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Neurolinguistic Programming ( NLP) refers
to a training philosophy and set of training
techniques first developed by John
Grindler and Richard Brandler in the mid-
1970s as an alternative form of therapy.
Theory of language and learning
The Neuro Part of NLP → it is concerned with how we
experience the world through our five senses.
The Linguistic Part of NLP→ it is concerned with the way
we use language to represent the world to ourselves
The Programming Part of NLP→it is concerned with
training ourselves to think, speak, and act in new and
positive ways in order to release our potential
Four key principles lie at the heart of NLP
1. OUTCOMES; this principle can be expressed as "know what you want"
2. RAPPORT; this principle can be expressed as "establish rapport with
yourself and then with others"
3. SENSORY ACUITY; this principle can be expressed as "use your senses,
look at, listen to, feel what is actually happening "
4. FLEXIBILITY ; this principle can be expressed as "keep changing what
you do until you get what you want "
Revell and Norman present some presuppositions that
guide the application of NLP

1. Maid and body are interconnected

2. Knowing what you want, helps to get it.
3. The resources we need are within us.
4. All behaviour has a positive intention.
5. There is not failure, only feedback.
6. Modeling excellent behaviour leads to excellence
"If you want to be an excellent teacher model
excellent teachers"
- Look at what they do.
- How they act.
- What sort of relationship they have with their students.
- Position of them (your students).
- Put techniques and strategies into practice.
- Share modeling strategies with students
NLP principles can be applied to the teaching of all
aspects of language
For example, your task is to learn present perfect in English.
a) First, the students close their eyes.
b) they eat a biscuit.
c) The teacher ask; Notice the taste in your mouth? Notice how you feel
d) Students repeat, "I have eaten a biscuit"
e) Rathen, in the next class, they can link it with past simple saying
"yesterday, I ate a biscuit"
The NLP is not a language teaching method. It
does not consist of a set of techniques for
teaching a language. Rather, it is a humanistic
philosophy and a set of beliefs and suggestions
based on popular psychology
Tolaba Fernanda

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