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General overview of the components commonly found in performance appraisal systems,
which may be applicable to Apple or any other large organization. Keep in mind that the
specific details of Apple's performance appraisal system may have evolved.
A typical performance appraisal system of apple Inc

1. Goal Setting: Employees and managers collaboratively set clear and measurable
performance goals that align with the organization's strategic objectives. These goals
may include individual, team, and departmental targets.
2. Continuous Feedback: Apple, like many other companies, emphasizes regular feedback
as part of its performance management process. Managers are encouraged to provide
ongoing coaching, guidance, and support to help employees improve their performance.
3. Self-Assessment: Employees may be asked to evaluate their own performance,
highlighting their accomplishments, strengths, and areas for improvement. This self-
assessment can serve as a basis for discussion during performance reviews.
4. Performance Metrics: Objective performance metrics are used to assess employees'
accomplishments. Depending on the role, these metrics may include sales figures,
project completion rates, customer satisfaction scores, or other key performance
5. Competency Assessment: In addition to measuring specific achievements, employees
are often evaluated on their demonstration of core competencies or skills relevant to
their roles. Apple may have specific competencies related to innovation, customer
focus, collaboration, or other areas important to their business.
6. Managerial Evaluation: Managers conduct formal performance reviews, assessing
employees' performance based on both quantitative metrics and qualitative factors such
as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities.
7. Calibration: In some organizations, a calibration process is used to ensure fairness and
consistency in performance ratings across teams and departments. This involves
comparing and adjusting performance ratings as needed.
8. Development Plans: Following performance appraisals, individual development plans
may be created to address areas for improvement and enhance employees' skills and
career development within the company.
9. Compensation and Rewards: Performance appraisal outcomes can impact
compensation adjustments, bonuses, promotions, and other rewards. High-performing
employees may receive salary increases or other incentives.
10. Documentation: Proper record-keeping is essential for legal and HR purposes. This
includes maintaining written performance evaluations, development plans, and any
agreements reached during performance discussions.
11. Employee Input: Many organizations, including Apple, value input from employees
during the performance appraisal process. Employees are encouraged to share their
career aspirations, feedback on their roles, and suggestions for improvement.

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