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Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
____ 1. It is a study that focus in society.
a. Anthropology b. Society c. Sociology d. Zoology
____ 2. It refers to a group of people sharing a common culture within a defined territorial boundaries.
a. Society b. Culture c. Politics d. Community
____ 3. A belief that all cultures as equally complex.
a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Folkways d. Essentialism
____ 4. It is called the scientific study of patterned, shared human behaviour.
a. Anthropology b. History c. Sociology d. Psychology
____ 5. Which of the following are not examples of material culture?
a. Tools b. Economic Goods c. Attitudes d. Vehicles
____ 6. It consists of tangible things such as technological tools, architectural structures, fashion and accessories, and
a. Non-material Culture b. Folkways c. Cultural Shock d. Material Culture
____ 7. The following statement are the aspects of culture except
a. Shared and contested b. Cumulative
c. Patterned social interactions d. Transmitted through socialization
____ 8. The following are examples of non-material culture except one:
a. Behaviour b. Thoughts c. Feelings d. Artifacts
____ 9. It is called the totality of what man has learned as a member of society.
a. Politics b. Physiology c. Sociology d. Culture
____ 10. What do you call about judging other cultures by the standards of your own, assuming your own culture to
be the best.
a. Cultural Variation b. Enculturation c. Ethnocentrism d. Sociological Imagination
______11. It is the process of biological change occurring in a population across successive generations.
a. Evolution b. Culture c. Biology d. Sociology
______12. This specie is also known as the Handy Man”
a. Homo Erectus b. Homo Habilis c. Homo Sapiens d. Homo rudolfensis
______13. The earliest tool used by pre-human primates.
a. Spears b. Broken pebbles c. Gatling gun d. Arrows

______14. It refers to the period of flaked and polished stone implements.

a. Mesolithic b. Paleolithic c. Neolithic d. Marsupial period
______15. It refers to a high level of cultural and technological development of human beings.
a. Society b. Community c. Civilization d. Nation
______16. Types of societies that was organized along male-centered kinship groups.
a. Pastoral societies b. Horticultural societies c. Industrial societies d. Agricultural societies
______17. What does subsistence farming involve?
a. involves producing enough food to feed the group b. involves producing too much food for the
c. no food produced for the group d. none of the above
______18. The following are the cultural development of Paleolithic Age except one.
a. use of simple pebble tools b. learned to live in cage
c. discovered the use of fire d. food producing cultures
______19. This subspecies known as Cro-Magnon characterized to be anatomically modern humans lived in the last
Ice age in Europe.
a. Homo sapiens sapiens b. Homo habilis c. Homo erectus d. Homo floresiensis
______20. The following are characteristic of Post-industrial Societies except.
a. knowledge and information are the hallmarks of this society.
b. it is characterized by the spread of computer industries.
c. depends on specialized knowledge to bring about continuing
d. neighborhood is solid

II. Essay: (10 points)

Direction: In 200 words, write down your insights on “Tangkilikin ang sariling atin”. Refer on the Rubrics

Point Criteria
10 If the idea is original, the grammar is correct, and has clear thoughts.
8 If the idea is original and has clear thoughts.
6 Has clear ideas and explained it well.
4 The idea is relevant to the theme.
2 There is an idea.

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