrast to those, how- by the subgroup description P.
ever, subgroup discovery allows for a flexible defini- The set of all possible subgroup description, and
tion of the applied quality function or interestingness thus the possible search space is then given by 2Σ , that
measure, respectively. Therefore, many of the men- is, all combinations of the basic patterns contained in
tioned techniques can be captured in a subgroup dis- Σ. In this context, the pattern P = ∅ covers all instances
covery setting, e.g., Ref 27 for a description-oriented contained in the database.
community discovery method.
As sketched above, the exceptionality of a pat-
tern is measured by a certain quality function. Accord- Quality Functions
ing to the type of the property of the subgroup, that In general, quality and interestingness measures can be
we are interested in, we can distinguish between simple grouped into two categories: Objective and subjective
concepts such as a minimal frequency/size of the sub- measures.29,30 Typically, a quality measure is deter-
group (also known as support for association rules), mined according to the requirements and objectives of
a deviating target share (confidence) of a binary target the analysis. Then also combinations of objective and
property of the subgroup, a significantly different sub- subjective measures into hybrid quality measures are
group mean of a numeric target concept, or more com- usually considered, cf., Ref 31 for rules.
plex models, e.g., based on several target attributes Common subjective interestingness measures are
for which their distribution significantly differs com- understandability, unexpectedness (new knowledge or
paring the subgroup and the whole dataset. Using a knowledge contradicting existing knowledge), inter-
quality function, a set of subgroups is then identi- estingness templates (describing classes of interesting
fied using a given subgroup discovery algorithm, e.g., patterns), and actionability (patterns which can be
using a heuristic or exhaustive search1–3,16 strategy, or applied by the user to his or her advantage).32 Objec-
a direct sampling approach.28 Typically, the top-k sub- tive measures are data driven and are derived using
groups, or those above a minimal quality threshold are structure and properties of the data, for example,
determined. based on statistical tests. In the following, we focus
on such objective interestingness measures formalized
by quality functions.
Basic Definitions A quality function
Formally, a database D = (I, A) is given by a set of q ∶ 2Σ → ℝ
individuals I and a set of attributes A. For nominal
attributes, a selector or basic pattern (ai = vj ) is a maps every pattern in the search space to a real num-
Boolean function I → {0, 1}, that is true if the value ber that reflects the interestingness of a pattern (or the
of attribute ai ∈ A is equal to vj for the respective pattern cover, respectively). The result of a subgroup
individual. For a numeric attribute anum selectors discovery task is the set of k subgroup descriptions
(anum ∈ [minj ; maxj ]) can be defined analogously for res1 , … , resk with the highest interestingness accord-
each interval [minj ; maxj ] in the domain of anum . The ing to the selected quality function.
Boolean function is then set to true if the value of In the binary, nominal and numeric setting a
attribute anum is within the respective range. The set large number of quality functions has been pro-
of all basic patterns is denoted by Σ. posed in literature, cf., Refs 1, 33. In general, quality

36 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, January/February 2015

WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Subgroup discovery

functions utilize the statistical distribution of the tar- of the different nominal values needs to be analyzed,
get concept(s) to score a subgroup pattern P. More the binary case can be generalized analogously to
complex quality functions compare a set of distribu- multi-class settings, such that the whole distribution
tions, for example, by utilizing the concept of excep- of the different values is assessed, cf., Refs 1, 37. As
tional models12 discussed below. We can consider, for an example, the quality function qaS can be generalized
example, a pair of variables, or a whole set of variables as follows for the general nominal setting:
arranged in a Bayesian network. ∑( v v )2 [ ]
In addition to testing the (statistical) validity of qaM (P) = na · tPi − t0i , a ∈ 0; 1 , (2)
the patterns, the (syntactical) complexity and simplic-
v v
ity of a pattern can also be considered. Commonly, where tPi and t0i denote the target shares in the
simpler patterns are easier to understand and to subgroup and the general population, respectively, for
interpret.34 Then, Atzmueller et al.31 describes a com- each of the respective nominal values vi contained in
bination of quality measures for rules concerning the the value domain of the nominal target concept.
validity, that is, the accuracy and the simplicity of the Other alternatives to the quality functions pre-
contained patterns. Furthermore, cost-based quality sented above include, for example, functions adapted
functions, e.g., Ref 35 and cost-sensitive approaches36 from the area of association rules, e.g., Ref 23 concern-
allow the modeling of costs for the quality assessment. ing the support and confidence parameters, as well as
adaptations of measures from information retrieval,
Binary and Nominal Target Quality Functions for example, precision and recall and their combina-
Most of the quality functions for binary target con- tion in the F-measure, cf., Ref 38. For more details, we
cepts are based on the parameters contained in a four- refer to, e.g., Ref 8 which provides a broad overview
fold table, e.g., Ref 1 covering the positive/negative on quality functions used for subgroup discovery. In
instances for the pattern P, its complement, and the principle, many measures for subgroup analysis in epi-
general population, respectively. Many of the qual- demiology can also be utilized for subgroup discov-
ity measures proposed in Ref 1 trade-off the size ery, especially in the medical domain. For example,
n = |ext(P)| of a subgroup and the deviation tP − t0 , the Odds Ratio function, sensitivity, specificity, signif-
where tP is the average value of a given target con- icancy, false alarm rate etc., see e.g., Refs 3, 39, 40
cept in the subgroup identified by the pattern P and for a survey and discussion. Furthermore,41 provide
t0 the average value of the target concept in the gen- an in-depth discussion for using the odds ratio and
eral population. For binary (and nominal value) target define statistically non-redundant subgroups utilizing
concepts this relates to the share of the target concept the error bounds of the odds ratio measure.
in the subgroup and the general population. Thus, typ-
ical quality functions are of the form Numeric Target Quality Functions
( ) [ ] Quality functions for numeric target concepts, i.e.,
qaS (P) = na · tP − t0 , a ∈ 0; 1 . (1)
numeric attributes can be formalized by slightly adapt-
For binary target concepts, this includes for ing the quality functions qa for binary targets pre-
example the weighted relative accuracy (q1S ) for the sented above, cf., Ref 1. The target shares tP , t0 of the
size parameter a = 1, a simplified binomial function subgroup and the general population are replaced by
(q0.5 ), for a = 0.5, or the added value function (q0S ) the mean values of the target variable mP , m0 , respec-
for a = 0, which is order-equivalent to the lift19 and tively.
the relative gain quality4 function. Further examples For the analog to the quality function qaS this
for quality functions are given by the binominal test results in:
quality function qB and the 𝜒 2 quality function qC : ( ) [ ]
qaM (P) = na mP − m0 , a ∈ 0; 1 , (3)
( ) √ √
tP − t0 · n N It is easy to see that this function includes the
qB = √ ( ) · N − n, binary formalization as a special case when we set
t0 · 1 − t0
m = 1 if the Boolean target concept is true and m = 0,
n ( )2 if it is false.
qC = · tP − t0 ,
N−n Using the parameter a, Eq. (3) can be utilized for
where N = |D| denotes the size of the database (general formalizing (order-) equivalent functions for several
population). typically applied quality functions:
Nominal valued target concepts (given by basic
patterns) can be analyzed as in the binary case (one • The mean gain function q0M ranks subgroups by
versus all). For nominal attributes for which the set the respective means mP (order-equivalently) of

Volume 5, January/February 2015 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 37

Advanced Review

the target concept, without considering the size which depend on the values of the model attributes
of the subgroup. Therefore, a suitable minimal in the instances of the respective pattern cover. The
subgroup size threshold is usually required. quality measure q then determines the interestingness
• Another simple example is given by the of a pattern according to its model parameters. Fol-
mean test1,42 with q0.5 . Furthermore, q0.5 is lowing Lemmerich et al.48 , we outline some examples
also order-equivalent to the z-score quality below, and refer to Ref 12 for a detailed descrip-
function,43 given by q0.5 · 𝜎0 , where 𝜎 0 is the tion.
standard deviation in the total population.
• Analogously to the weighted relative accuracy, • A simple example for an exceptionality measure
the impact quality function44 is given by q1M . for a set of attributes considers the task of
identifying subgroups in which the correlation
between two numeric attributes is especially
Further quality functions consider, for example, strong, for example, as measured by the Pearson
the median43 or the variance45 of the target concepts correlation coefficient. This correlation model
in the subgroup. For more details on quality func- class has exactly one parameter, that is, the
tions based on statistical tests (e.g., Student t-test or correlation coefficient.
Mann–Whitney U-test) we refer to Refs 1, 43.
• Furthermore, using a simple linear regression
model, we can compare the slopes of the regres-
Multi-Target Quality Functions
sion lines of the subgroup to the general popula-
For multi-target quality functions, we consider func-
tion or the subgroups’ complement. This simple
tions that take into account a set of target concepts,
linear regression model shows the dependency
e.g., Ref 9. It is possible to extend single-target quality
between two numeric variables x and y. It is built
functions accordingly, for example, by extending
by fitting a straight line in the two dimensional
an univariate statistical test to the multivariate
space by minimizing the squared residuals ej of
case, e.g., Ref 10. We then need to compare the
the model:
multivariate distributions of a subgroup and the
yi = a + b · xi + ej
general population in order to identify interesting
(and exceptional) patterns. For comparing multi- As proposed in Ref 12, the slope
variate means, for example, for a set of m numeric b = cov(x, y)/var(x) computed given the covari-
attributes T M , with m = |T M | we can make use of ance cov(x, y) of x and y, and the variance var(x)
Hotelling’s T-squared test,46 for the quality measure of x can then be used for identifying interesting
qH : patterns.
n (n − m) ( TM T
T −1
) • The logistic regression model is used for the
qH = 𝜇P − 𝜇0 M CVP M 𝜇P M − 𝜇0 M , classification of a binary target attribute y ∈ T
m (n − 1)
from a set of independent binary attributes
where 𝜇P M is the vector of the means of the xj ∈ T\y, j = 1, … , |T| − 1.
model attribute in the subgroup SP , CVP M is the The model is given by:
respective covariance matrix, and 𝜇0 is the vec- 1 ∑
y= , z = b0 + bj xj .
tor of the means of the (numeric) target concepts 1+e −z
in D.
As another option for a disjunction of target Interesting patterns are then those, for example,
concepts,47 propose convex quality functions for dis- for which the model parameters bj differ signifi-
covering cluster groups. Their approach does not use cantly from those derived from the total popula-
a single target concept, but allows for a disjunction of tion.
several target concepts/variables. • Another example is given by a Bayesian net-
A more general framework for multi-target qual- work as a rather complex target model. Then,
ity functions is given by exceptional model mining.12 a quality function for assessing the differences
It tries to identify interesting patterns with respect to between two Bayesian networks can be defined.
a local model derived from a set of attributes. The As proposed in Ref 11, for example, models can
interestingness can be defined, for example, by a sig- then be compared based on the edit distance.49
nificant deviation from a model that is derived from Then networks induced by a subgroup and the
the total population or the respective complement set general population (or the subgroups’ comple-
of instances within the population. In general, a model ment), respectively, can be analyzed for identify-
consists of a specific model class and model parameters ing interesting patterns.

38 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, January/February 2015

WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Subgroup discovery

Top-k Pruning For several quality functions, including many for

As the result of subgroup discovery, the applied the binary and numeric case described above, there
subgroup discovery algorithm can return a result set exist (tight) optimistic estimates that can be applied
containing those subgroups above a certain minimal for pruning. For a detailed overview, we refer to
quality threshold, or only the top-k subgroups, that Refs 19, 50.
can then also be postprocessed further. While both
options have their relevance depending on the analysis Generalization-Aware Pruning
goals, the top-k approach provides more flexibility for In general, a pattern can be compared to its gen-
applying different pruning options in the subgroup eralizations, for example, in order to fulfill a mini-
discovery process. mal improvement constraint,52 such that subgroups
Basically, in a top-k setting, the set of the top-k with a lower target share than any of its generaliza-
subgroups is determined according to a given quality tions are removed. This can analogously be applied
function. Then different pruning strategies can be for mean-based numeric target measures,45 such that
applied for restricting the search space of a subgroup the mean observed in a subgroup needs to deviate sig-
discovery algorithm. A simple option is given by nificantly from the mean values induced by its gener-
minimal support pruning based on the antimonotone alizations. Accordingly, Lemmerich et al.51 propose a
constraint of the subgroup size analogously to the pruning technique utilizing generalization-aware tech-
Apriori algorithm for mining association rules, cf., niques, and present a set of optimistic estimates in
Ref 23. Furthermore, properties of certain quality this setting. These estimates take into account sub-
functions enable more powerful approaches. group covers of the generalizations of a pattern, and
For several quality functions, for example, opti- allow for a rather efficient pruning approach for
mistic estimates19,50 can be applied for determining generalization-aware techniques.
upper quality bounds. Consider the search for the k
best subgroups. If it can be proven, that no subset
of the currently investigated hypothesis is interesting
enough to be included in the result set of k subgroups, DISCOVERY
then we can skip the evaluation of any subsets of this Many algorithms for subgroup discovery focus on
hypothesis, but can still guarantee the optimality of binary or nominal target attributes, for which heuris-
the result. tic (cf., Refs 1, 6, 53) as well as exhaustive methods
Another pruning mechanism is given by (cf., Refs 1, 2, 16, 19, 54) are applied. Algorithms for
generalization-aware pruning,51 such that the quality multi-relational data include those by the MIDOS2
of a subgroup is estimated against the qualities of its and SubgroupMiner55 system, for which the latter
generalizations. Below, we discuss these two options also includes analysis options for spatiotemporal
in more detail. data. Essentially, heuristic approaches like beam
search trade agility for completeness and are often
Optimistic Estimate Pruning applied in certain domains for which exhaustive meth-
The basic principle of optimistic estimates is to safely ods take rather long to explore the complete search
prune parts of the search space, for example, as pro- space, for example, in dense numerical data for which
posed in Ref 2 for binary target variables. This idea numeric features are discretized on the fly such that
relies on the intuition that if the k best hypothe- numeric subspaces can be explored heuristically, cf.,
ses so far have already been obtained, and the opti- Ref 56. However, due to efficient pruning techniques
mistic estimate of the current subgroup is below the exhaustive methods can both achieve sufficiently good
quality of the worst subgroup contained in the k runtimes and guarantee completeness even in complex
best, then the current branch of the search tree can domains like ubiquitous social data, e.g., Ref 57.
be safely pruned. More formally, an optimistic esti- Furthermore, for the multi-target concept set-
mate oe of a quality function qf is a function such ting including exceptional model mining, there exist
that P′ ⊃ P ⇒ oe(P) > qf (P′ ), that is, that no refine- heuristic58,59 approaches as well efficient exhaustive
ment P′ of the pattern P can exceed the quality discovery algorithms.48 As another option, sampling
oe(P). (e.g., Refs 2, 60, 61) can be used for estimating the
An optimistic estimate is considered tight if there quality of a subgroup on a (potentially significantly)
is a subset S′ ⊆ D, such that oe(P) = q(P ′ S ). While this smaller subset of the case base. The sequential sam-
definition requires the existence of a subset S′ , there pling algorithm GSS,62 for example, discovers the
is not necessarily a pattern P ′ S that describes S′ , cf., k best subgroups according to a given confidence
Ref 50. level, for quality functions that can be estimated with

Volume 5, January/February 2015 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 39

Advanced Review

bounded error. Also, local pattern sampling methods, Efficient Exhaustive Algorithms
e.g., Ref 28 can be seen as an alternative to exhaus- In contrast to heuristic methods, exhaustive
tive mining approaches utilizing direct sampling pro- approaches guarantee to discover the best solutions.
cedures with confidence bounds. However, the runtime costs of a (naive) exhaus-
Further subgroup discovery approaches apply tive algorithm usually prohibit its application for
evolutionary techniques, i.e., genetic algorithms, larger search spaces. Examples of exhaustive algo-
e.g., Refs 63–66 for their discovery and refinement rithms include Apriori-based methods,23 for example,
strategy. For removing uninteresting subgroups, the Apriori-SD54 algorithm; more alternatives are
expectation-driven measures, e.g., Ref 67 can be mentioned below.
considered such that (expected) interactions between Depending on the applied algorithm, there are
variables are captured. different pruning options that can be applied. Many
In general, exhaustive algorithms typically make state-of-the-art algorithms apply extensions of fre-
use of the proposed pruning options for an efficient quent pattern trees71 (FP-trees) in a pattern-growth
processing of the search space. Combining intelligent fashion. Then, typically optimistic estimate pruning
sampling approaches with fast exhaustive methods, is applied, while generalization-aware pruning is bet-
for example, with SD-Map16 or SD-Map*19 can then ter supported by layer-wise algorithms based on the
be seen as a promising option for efficiently min-
Apriori23 principle. Furthermore, Zimmermann and
ing potentially arbitrarily large databases. Below, we
De Raedt47,72 have proposed branch-and-bound algo-
summarize the main characteristics of heuristic and
rithms that require special (convex) quality functions
exhaustive approaches, and discuss exemplary algo-
for pruning the search space.
As efficient exhaustive algorithms, the BSD and
the SD-Map* algorithms, for example, allow the
Heuristic Algorithms efficient handling of binary, nominal and numeric
For heuristic approaches, commonly a beam search68 target properties. Both algorithms apply optimistic
strategy is used because of its efficiency. The search estimate pruning, but utilize different core data struc-
starts with a list of subgroup hypotheses of size w tures, bitset representations versus extended FP-trees,
(corresponding to the beam width), which may be cf., Ref 71. FP-trees are also used in other subgroup
initially empty. The w subgroup hypotheses contained discovery algorithms, e.g., by DpSubgroup.18,50 As an
in the beam are then expanded iteratively, and only extension of SD-Map*, the GP-Growth algorithm48
the best w expanded subgroups are kept implement- allows subgroup discovery for single target and
ing a hill-climbing greedy search. Lavrac et al.,3 for multi-target concepts, for example, for exceptional
example, describe the application of the beam-search model mining; several model classes and quality func-
based CN2-SD algorithm adapted for subgroup dis- tions can be implemented using the algorithm. In the
covery. To improve upon simple greedy approaches, following, we briefly review those algorithms in more
other alternatives such as the PRIM algorithm69 detail.
have been proposed, which employ a patient search
Beam search traverses the search space SD-Map, SD-Map*, and GP-Growth
non-exhaustively and thus does not guarantee to dis- SD-Map*19 is based on the efficient SD-Map16 algo-
cover the complete set of the top-k subgroups, or all rithm utilizing an FP-tree data structure, cf., Ref
subgroups above a minimal quality threshold. It can 71, i.e., an extended prefix-tree-structure that stores
also be regarded as a variant of an anytime algorithm, information for pattern refinement and evaluation.
since the search process can be stopped at any point SD-Map* applies a divide and conquer method,
such that the currently best subgroups are available. It first mining patterns containing one selector and
is also possible to apply beam search to larger descrip- then recursively mining patterns of size 1 condi-
tion spaces, for example, including richer descriptions tioned on the occurrence of a (prefix) 1-selector.
for numeric attributes, cf., Ref 56. Furthermore, For the binary case, an FP-tree node stores the sub-
subgroup set selection can also be integrated into such group size and the true positive count of the respec-
heuristic approaches59 as described below. tive subgroup description. In the continuous case,
Alternatives include genetic algorithms, e.g., it considers the sum of values of the target vari-
Refs 63–66, that cast the subgroup discovery task able, enabling us to compute the respective quality
into an evolutionary optimization problem. This can functions value accordingly. Therefore, all the nec-
also be applied for subgroup discovery in continuous essary information is locally available in the FP-tree
domains, e.g., Ref 70. structure.

40 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, January/February 2015

WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Subgroup discovery

For extending the FP-tree structure toward The general task of diverse subgroup set discov-
multi-target concepts, we utilize the concept of eval- ery is described in Ref 59, for which different types of
uation bases introduced by Lemmerich et al.48 Then, redundancy and according selection heuristics are pro-
all information required for the evaluation of the posed. There are several heuristic approaches for pat-
respective quality functions is stored in the nodes of tern set selection in general, e.g., Ref 76, as well as for
the FP-tree, as the basis of the GP-Growth algorithm subgroup discovery.59,77 In particular, several quality
extending SD-Map/SD-Map*. With this technique, functions for selecting pattern teams are proposed in
a large number of single and multi-target concept Ref 77, which can be applied in a post-processing step.
quality functions can be implemented, cf., Ref 48. Furthermore, a method for semi-automatic retrieval of
a set of subgroups is described in Ref 78, for which
BSD mixed-initiative case-based techniques are applied.
The BSD algorithm73 utilizes a vertical bitset (bitvec- In the following, we outline several options for
tor) based data structure. Vertical data representa- diversity-aware and redundancy-aware subgroup set
tions have been proposed for other data mining tasks, discovery and selection in more detail, focusing on
e.g., by Zaki.74 Burdick et al.75 used a bitset repre- condensed representations, relevance criteria, cover-
sentation for maximal frequent itemset mining. As a ing approaches, as well as causal subgroup analysis
general search strategy, BSD uses a depth-first-search for identifying causally related sets of subgroups.
approach with one level look-ahead (similar to the
DpSubgroup18,50 algorithm). BSD uses a vertical data
layout utilizing bitsets (vectors of bits), for the selec- Condensed Representations
tors, the instances reflecting the current subgroup In the field of association rules, condensed represen-
hypothesis, and an additional array for the (numeric) tations of frequent item sets have been developed for
values of the target variable. Then, the search, i. e., reducing the size of the set of association rules that
the refinement of the patterns can be efficiently imple- are generated, e.g., Refs 79, 80. These representations
mented using logical AND operations on the respec- are used for the (implicit) redundancy management,
tive bitsets, such that the target values can be directly since then the condensed patterns also describe the
retrieved. specifically interesting patterns, and can significantly
reduce the size of the result sets. The efficiency of
the association rule discovery method is also increased
SUBGROUP SET SELECTION significantly. Such techniques can also be generalized
for frequent patterns (cf., Refs 81, 82). For subgroup
Due to multi-correlations between the selectors, some discovery, target-closed representations can be formal-
of the subgroups contained in the result set can over- ized, cf., Ref 83 for details. In that case, also an
lap significantly. Therefore, usually a high-quality set implicit redundancy management based on the sub-
of diverse subgroups should be retrieved. Subgroup group descriptions is performed.
set selection is one of the critical issues for remov-
ing redundancy and improving the interestingness of
the overall subgroup discovery result, for example, as Relevance of Subgroups
first described in Ref 1. Constraints denoting redun- As a quite simple method for redundancy manage-
dancy filters, for example, can be used to prune ment of subgroups for binary targets we can con-
large regions of the search space. This is especially sider the (ir-)relevance (e.g., Ref 6) of a subgroup with
important for certain search strategies, which do not respect to a set of subgroups. A (specialized) subgroup
constrain the search space themselves, for example, hypothesis SN is irrelevant if there exists a (general-
exhaustive search compared to beam search. Klösgen1 ized) subgroup hypothesis SP such that the true posi-
distinguishes two types of redundancy filters: logical tives of SN are a subset of the true positive of SP and
and heuristic filters. The filters include either logi- the false positives of SN are a superset of the false pos-
cal or heuristic implications for the truth value of itives of SP . This concept is also closely related to the
a constraint condition with respect to a predeces- concept of closed patterns84 and according relevance
sor/successor pair of subgroups. Logical filters can be criteria.84,85
described as strong filters; they can be used to defi- Embedding this redundancy management tech-
nitely exclude a region of the search space. Heuristic nique into the search process is straight-forward.
filters can be used as weak filters; these are applied When considering a subgroup hypothesis for inclu-
as a first step in a brute force search, where the sion into the set of the k best subgroups, the test for
excluded regions of the search space can be refined (strict) irrelevancy can be applied. In addition, such
later. a method can also be implemented in an optional

Volume 5, January/February 2015 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 41

Advanced Review

post-processing step. Furthermore, Großkreutz in order to obtain an overview on the relations in the
et al.83 introduces delta-relevance which provides a data and for automatic hypotheses generation. Fur-
more relaxed definition of coverage (essentially trad- thermore, also predictive tasks can be tackled, for
ing off precision versus simplicity) with the overall example, by stacking approaches,90 or by applying the
goal of summarizing relevant patterns even more. LeGo framework for combining local patterns into
global models.
From a tool perspective, there exist several soft-
Covering Approaches ware packages for subgroup discovery, e.g., Refs
Similar to covering approaches for rule learning, 91–94. As open source options, there are, for example,
a subgroup set can also be selected according to subgroup discovery modules for the data mining sys-
its overall coverage of the dataset. The weighted tems Orange94 and RapidMiner,95 the Cortana92 sys-
covering algorithm3,6 is such an approach that works tem for discovering local patterns in data, as well as
by example reweighting. It iteratively focuses the the specialized subgroup discovery and analytics sys-
subgroup selection method on the space of target tem VIKAMINE.91,93 Using the latter a number of
records not covered so far, by reducing the weights successful real-world subgroup discovery applications
of the already covered data records. As discussed in have been implemented. These cover, for example,
Ref 86, example reweighting can also be used as knowledge discovery and quality control setting in
a search heuristic—in combination with a suitable the medical domain,4,96,97 industrial applications,19 as
quality function. In this way, weighted covering is well as pattern analytics in the social media domain.57
integrated in the subgroup discovery algorithm, that The system is targeted at a broad range of users, from
is, the search step directly (e.g., Ref 6). In each search industrial practitioners to ML/KDD researchers, stu-
iteration only the best subgroup is considered, then dents, and users interested in knowledge discovery and
the instances are reweighted, focusing the subgroup data analysis in general. Especially the visual mining
discovery method on the not yet covered target class methods enable the direct integration of the user to
cases. overcome major problems of automatic data mining
methods, cf., Refs 91, 93.
Applications include, for example, knowledge
Causal Subgroup Analysis discovery in the medical domain, technical (fault)
For identifying causal subgroups efficiently, analysis, e.g., Refs 19, 98, or mining social data,
constraint-based causal discovery algorithms, e.g., e.g., Refs 10, 27, 99. We discuss these exemplar-
Ref 87 can be applied. These try to limit the possible ily below. Furthermore, for heterogenous data excep-
causal models by analyzing observational data. In tional model mining (cf., Refs 11,12,48,100) opens up
causal subgroup analysis (e.g., Refs 88, 89) sub- a wide range of options. There are also applications in
groups are identified which are causal for the target related fields, for example, in software engineering101
concept; for a causal subgroup, the manipulation of for requirements engineering and design.
an instance to belong to the subgroup would also
affect the probability of the instance to belong to
the target group.87 In accordance with the general Knowledge Discovery in the Medical
principle that correlation does not imply causation, Domain
constraint-based algorithms apply statistical tests, for
Subgroup discovery is a prominent approach for min-
example, the 𝜒 2 -test for independence in order to
ing medical data, e.g., Refs 4, 6, 91, 96, 97, 102, 103.
test the (conditional) dependence and independence
Using the VIKAMINE system, for example, subgroup
of variables to exclude certain causal relations. After
discovery has been applied for large-scale knowledge
causal subgroups have been detected, the user can
discovery and quality control in the clinical appli-
retain these (important) subgroups, which have a
cation SonoConsult, cf., Ref 97. For this, several
direct dependency relation to the target concept,
data sources including structured clinical documen-
in contrast to the remaining non-causal subgroups,
tation and unstructured documents, e.g., Ref 104,
which are often redundant given the causal subgroups.
were integrated. The main data source was given by
the SonoConsult system, which has been in rou-
tine use since 2002 as the only documentation system
TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS for ultrasound examinations in the DRK-hospital of
Subgroup discovery is a powerful and broadly applica- Berlin-Köpenick; since 2005, it is in routine use at the
ble data mining approach, in particular, for descriptive university hospital of Würzburg. The physicians con-
data mining tasks. It is typically applied, for example, sidered statistical analysis as one of the most desirable

42 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, January/February 2015

WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Subgroup discovery

features. In the analysis and results, e.g., Refs 4, 96, bookmarking systems. Here, subgroup discovery was
105, subgroup discovery was applied on a large set of applied for the characterization of spammers, i. e., to
clinical features together with laboratory values and describe them by their most prominent features.38 The
diagnostic information from several systems. mined patterns capturing certain spammer subgroups
According to the physicians, subgroup discovery provide explanations and justifications for marking or
and analysis was quite suitable for examining com- resolving spammer candidates.
mon medical questions, for example whether a cer- In addition, in social bookmarking systems, it
tain pathological state is significantly more frequent is usually useful to identify high-quality tags, that is,
if combinations of other pathological states exist, or if tags with a certain maturity, cf., Ref 109. Subgroup
there are diagnoses, which one physician documents discovery was applied for obtaining maturity profiles
significantly more or less frequently than the average. of tags based on a set of graph centrality features
Furthermore, VIKAMINE also provided an intuitive on the tag–tag co-occurrence graph, which are simple
overview on the data, in addition to the knowledge to compute and to assess. Then, they can be applied
discovery and quality control functions. Then, sub- for tag recommendations, faceted browsing, or for
group discovery can be performed in a semi-automatic improving search.
approach, first generating hypothesis using automatic Furthermore, subgroup discovery has been uti-
methods that are then inspected and refined using lized for community pattern analytics in social media,
visual analytics techniques, cf., Refs 91, 106. e.g., Ref 110, as well as semi-automatic approaches
for pattern detection in geo-referenced tagging data,
exemplified by an application using Flickr data, cf.,
Technical Fault Analysis Ref 57. In this domain of ‘Big Data’, subgroup
Technical applications of subgroup discovery include, discovery can also provide suitable solutions using
for example, mining service processes,107 analysis of the efficient automatic algorithms; the combination
smart electrical meter data,98 or fault analysis of of automatic and interactive visualization methods
production processes.89 The latter, for example, has complemented each other for a successful discov-
been implemented using VIKAMINE.19 It aimed at ery process. Especially subgroup introspection, and
large-scale fault detection and analysis using subgroup pattern explanation capabilities, e.g., Refs 78, 106,
discovery. Specifically, the task required the identifi- 111 proved essential during pattern analytics and
cation of subgroups (as combination of certain fac- assessment.
tors) that cause a significant increase/decrease in, for
example, the fault/repair rates of certain products.
Similar problems in industry concern, for example, the FUTURE DIRECTIONS AND
number of service requests for a certain technical com- CHALLENGES
ponent, or the number of calls of customers to service
support. Overall, there is already a large body of works on algo-
Such applications of subgroup discovery often rithmic as well as methodological issues on subgroup
require the utilization of continuous parameters. discovery. Major challenging points include the algo-
Then, the target concepts can often not be analyzed rithmic performance, the redundancy of the result set
sufficiently using the standard discretization tech- of subgroups, adequate comprehensive visualization,
niques, since the discretization of the variables causes and the processing and integration of heterogenous
a loss of information. As a consequence, the interpre- data. Larger search spaces, like those encountered for
tation of the results is often difficult using standard numerical data, (complex) multi-relational datasets,
data mining tools. In this context, VIKAMINE pro- for example, encountered in social networks, or spa-
vided state-of-the-art algorithmic implementations, tiotemporal data require efficient algorithms that can
cf., Ref 19, and enabled a semi-automatic involvement handle those different types of data, e.g., Refs 10, 112.
of the domain experts for effectively contributing in a Also combinations of such different data characteris-
discovery session. tics, for example, temporal pattern mining for event
detection,113 or temporal subgroup analytics114 pro-
vide further challenges, especially considering sophis-
Subgroup Discovery in Social Media ticated exceptional model classes in that area.
In mining social media,108 subgroup discovery meth- Typically, heuristic approaches are first estab-
ods are a versatile tool for focusing on different facets lished before advanced processing methods like
of the application domain. Subgroup discovery was sophisticated pruning and suppression heuristics
applied, for example, for obtaining descriptive pro- enable exhaustive subgroup discovery techniques.
files of spammers in social media, specifically social Furthermore, processing large volumes of data (i.e.,

Volume 5, January/February 2015 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 43

Advanced Review

big data) is another challenge. In that area, extensions embedded in a comprehensive approach for subgroup
of techniques for parallelizing the computation, e.g., discovery and analytics, toward robust tool implemen-
Ref 73 or techniques from the field of association tations, and finally to further successful applications of
rules, e.g., Ref 115 can provide interesting options subgroup discovery.
for further improvements in that area. Also, sampling
approaches, e.g., Refs 28, 62, 116 can be applied for
addressing these issues. CONCLUSIONS
In addition, the integration of (rich) background In this paper, we have reviewed key areas of sub-
knowledge in a knowledge-intensive approach, e.g., group discovery considering algorithmic issues for
Refs 4, 117, 118, 119, is a prerequisite for the anal- discovering subgroups as well as for refining the dis-
ysis of large datasets for which relations and prior covery results. Thus, we covered the fundamentals of
information needs to be utilized. This also tackles the subgroup discovery, provided an overview from an
area of automatic subgroup discovery, recent search algorithmic point of view, briefly discussed efficient
strategies, e.g., Ref 120, and the applied significance algorithms, and summarized approaches for selecting
filtering in many methods and tools.121 For a full-scale a final subgroup set. Furthermore, we presented dif-
approach, these issues need to be addressed such that ferent tools and applications of subgroup discovery
suitable methods can be integrated comprehensively, and outlined several interesting and challenging direc-
from automatic to interactive approaches, e.g., Refs tions for future work. Overall, subgroup discovery is
91, 93, 122, which can also be applied for gener- a versatile and powerful method that can be tuned to
ating appropriate explanations.123 Then, the combi- many application characteristics. It provides a com-
nation, integration, and further development of such prehensive approach integrating different techniques
techniques and methods will lead to novel techniques for providing solutions in many domains.

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Advanced Review

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