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Ease the Burdens on Your

Cybersecurity Team
Boost Your Cybersecurity Program with Tripwire ExpertOps

Why Tripwire
ExpertOps? Few industries have undergone as drastic a change in recent years as
cybersecurity. The proliferation of new types of cyberattacks, in addition
“Security teams shouldn’t to rapid progress in cloud computing and automation, sets organizations
overburden themselves by and agencies up to need more cybersecurity professionals than they
trying to do everything on can possibly find and retain given the shortage of qualified talent on the
their own. They can partner market.
with trusted vendors for
managed services or This leaves security managers, direc- cybersecurity talent on their teams, orga-
subscribe to service plans tors, and CISOs in a dangerous position nizations and agencies often leverage
where outside experts can if they place non-security IT profes- IT professionals with no cybersecurity
act as an extension of the sionals in security roles and hope for background into cybersecurity positions.
the best, as many organizations have
team.” done out of a lack of better options. One Overwhelmed Security Teams
solution organizations can turn to is a Small security teams are often overbur-
— Tim Erlin
managed service. It is possible to main- dened with managing complex security
Tripwire VP of Strategy tain powerful security operations with tools to handle their most important
small teams if you know where to look. responsibilities, like file integrity mon-
itoring (FIM), security configuration
Training and Retaining management (SCM), and vulnerability
Cybersecurity Staff management (VM). They often have too
many tools to manage and not enough
There simply aren’t enough cybersecurity
bandwidth to focus on strategic cyberse-
professionals to meet industry demand.
curity initiatives. When staff transitions,
In order to manage the shortage of
a lack of proficiency with security tools


makes for awkward and incomplete How to Evaluate Managed Services The Tripwire Expert will then tune and
hand-offs. Training new cybersecurity operate the solution and provide:
Once you’ve made the decision to seek
tool administrators can quickly become » Prescriptive policy and content
out a managed services solution, how do
a resource drain as well. guidance
you evaluate it to ensure that it meets all
of your criteria? What will the total cost » Recommendations for maximizing
Ineffective Security Operations of ownership be compared to keeping automation capabilities
The current threat landscape pits under- security operations in-house—and the » Prioritized remediation to reduce risk
prepared IT professionals against cyber hiring and training that would require? and efficiently improve compliance
adversaries that use sophisticated and
ever-evolving plans of attack. Not effec- Here are the most important consider-
tively leveraging the full capabilities of ations you must keep top-of-mind when » Organizational grading for visibility
security tools can lead to breaches going assessing the overall value of a man- into groups needing additional
undetected for months, costing organiza- aged services cybersecurity solution: resources and attention
tions and agencies untold resources. » Advanced FIM, SCM, and VM, with » Semi-annual CISO and executive
enforced policy compliance review of achievements and insight
How Managed Services Help » Advice, incident assistance and audit
into ongoing improvement
No organization or agency has the power support
to drastically alter the supply-to- Tripwire ExpertOps FIM & SCM
» A designated expert assigned to your Get the maximum security benefits of
demand ratio of qualified candidates in
team industry-leading FIM and SCM right
the cybersecurity industry. Managed
services can solve staffing and resource away with Tripwire ExpertOps SCM.
challenges within your organization, Tripwire ExpertOps Quickly achieve and ensure cyber
arming your team with the necessary Tripwire® ExpertOps SM provides a cloud- integrity across large heterogeneous
security expertise to thwart cyberat- based managed services model of the environments instead of sinking time
tacks and maintain optimal compliance industry’s best FIM, SCM, and VM, along and resources into training and admin-
configurations. with several other key foundational istering another tool. Stay aligned with
security controls. A single subscription frequently-changing compliance reg-
Consolidate Vendors and Tools includes both personalized consulting ulations with a comprehensive library
from trained experts and hands-on tool of policy and platform combination
If your security team is underprepared,
management to help you achieve and tests—all while providing auditors with
crowding their processes with too
maintain compliance and critical asset evidence of compliance and highly
many tools and vendors is not going
security. It provides stretched IT teams visible and actionable policy status
to help. Vendor and tool consolidation
an alternative to the difficult process of for security. Tripwire ExpertOps also
takes some time up front, but it’s well
purchasing, deploying, and maintaining includes options for cloud account
worth the effort to narrow your toolkit
products. configuration management via Tripwire
down to the products and services that
Configuration Manager, which moni-
actually help do the heavy lifting of Tripwire ExpertOps provides you with tors Amazon Web Services and Azure
security operations—rather than flood continuous staffing to operate and accounts using the Center for Internet
your team’s inboxes with unnecessary manage your Tripwire solution at peak Security (CIS) benchmarks.
notifications. efficiency. Your security team can per-
form at a much higher capacity thanks
Extend the Efficacy of to ongoing support, guidance, and cus-
Tripwire ExpertOps VM
Tripwire ExpertOps Vulnerability
Stretched Teams tomized reporting that adapts to meet
Management provides you with contin-
Less is more when it comes to using the organizational objectives.
uous staffing to deliver a cloud-hosted
resources of a stretched team wisely.
Your designated Tripwire Expert will managed services model for VM, includ-
Strategically implementing managed
serve as an extension of your team—no ing the lowest false-positive rate. And
services is the best way to get your
recruiting or training required. You’ll the solution adapts to your objectives:
security operations where they need to
receive prioritization of your team’s reports and profiling tasks are custom-
be. Rather than trying to recruit and train
work efforts and present progress to key ized to meet your organizational goals
in a scarce talent market, extend your
stakeholders within your organization. and priorities. You will regularly receive
team with a dedicated engineer from your expert guidance to ensure that your
security solutions vendor. This security-​ Together you will jointly develop a ser- environment is secure and that critical
as-a-service model means you’ll have an vice plan that outlines communication vulnerabilities are remediated.
expert who stays in sync with your team, practices, escalation procedures, and
offering customized advice for improve- any specialized requests.
ment every step of the way.
Tripwire ExpertOps Industrial Three Subscription Service Tiers Summary
IT/OT convergence is driving the need to Match Your Needs Many cybersecurity teams struggle with
for new security capabilities and a skills gap. It might be that your team
integrations. The breadth of new OT Essential is too small for their responsibilities, or
security tools adds to a security team’s Essential includes best-in-class FIM that you’re finding it difficult to attract,
already overburdened task of managing plus one standard policy, basic oper- train, and retain talent. Turnover is a
their environment. Tripwire ExpertOps ation, and monitoring. It also includes common problem, with organizations
Industrial is the managed services day-to-day maintenance of the Tripwire and agencies often losing skilled individ-
version of Tripwire Industrial Visibility. console and ensures that all scans are uals to new opportunities. Fortunately,
A single subscription provides person- executed on a predefined cadence for strategically selecting a comprehensive
alized consulting from trained experts clients that need this information. This managed services solution closes
as well as hands-on tool management tier provides day-to-day maintenance the skills gap and allows constrained
to help you achieve and maintain both of the console and managed nodes for teams to successfully run cybersecurity
compliance and critical asset security. clients that need change management, programs. Tripwire ExpertOps equips
compliance, and vulnerability informa- such teams with the advice and support
tion. This is ideal if you’re just getting needed to protect your data from cyber-
started with change management or attacks while maintaining regulatory
The Benefits of
compliance practices. compliance.
Tripwire ExpertOps
Tripwire ExpertOps saves Tripwire ExpertOps Advanced builds on Schedule Your Demo Today
organizations the additional the essentials with two standard poli- Let us take you through a demo of
costs of licenses, training, cies, custom app monitoring, additional Tripwire ExpertOps and answer
service requests, analysis, and Tripwire any of your questions.
and hardware, and Dynamic Software Reconciliation (DSR). Visit
can reduce total cost of Receive tactical tuning assistance to
ownership by 30 percent ensure the most important information
or more compared to a is highlighted for action. View custom-
ized reporting dashboards with detailed
typical Tripwire product analysis and results. In addition, this
deployment. Annual tier provides proactive risk monitoring
subscription pricing and assessment, dedicated problem
includes a base fee for resolution support, and vulnerability
remediation recommendations.
the service. For existing
customers, you no longer Advanced Plus
need to pay for support and The most robust and comprehensive
will receive a discounted Tripwire ExpertOps subscription also
subscription price. includes custom policies, process assis-
tance, and unlimited change requests,
as well as DSR and the Tripwire
Enterprise Integration Framework. With
Advanced Plus, an assigned program
coordinator will work with you to develop
an operational use plan with best
practice recommendations, as well as
assistance with change reconciliation
and prioritization of suggested remedi-
ation activities. This tier also provides
integrations with change management,
incident management, and configuration
management database (CMDB) tools.
Tripwire is the trusted leader for establishing a strong cybersecurity foundation. We protect the world’s
leading organizations against the most damaging cyberattacks, keeping pace with rapidly changing tech
complexities to defend against ever-evolving threats for more than 20 years. On-site and in the cloud,
our diverse portfolio of solutions find, monitor and mitigate risks to organizations’ digital infrastruc-
ture—all without disrupting day-to-day operations or productivity. Think of us as the invisible line that
keeps systems safe. Learn more at

The State of Security: News, trends and insights at

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©2022 Tripwire, Inc. Tripwire, LogCenter, IP360, Tripwire Axon and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tripwire, Inc. All other product and company names are
property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SBTXOMS2a 2204

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