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ILLUSTRATING ESSAY A JOURNEY BY AEROPLANE An air-journey is the fastest way of travelling.

It can also be very exciting, particularly if you have never travelled by air before. Last year, I was lucky enough to be able to travel by air from Singapore to London. We travelled by Singapore Airlines Boeing 747 which was to leave at 10.30 p.m. We reached the airport well in time and checked in before boarding the plane. As we entered the plane, I looked around excitedly. There were rows upon rows of cushioned, reclined seats. Fortunately, I got a seat near the window and settled myself comfortably. I looked out but could see nothing as it was dark outside. Soon the engine was started and there was a loud noise which kept on increasing. Then the plane started moving and I could see the lights of Singapore beneath me as they glittered like diamonds in the night. But afterwards there was nothing to see and I slept. When I woke up next morning we were flying over the sandy deserts of Arabia. After a few hours some greenery could be seen and then we were flying over the Mediterranean Sea which glittered in the sun. We could make out ships that looked very tiny indeed. Soon we had crossed the sea and were over Italy. The green fields looked very small and the roads were like threads. The rivers were only a little broader. Our first stop was at Rome, but we were not allowed to leave the plane. In about two hours time the plane took off again and we headed north towards the Alps. The mountains looked very different from the top, flat and not tall. It was a magnificent scene. I have never seen anything so beautiful clouds floated around us and the snowed-covered mountains flashed beneath us. At that moment it looked like some fairy land. All too soon we had crossed them and once again could see green fields and small towns beneath. The plane stopped at Orly airport in Paris for two hours and we were allowed to go up to the transit lounge. We bought a few picture-postcards and came back to our plane. London was only two hours from Paris, and this stretch was over very soon.

As the plane landed at Heathrow airport, London, I looked out feeling thrilled. It was raining, but nothing could dampen my spirits. One adventure was over, but another was about to begin. Organisation of essay The essay is well-organised. Everything that the writer went through along his journey from Singapore to London by aeroplane was arranged chronologically. This essay is started with a good introduction followed by well-elaborated body of paragraphs and ended with an excellent conclusion. Paragraphs This essay is paragraphed very well. The paragraphs are made at the suitable place and each of the paragraphs is connected coherently. All of the accounts during the journey by aeroplane were arranged in logical order. In addition, the unity among the sentences can be seen and the sentences are connected to topic sentences (main ideas). Thesis statement The thesis statement is stated clearly in this essay. The thesis statement of this essay is, Last year, I was lucky enough to be able to travel by air from Singapore to London. This sentence gives some hint to the readers that the writer is going to write about his experience and details on his journey by air to London. It also sums up all the points that will be elaborated in this essay. Topic sentences As this is a illustrating/descriptive essay, it does not have a topic sentence for every paragraphs. However, a clear topic sentence is stated in the introduction that is, It (an air-journey) can also be very exciting, particularly if you have never travelled by air before. All of the details given by the writer show that he enjoyed his flight which prove that from his point of view, an air-journey is very exciting.

Supporting details The writer provides enough supporting details for every point that he mentions. Anything that can be sensed by senses is portrayed vividly in the essay which supports the topic sentence. As the accounts are stated clearly, as the reader, I am able to imagine everything that the writer went through in his flight. Strengths I found that this illustrating essay was very interesting as the writer describe every event that he went through in details. In other words, he used imagery technique successfully. Consequently, I as the reader am able to imagine and feel the same way the writer did. Besides that, the writing style that was used by the writer is very attractive and made me wanted to finish reading this essay without a pause. Plus, the events along his journey by air were arranged smoothly and illustrated vividly. Weaknesses CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY BEGGING A SOCIAL EVIL Beggars are a common sight in a country like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. They are found at all crowded places, i.e., near temples, in markets, at railway stations and bus stops, etc. Many of them are hideously disfigured to arouse pity in people. Some are very persistent and annoying. They are known also to hurt curses and abuses at those who do not give them anything. They seem to have no self-respect as they whine and cajole others into paying them. Beggars belong to all age groups small children who learn to beg from the day they begin talking, able bodied young men, or tottering old men and women. Why do people beg? After all it is very degrading for anyone to have to beg. The first reason is poverty. Unemployment is so widespread in a country such as India that sometimes people cannot find work even if they want to. Hunger drives them to beg for their food. Later it becomes a habit.

But poverty is not the only reason for begging. Laziness is another. Many people find it easier to beg than to do honest work. This becomes obvious if you try offering work to a beggar. In fact, many beggars are actually very rich. Another reason is coercion. It is a shameful fact that many children are kidnapped, their hands and feet are cut off to arouse pity, then they are forced to beg and the money they get is snatched by gang leaders. Why people give alms to beggars? If people did not give money, no one would beg. Again, there are many reasons for this. A strong reason in India is the tradition that glorifies giving alms they are atoning for some of the sins they might have committed. Others give out of genuine feeling of compassion and still others who, faced with persistent begging, give them something just to get rid of them. Whatever may be the reason for giving alms, it encourages people to beg rather than work for their living. Beggary is a social evil, a symptom of a disease the society suffers from. It degrades human beings to the level of whining, whimpering parasites, robbing them of all vestiges of self-respect. Children born to such people imbibe wrong values and indulge in anti-social activities. They feel that there is nothing wrong in begging. Worst of all, it gives rise to trade in children. Harrowing tales are heard, even today, of children being kidnapped, maimed and forced to beg. In order to remove this blot on our society, the government can help a lot. The first step is to provide food, shelter and employment to beggars. Those who are not in a position to work should be put in a home and looked after. Giving and asking for alms should be banned by law. But nothing can be done unless beggars are assured of the basic necessities of life. Our society will indeed be benefited if the conditions responsible for the existence of this social evil are removed and these people are helped to stand on their own feet and do constructive, useful work. It would be a boon to the beggars too, for they would not have to bear insults any more, and will be able to hold their heads high in the society.

Organisation of essay This essay was written in an organised way. In the introduction, the writer states some facts on beggars and beggary. It catches readers attentions immediately once they read this essay. Next, in the second and third paragraphs, the writer elaborates on causes of beggary and each point was explained in details. I am attracted when the writer asked a question that is Why do people beg? before starting the second paragraph (first point). This question will give a hint to the readers that the writer is going to discuss on the causes of beggary. In the fifth paragraph, the writer point out the implications or effects of beggary towards society and innocent children who are forced to beg. This essay is ended with an excellent conclusion. Paragraphs The paragraphing was done very well. This essay consists of different aspects of beggary that are the causes, implications and ways to overcome it. Each aspect was written in different paragraph in an orderly manner. A new point is written in a new paragraph which makes it easier for reader to identify the new idea. Thesis statement

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