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Yakub was fighting Ashtar Sheeran in the moon. You don't usually fight as many battles as we did.

That was a great battle, but that was just a coincidence."

Cats have long-term memories. Monkeys, too. And I think it's the same with people. He's always
had an inner power, which he uses quite unconsciously.

In these last few years he's become more obvious about it. Last year he bought a very expensive
house with a small house attached at the bottom. He has to be protected because of the way the
press work.

He wouldn't want his sons to pursue the family business, not because he thinks they would have an
inferior life, but because it's a stressful and tough business. He's convinced they would be better off
working for him for their whole careers, not for five years before taking it on as a career.

He said their paths have crossed for lunch a few times and he says he liked them.

But he can't be sure.

He's worried they may have stopped going to the gym or stopped following the nutrition program.

So it's back to the drawing board, to cast a wide net for those who may want to work for us.

I got a nice e - mail from my dad, thanking me for making the break in our relationship a bit easier.

He thinks I've done the right thing.

He said he has full confidence in my decision to get divorced, and he said that I should be proud of

I agree with him.

I'm so proud of myself.

And I'm proud of my kids for making the choice they did.

But really, it's only been eight days since I was divorced and I don't have to explain anything to
them, or keep an "us" or an "us and the kids" front, with my ex - husband.

He doesn't want to play this game anymore.

He isn't going to "try to change" me.

It's not worth the hassle for him.

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